The GOP is blowing it on the border issue

I put the blame on the people that are breaking our laws. That’s just me

Are you referring to the Trump administration or are we still ignoring that and just focusing on brown people?

Their ethnicity doesn't matter. The real problem is the amount of poor people we have in this country, and we're letting more in through our southern border. The left is stupid. Affording the social safety nets they want is already going to be a hat trick, but that's not enough. They want to let in even more poor people so the numbers are even more impossible. A social safety net won't work if there are too many people that need a slice.

Sometimes idealism just isn't logical. They think the world should work one way and don't stop to think "Can it though?"

If it were up to me the only people allowed to immigrate here would be financially independent people that won't need handouts. If you want to move here you need to give to America, not take from it.

Who are going to work all those jobs in the fields that no one else wants?
Just pointing out that as you villify poor people for wanting to come here for a better life, you live in a country built by poor people who came here for a better life. And slaves, but that’s another conversation.

Also shit changes. U.S taxpayers don't owe every poor person on Earth an opportunity.

And as TNHarley mentioned the game changes when you throw welfare into the equation.
Trump could say something like this:

"I condemn anyone, including those in my party, who attack the people who are desperate to come to America from South and Central America. The problem is not with them; it's with the so-called leaders of those countries who have allowed their countries to rot from corruption; it's with the American legislators who refuse to hold American companies legally accountable for hiring illegals; and it's with all of us for refusing to work together to solve this problem like reasonable adults.

"A family desperate to come to America should not be mocked or insulted. They just want to live in decency, they want to be able to take care of themselves and their families. They are truly victims of their home countries. Anyone who attacks them is part of the problem, not the solution."

Yeah. Something like that. Instead the party's loudest voices are the types of people we see here on USMB.

And of course, saying such a thing would get him sideways with Talk Radio, so don't hold your breath.
I think it's quite the opposite. The dems should be more clear that in some places fences or barriers would be a good idea. Other places, like in the middle of a fucking desert with no water or towns for 50 or more miles, walls make zero sense, and the money is better spent on real time air survellience and arresting the people when they are wandering. And drug dealers and rapists who want our women aren't going to be wandering in a fucking desert. But the dems should make the case.
So the GOP's message is great just the way it is?
If we suddenly see 70k people show up at the border and a humanitarian disaster ensues, I think the gop will benefit in border states.
Trump could say something like this:

"I condemn anyone, including those in my party, who attack the people who are desperate to come to America from South and Central America. The problem is not with them; it's with the so-called leaders of those countries who have allowed their countries to rot from corruption; it's with the American legislators who refuse to hold American companies legally accountable for hiring illegals; and it's with all of us for refusing to work together to solve this problem like reasonable adults.

"A family desperate to come to America should not be mocked or insulted. They just want to live in decency, they want to be able to take care of themselves and their families. They are truly victims of their home countries. Anyone who attacks them is part of the problem, not the solution."

Yeah. Something like that. Instead the party's loudest voices are the types of people we see here on USMB.

And of course, saying such a thing would get him sideways with Talk Radio, so don't hold your breath.

Didn’t Trump get elected by 30 states and 2,623 counties on a very aggressive “FUCK PIECE OF SHIT WETBACKS” message?
And you think it makes sense to tone that down huh? NEGATIVE

Tone it down or get flushed down the dustbin of history. Your choice.
He's a loser.
Who are going to work all those jobs in the fields that no one else wants?

Maybe farmers will have to pay a decent enough wage for Americans to do it.

Or they could buy one of these...

Unskilled farm laborers will be obsolete soon.
Trump could say something like this:

"I condemn anyone, including those in my party, who attack the people who are desperate to come to America from South and Central America. The problem is not with them; it's with the so-called leaders of those countries who have allowed their countries to rot from corruption; it's with the American legislators who refuse to hold American companies legally accountable for hiring illegals; and it's with all of us for refusing to work together to solve this problem like reasonable adults.

"A family desperate to come to America should not be mocked or insulted. They just want to live in decency, they want to be able to take care of themselves and their families. They are truly victims of their home countries. Anyone who attacks them is part of the problem, not the solution."

Yeah. Something like that. Instead the party's loudest voices are the types of people we see here on USMB.

And of course, saying such a thing would get him sideways with Talk Radio, so don't hold your breath.

Didn’t Trump get elected by 30 states and 2,623 counties on a very aggressive “FUCK PIECE OF SHIT WETBACKS” message?
And you think it makes sense to tone that down huh? NEGATIVE

Tone it down or get flushed down the dustbin of history. Your choice.

Embrace the Wetback invasion or else huh?
But but but....RUSSIA!
“The GOP better give this country to Mexico or else”...We’ve all heard that...right?

No, stupid. More like keep your ignorant bigoted opinions to yourself.
Trump could say something like this:

"I condemn anyone, including those in my party, who attack the people who are desperate to come to America from South and Central America. The problem is not with them; it's with the so-called leaders of those countries who have allowed their countries to rot from corruption; it's with the American legislators who refuse to hold American companies legally accountable for hiring illegals; and it's with all of us for refusing to work together to solve this problem like reasonable adults.

"A family desperate to come to America should not be mocked or insulted. They just want to live in decency, they want to be able to take care of themselves and their families. They are truly victims of their home countries. Anyone who attacks them is part of the problem, not the solution."

Yeah. Something like that. Instead the party's loudest voices are the types of people we see here on USMB.

And of course, saying such a thing would get him sideways with Talk Radio, so don't hold your breath.

Didn’t Trump get elected by 30 states and 2,623 counties on a very aggressive “FUCK PIECE OF SHIT WETBACKS” message?
And you think it makes sense to tone that down huh? NEGATIVE

Tone it down or get flushed down the dustbin of history. Your choice.
He's a loser.

Yep. Handle confirms it.
Trump could say something like this:

"I condemn anyone, including those in my party, who attack the people who are desperate to come to America from South and Central America. The problem is not with them; it's with the so-called leaders of those countries who have allowed their countries to rot from corruption; it's with the American legislators who refuse to hold American companies legally accountable for hiring illegals; and it's with all of us for refusing to work together to solve this problem like reasonable adults.

"A family desperate to come to America should not be mocked or insulted. They just want to live in decency, they want to be able to take care of themselves and their families. They are truly victims of their home countries. Anyone who attacks them is part of the problem, not the solution."

Yeah. Something like that. Instead the party's loudest voices are the types of people we see here on USMB.

And of course, saying such a thing would get him sideways with Talk Radio, so don't hold your breath.

Didn’t Trump get elected by 30 states and 2,623 counties on a very aggressive “FUCK PIECE OF SHIT WETBACKS” message?
And you think it makes sense to tone that down huh? NEGATIVE

Tone it down or get flushed down the dustbin of history. Your choice.
Thank goodness for freedom of expression.

I want to know if there are people like this out there, and there clearly are.
Didn’t Trump get elected by 30 states and 2,623 counties on a very aggressive “FUCK PIECE OF SHIT WETBACKS” message? And you think it makes sense to tone that down huh? NEGATIVE
And there ya go, gang.
He doesn’t speak for Trump, nor most conservatives.
This is why both ends of the spectrum need to start holding their own side more accountable.

We can easily point at people like this and say, "see?"
Trump could say something like this:

"I condemn anyone, including those in my party, who attack the people who are desperate to come to America from South and Central America. The problem is not with them; it's with the so-called leaders of those countries who have allowed their countries to rot from corruption; it's with the American legislators who refuse to hold American companies legally accountable for hiring illegals; and it's with all of us for refusing to work together to solve this problem like reasonable adults.

"A family desperate to come to America should not be mocked or insulted. They just want to live in decency, they want to be able to take care of themselves and their families. They are truly victims of their home countries. Anyone who attacks them is part of the problem, not the solution."

Yeah. Something like that. Instead the party's loudest voices are the types of people we see here on USMB.

And of course, saying such a thing would get him sideways with Talk Radio, so don't hold your breath.

Didn’t Trump get elected by 30 states and 2,623 counties on a very aggressive “FUCK PIECE OF SHIT WETBACKS” message?
And you think it makes sense to tone that down huh? NEGATIVE

Tone it down or get flushed down the dustbin of history. Your choice.
Thank goodness for freedom of expression.

I want to know if there are people like this out there, and there clearly are.

Around 30% of the population, if polls are an indicator. We need to trim some fat.
Who are going to work all those jobs in the fields that no one else wants?

Maybe farmers will have to pay a decent enough wage for Americans to do it.

Or they could buy one of these...

Unskilled farm laborers will be obsolete soon.

Or we could do welfare reform. Make the able bodied work.
I mean, if they dont care enough about thenselves to provide, why should i?
Lots of illustrations of my point on this thread.

When most minorities think of the GOP, it's these kinds of people and comments that they think of.

They clearly don't have the capacity to understand what I'm saying.
Yet, most minorities are fed the lie that most conservatives/gop feel that way. We can’t win in the media game, because they know if they actually reported the facts then they would lose their talking points, seeing as 95% of the media is left leaning.
Trump could say something like this:

"I condemn anyone, including those in my party, who attack the people who are desperate to come to America from South and Central America. The problem is not with them; it's with the so-called leaders of those countries who have allowed their countries to rot from corruption; it's with the American legislators who refuse to hold American companies legally accountable for hiring illegals; and it's with all of us for refusing to work together to solve this problem like reasonable adults.

"A family desperate to come to America should not be mocked or insulted. They just want to live in decency, they want to be able to take care of themselves and their families. They are truly victims of their home countries. Anyone who attacks them is part of the problem, not the solution."

Yeah. Something like that. Instead the party's loudest voices are the types of people we see here on USMB.

And of course, saying such a thing would get him sideways with Talk Radio, so don't hold your breath.

Didn’t Trump get elected by 30 states and 2,623 counties on a very aggressive “FUCK PIECE OF SHIT WETBACKS” message?
And you think it makes sense to tone that down huh? NEGATIVE

Tone it down or get flushed down the dustbin of history. Your choice.
You mean like how the Democrats toned it down?
Trump could say something like this:

"I condemn anyone, including those in my party, who attack the people who are desperate to come to America from South and Central America. The problem is not with them; it's with the so-called leaders of those countries who have allowed their countries to rot from corruption; it's with the American legislators who refuse to hold American companies legally accountable for hiring illegals; and it's with all of us for refusing to work together to solve this problem like reasonable adults.

"A family desperate to come to America should not be mocked or insulted. They just want to live in decency, they want to be able to take care of themselves and their families. They are truly victims of their home countries. Anyone who attacks them is part of the problem, not the solution."

Yeah. Something like that. Instead the party's loudest voices are the types of people we see here on USMB.

And of course, saying such a thing would get him sideways with Talk Radio, so don't hold your breath.

Didn’t Trump get elected by 30 states and 2,623 counties on a very aggressive “FUCK PIECE OF SHIT WETBACKS” message?
And you think it makes sense to tone that down huh? NEGATIVE

Tone it down or get flushed down the dustbin of history. Your choice.
He's a loser.

Yep. Handle confirms it.
The vast maj of illegal aliens show more grace that Loser shows ... but they are still illegal aliens. And being born here just makes one a citizen
Trump could say something like this:

"I condemn anyone, including those in my party, who attack the people who are desperate to come to America from South and Central America. The problem is not with them; it's with the so-called leaders of those countries who have allowed their countries to rot from corruption; it's with the American legislators who refuse to hold American companies legally accountable for hiring illegals; and it's with all of us for refusing to work together to solve this problem like reasonable adults.

"A family desperate to come to America should not be mocked or insulted. They just want to live in decency, they want to be able to take care of themselves and their families. They are truly victims of their home countries. Anyone who attacks them is part of the problem, not the solution."

Yeah. Something like that. Instead the party's loudest voices are the types of people we see here on USMB.

And of course, saying such a thing would get him sideways with Talk Radio, so don't hold your breath.

Didn’t Trump get elected by 30 states and 2,623 counties on a very aggressive “FUCK PIECE OF SHIT WETBACKS” message?
And you think it makes sense to tone that down huh? NEGATIVE

Tone it down or get flushed down the dustbin of history. Your choice.
You mean like how the Democrats toned it down?
I think you missed something there. LOL

But dems have not said they are muderers and rapists and some my be good people too.
Trump could say something like this:

"I condemn anyone, including those in my party, who attack the people who are desperate to come to America from South and Central America. The problem is not with them; it's with the so-called leaders of those countries who have allowed their countries to rot from corruption; it's with the American legislators who refuse to hold American companies legally accountable for hiring illegals; and it's with all of us for refusing to work together to solve this problem like reasonable adults.

"A family desperate to come to America should not be mocked or insulted. They just want to live in decency, they want to be able to take care of themselves and their families. They are truly victims of their home countries. Anyone who attacks them is part of the problem, not the solution."

Yeah. Something like that. Instead the party's loudest voices are the types of people we see here on USMB.

And of course, saying such a thing would get him sideways with Talk Radio, so don't hold your breath.

Didn’t Trump get elected by 30 states and 2,623 counties on a very aggressive “FUCK PIECE OF SHIT WETBACKS” message?
And you think it makes sense to tone that down huh? NEGATIVE

Tone it down or get flushed down the dustbin of history. Your choice.
You mean like how the Democrats toned it down?

Democrats are talking way too much shit these days as well. That's what I mean. You know this is what I mean. Do you think playing the stupid card elevates your cause? Can you have one political conversation without using whataboutism? No. That's why you're a useless winger.
Didn’t Trump get elected by 30 states and 2,623 counties on a very aggressive “FUCK PIECE OF SHIT WETBACKS” message? And you think it makes sense to tone that down huh? NEGATIVE
And there ya go, gang.
He doesn’t speak for Trump, nor most conservatives.
You might want to see who actually does speak for the Democrats.

Literally every actual moderate in the US votes Republican already. There is nothing to be gained by placating to Mac’s ignorance and bias.

If this were the 80s and Democrats did the shit they regularly do now every single college would vote overwhelmingly Republican. UC Berkeley would be dark red.

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