The GOP Is Dying Off. Literally.


Senior Member
Mar 22, 2015
The Republican Party voter is old—and getting older, and as the adage goes, there are two certainties in life: Death and taxes. Right now, both are enemies of the GOP and they might want to worry more about the former than the latter.

The GOP Is Dying Off. Literally. - Daniel J. McGraw - POLITICO Magazine

If the GOP is actually dying off who is supposed to take their place?
Bipartisan system seems to be pretty stable and to some degree efficient. Without one major party though how are we supposed to make important political choices and shape the future of our nation in a competitive way? Pluralism of opinions and political stances shaped America as we know it. What would be the stimulus for Democratic party in a one-party state?
In the end the demolition of American conservatism is going to undermine the whole country.
Remember the good old days?

When there were actual "Conservatives" in the Republican party?
Who needs two parties? The first Congress didn't have them, as I understand.
This is a funny thread, liberals love to say the average age of faux news is like 89?

They so think 30,40,50, 60 year Olds today are not conservative and won't take their place, hell most of all of us were liberals at 18 ...then we grow up
Hmm, for a dying party they seem to be doing fine. They hold the Senate, the House, the majority of governorships, and the majority of state legislatures. I thought dead people could vote only in Chicago.
The democrat leadership is certainly dying off. There will be a sediment of sludge, the drug users and gang bangers, still democrat.
dimocraps that let what they want interfere with their perception of reality are what I call --Stupid.

I would hardly call this 'dying off'

U.S. Baby Boomers More Likely to Identify as Conservative


And as the younger generation matures, they will become more Conservative.

In fact, I'd say that dimocrap scum are in seriously deep trouble. For the youngest generation to be this close in the political gap?

Scary for dimocraps....

Oh -- Never mind. They'll just bring in more dependent illegals to take dimocrap jobs and put you on welfare.

What the hell...... dimocraps are lazy and worthless anyway
Well at least if they're dying off the reeducation camps of the future won't have to be so big.......... :eusa_whistle:

The GOP Is Dying Off. Literally.

You can lead the GOP to facts, but you can't make them accept them. Their voters even rejected their own analysis of why Romney lost because the party is too old, too white, too cozy with rich guys, and too racist. They've been told but we might as well just let them bang their heads against the wall. The party of stupid cannot be helped.
Good ole Stoopid Stuff, polluting us with her garbage daily.

The GOP isn't dying but they're so splintered and divided, they're even more useless than ever. What's left are anti-Americans who vote for the 1%.

If you look at R polls, not one of the candidates or potential candidates can manage to get even 20% of the votes. As long as it has that R behind its name, RWs will vote for anything that's against their best interests or the best interests of the country but they'll hold their nose while the do it

With all these "bade gateway" messages, this probably won't post.
Good ole Stoopid Stuff, polluting us with her garbage daily.

The GOP isn't dying but they're so splintered and divided, they're even more useless than ever. What's left are anti-Americans who vote for the 1%.

If you look at R polls, not one of the candidates or potential candidates can manage to get even 20% of the votes. As long as it has that R behind its name, RWs will vote for anything that's against their best interests or the best interests of the country but they'll hold their nose while the do it

With all these "bad gateway" messages, this probably won't post.
The GOP won the biggest mid term election in modern history just six months ago and lefties seem to have forgotten about it already. Is the left suffering from premature old age dementia. Is the sudden concern for the age of republican voters some sort of Alinsky plot to cover up the fact that Hillary is almost twice as old as the majority of the republican candidates?
The GOP won the biggest mid term election in modern history just six months ago and lefties seem to have forgotten about it already. Is the left suffering from premature old age dementia. Is the sudden concern for the age of republican voters some sort of Alinsky plot to cover up the fact that Hillary is almost twice as old as the majority of the republican candidates?
Recent wins, which were expected, or not, the numbers don't lie. Try being rational about them instead of being partisan.

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