The GOP Path to Prosperity — 6 TRILLION in Budget Cuts


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
Our budget cuts $6.2 trillion in spending from the president's budget over the next 10 years and puts the nation on track to pay off our national debt..:clap2:

Congress is currently embroiled in a funding fight over how much to spend on less than one-fifth of the federal budget for the next six months. Whether we cut $33 billion or $61 billion—that is, whether we shave 2% or 4% off of this year's deficit—is important. It's a sign that the election did in fact change the debate in Washington from how much we should spend to how much spending we should cut.

But this morning the new House Republican majority will introduce a budget that moves the debate from billions in spending cuts to trillions. America is facing a defining moment. The threat posed by our monumental debt will damage our country in profound ways, unless we act.

No one person or party is responsible for the looming crisis. Yet the facts are clear: Since President Obama took office, our problems have gotten worse. Major spending increases have failed to deliver promised jobs. The safety net for the poor is coming apart at the seams. Government health and retirement programs are growing at unsustainable rates. The new health-care law is a fiscal train wreck. And a complex, inefficient tax code is holding back American families and businesses.

Steve Moore has the details on Rep. Paul Ryan's plan to cut spending.
.The president's recent budget proposal would accelerate America's descent into a debt crisis. It doubles debt held by the public by the end of his first term and triples it by 2021. It imposes $1.5 trillion in new taxes, with spending that never falls below 23% of the economy. His budget permanently enlarges the size of government. It offers no reforms to save government health and retirement programs, and no leadership.

Paul Ryan: The GOP Path to Prosperity -
Destroying medicare is the path to prosperity? Not quite sure how sticking it to the people who don't fund republican campaigns is good for the country.

Increasing joblessness in the face of a fragile economy is the path to prosperity?

I hope Ryan gets smacked down.

Let me know when you want to talk about cutting military expenses.
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Destroying medicare is the path to prosperity?

Increasing joblessness in the face of a fragile economy is the path to prosperity?

I hope Ryan gets smacked down.

Let me know when you want to talk about cutting military expenses.

You obviously didn't read the editorial. I know this because I know you cannot read.
He specifically mentions implementing the cuts that Sec Gates has proposed.
Where do you see "destroying medicare" anywhere in there? The object here is to save medicare. The Dems are interested in destroying it by letting its costs get out of control. The GOP wants to save it by letting states take block grants and come up with their own solutions. An idea the Founders would have applauded, since they wanted gov't devolved to the lowest levels.
Destroying medicare is the path to prosperity?

Increasing joblessness in the face of a fragile economy is the path to prosperity?

I hope Ryan gets smacked down.

Let me know when you want to talk about cutting military expenses.

You obviously didn't read the editorial. I know this because I know you cannot read.
He specifically mentions implementing the cuts that Sec Gates has proposed.
Where do you see "destroying medicare" anywhere in there? The object here is to save medicare. The Dems are interested in destroying it by letting its costs get out of control. The GOP wants to save it by letting states take block grants and come up with their own solutions. An idea the Founders would have applauded, since they wanted gov't devolved to the lowest levels.

poor little pretend rabbi....

Destroying medicare is the path to prosperity? Not quite sure how sticking it to the people who don't fund republican campaigns is good for the country.

Increasing joblessness in the face of a fragile economy is the path to prosperity?

I hope Ryan gets smacked down.

Let me know when you want to talk about cutting military expenses.

That all you have? Talking points and demogougary? Figures.
Destroying medicare is the path to prosperity?

Increasing joblessness in the face of a fragile economy is the path to prosperity?

I hope Ryan gets smacked down.

Let me know when you want to talk about cutting military expenses.

You obviously didn't read the editorial. I know this because I know you cannot read.
He specifically mentions implementing the cuts that Sec Gates has proposed.
Where do you see "destroying medicare" anywhere in there? The object here is to save medicare. The Dems are interested in destroying it by letting its costs get out of control. The GOP wants to save it by letting states take block grants and come up with their own solutions. An idea the Founders would have applauded, since they wanted gov't devolved to the lowest levels.

poor little pretend rabbi....


Translation: No, I didnt read the editorial. But if it came from the GOP it must be no good. So I'll just substitute my own version of what I think the GOP is saying for what they are actually saying.

Are you pretending to be a lawyer or an economist today, counselor?
Giving people control over their own health care insurance decisions will not destroy Medicare. Off the top, this program should dramatically decrease fraud.

Kudos to Ryan - he is doing the yeoman's work on this mess.
Destroying medicare is the path to prosperity? Not quite sure how sticking it to the people who don't fund republican campaigns is good for the country.

Increasing joblessness in the face of a fragile economy is the path to prosperity?

I hope Ryan gets smacked down.

Let me know when you want to talk about cutting military expenses.

That all you have? Talking points and demogougary? Figures.

She isn't even any good at that.
Destroying medicare is the path to prosperity? Not quite sure how sticking it to the people who don't fund republican campaigns is good for the country.

Increasing joblessness in the face of a fragile economy is the path to prosperity?

I hope Ryan gets smacked down.

Let me know when you want to talk about cutting military expenses.

Let me know when Liberals want to cut do anything but the military and raise taxes (oh Obama Started another war don’t forget) everything has to be cut, Ryan proposes solutions, your sides push everything down the road, no solutions only demonization of people trying to do something about our SPENDING problems
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Destroying medicare is the path to prosperity?

Increasing joblessness in the face of a fragile economy is the path to prosperity?

I hope Ryan gets smacked down.

Let me know when you want to talk about cutting military expenses.

You obviously didn't read the editorial. I know this because I know you cannot read.
He specifically mentions implementing the cuts that Sec Gates has proposed.
Where do you see "destroying medicare" anywhere in there? The object here is to save medicare. The Dems are interested in destroying it by letting its costs get out of control. The GOP wants to save it by letting states take block grants and come up with their own solutions. An idea the Founders would have applauded, since they wanted gov't devolved to the lowest levels.

Why are the founders relevant?
Destroying medicare is the path to prosperity?

Increasing joblessness in the face of a fragile economy is the path to prosperity?

I hope Ryan gets smacked down.

Let me know when you want to talk about cutting military expenses.

You obviously didn't read the editorial. I know this because I know you cannot read.
He specifically mentions implementing the cuts that Sec Gates has proposed.
Where do you see "destroying medicare" anywhere in there? The object here is to save medicare. The Dems are interested in destroying it by letting its costs get out of control. The GOP wants to save it by letting states take block grants and come up with their own solutions. An idea the Founders would have applauded, since they wanted gov't devolved to the lowest levels.

Why are the founders relevant?

To the liberal they are not.. neither is the Constituion.:cuckoo:
Our budget cuts $6.2 trillion in spending from the president's budget over the next 10 years and puts the nation on track to pay off our national debt..:clap2:

I will believe it when I see it....

Ryan is an up and coming star. I wish him all the luck in the world. We need leaders like him.
I approve. Come on guys, buck up, let's get out of debt. It is going to take sacrifice, Obama himself said as much. Don't be scared. *pats the socialists on the head*
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You obviously didn't read the editorial. I know this because I know you cannot read.
He specifically mentions implementing the cuts that Sec Gates has proposed.
Where do you see "destroying medicare" anywhere in there? The object here is to save medicare. The Dems are interested in destroying it by letting its costs get out of control. The GOP wants to save it by letting states take block grants and come up with their own solutions. An idea the Founders would have applauded, since they wanted gov't devolved to the lowest levels.

Why are the founders relevant?

To the liberal they are not.. neither is the Constituion.:cuckoo:

You can't answer? Why are the founders relevant?
To the liberal they are not.. neither is the Constituion.:cuckoo:

perhaps it's more helpful to actually understand constitutional construction BEFORE making blanket comments about an entire group.

not that constitutional construction has any meaning to the rightwingnut appointees on the court and their minions.
The founders are relevant because they designed the fucking government, moron. If you don't think it is important to take them into consideration when going forward than by that logic you might as well drive through red lights because that law is really old. Get a grip. The founders got it right.
To the liberal they are not.. neither is the Constituion.:cuckoo:

perhaps it's more helpful to actually understand constitutional construction BEFORE making blanket comments about an entire group.

not that constitutional construction has any meaning to the rightwingnut appointees on the court and their minions.

Constitutional construction? Article --> Section --> Clause?
Really hard.
Ryan's idiocy is the same rightwing radical nonsense that the crackpots who surrounded Reagan in 1980 wanted to pull.

Economic freedom, personal responsibility, etc.

Conservatism is economic enslavement by the money interests. Do you think further privatizing healthcare where private for-profit interests have already inflated the cost of healthcare to all but intolerable levels is a formula for economic freedom? Do you think taking the oppressive cost of a grossly bloated defense budget off the table is a asset to economic freedom?

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