The GOP is not Conservative

Fuck Limbaugh...He's simply jumping on a Gravy Train so he can write a book about how he helped Trump win.
I consider myself a Fiscal Conservative and would never vote Democrat so Republicans are all I got. It would be nice to have a true Conservative running but they would never win.

Most people refuse to admit that the Federal has gotten to large and to powerful.
I consider myself a Fiscal Conservative and would never vote Democrat so Republicans are all I got. It would be nice to have a true Conservative running but they would never win.

Most people refuse to admit that the Federal has gotten to large and to powerful.

My problem is that I'm not that thrilled with ANY of the current political parties or how the whole political situation has become so partisan.

If anything, I consider myself to be a Constitutionalist. I believe that is the law of the land and was written in an amazingly clear and unambiguous manner. We need to elect official who are responsible to the PEOPLE.

Thus, while I disagree with some of his methods and words, I find myself with no option but to vote for The Donald.
I simply cannot call my vote as of yet. I see this race boiling down to the lesser of evils. The term you use, "Constitutionalist" is the base of my thinking also. Having said that, I often wonder what the Founding Fathers would take issue with in this day and age if they were able to comment on the Constitution. What, if anything would they see as needed change. Remember, the majority supported the change from a Confederated form of government to a Federal system and the resulting central power as opposed to States being the power. And of course, history has shown that States Rights have been eroded and nullified. Who am I to trust? Trump is a man of many colors. Cruz and Rubio are cut from government cloth. None of the rest, with the exception of perhaps Kasich, show any real promise. And I am concerned Trump may become a liability after such as Angela Merkel. After 8 years of losing with Obama, we cannot hardly have another 4/8 years of blundermanship. A "dupe" president we can survive, but we need to consider what will his Cabinet look like? What will Trump bring with him? He is an unknown with a big mouth and ego plus a sackful of money. He is also a deal breaker when things do not go his way. Vote I will, that is not in question, but rather, how is the question. "Read my lips, no new taxes" lingers in my mind.
"Conservative" is a philosophy; it can be "pure." "Republican" is a political organization; it must compromise occasionally to achieve the best outcomes, even if those compromises run contrary to the Conservative philosophy.

It would be the correct "Conservative" action to abolish Social Security, which is both unwise, economically, and blatantly unconstitutional. But any political party that even mentioned abolishing SS would cease to exist in a heartbeat.

Cruz is mainly "Conservative" in his positions on the issues, but he is a politician nonetheless, and goes along with those non-conservative programs and positions as are necessary to remain viable as a politician.

Bob Dole was, from all reports, a pretty nice and pretty smart guy. But his opinion on the ramifications of a Cruz victory are just the opinions of one other pretty smart guy - no more and no less.

Bob Dole is a relic.
Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz will choise respectively GOP after they win in 3+9 states.

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