The Gay Mafia

I hope you realize that cartoon isn't supportive of Chik fil A.

Can someone answer this question?

Why can't gays exercise their right to free speech?

Free speech?

The point of this thread is that some Gays are trying to squash people's freedom of speech.

Actually, A LOT of gays. They scream for the intolerant to be tolerant while they are intolerant themselves. Frankly, I find myself rapidly moving from FenceSitter leaning neither left or right, to begin to fall right. And you can lay that on the angry gay folks who DEMAND we accept their lifestyle OR ELSE.

Nobody is demanding you accept anything. Nobody forced you to open a business in a state or locality with public accommodation laws that ALSO protect "the gheys" from discrimination.
But they ARE forcing heterosexuals to accept their lifestyle. If someone opens a business, they have a right to refuse service to anyone. Or shoudl be able to. Forcing someone to conduct said business that is against their will is intolerant..while those who scream for tolerance drums them out of business. If gays want to open a shop and refuse service to heterosexuals, then they should be able to.
The question does one know the sexual preference of heterosexuals if they are alone while shopping at the business? And how does one know someone is gay if they are alone? They don't. Unless it is announced by the individual, right? I don't see straights screaming HEY I AM STRAIGHT. But I sure see a shitload of gays screeching HEY I'M GAY SO SERVE ME OR YOU ARE A BIGOT AND I WILL CRUSH YOU!

Right? Yep. Right. Even my gay friends cringe with that shit going on. For every step forward, some screecher pushes it all back 3 steps.
and? there are groups these days for everything. Minorities controlling things with the power of whine.

But that being said if you make a statement out in public for the public to listen to. This includes facebook if you dont make your posts private. Then you can't go crying when the reaction is negative. There is consequences for your actions.

Call an Asian a yellow gook bastard Or declare that Blacks and other minorities inferior and shouldn't shop where you shop. Then get ready to be labeled a racist.

This is where people really dont understand Political correctness and freedom of speech. Phil, this veg lady still have the right to speak their mind and they are protected. What they can't be protected from is people reactions ( non-violent) I have the right to vote,speak,protest, and lobby to have you fired under my 1st amendment rights. Doesnt make me right, but i have that freedom in the end of day. Its up to the public and the company ( if there is one like A&E ) to listen or ignore me.

Most of the time if you ignore people like Phil the issue goes away within a day or two.

The Mozilla CEO caught hell for a donation he made years ago before he became CEO.

These people are combing the internet for ways to attack anyone that dares to be conservative or profess conservative viewpoints.

nobody held a gun to his head to donate, and Modzilla is a private business who decided they didn't need his services. That is the consequences for his actions.

You know for a party that constantly talks about Personal responsibility, you sure as hell hate applying it to these situations. I mean i know there is a need to be a partisan hack but you would think you would try to be 100% on one topic.

The problem is its blackmale by these groups. Most people dont have the time or money to fight it so the cave, its li,e lawsuits, same thing.

but since whe did liberals start saying, well, a company can do as it pleases, no laws to prevent people from getting sacked? Since when?..
Free speech?

The point of this thread is that some Gays are trying to squash people's freedom of speech.

Actually, A LOT of gays. They scream for the intolerant to be tolerant while they are intolerant themselves. Frankly, I find myself rapidly moving from FenceSitter leaning neither left or right, to begin to fall right. And you can lay that on the angry gay folks who DEMAND we accept their lifestyle OR ELSE.

Nobody is demanding you accept anything. Nobody forced you to open a business in a state or locality with public accommodation laws that ALSO protect "the gheys" from discrimination.

And noone forced you to be gay, so you should live with the consequences
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The Mozilla CEO caught hell for a donation he made years ago before he became CEO.

These people are combing the internet for ways to attack anyone that dares to be conservative or profess conservative viewpoints.

nobody held a gun to his head to donate, and Modzilla is a private business who decided they didn't need his services. That is the consequences for his actions.

You know for a party that constantly talks about Personal responsibility, you sure as hell hate applying it to these situations. I mean i know there is a need to be a partisan hack but you would think you would try to be 100% on one topic.

The problem is its blackmale by these groups. Most people dont have the time or money to fight it so the cave, its li,e lawsuits, same thing.

but since whe did liberals start saying, well, a company can do as it pleases, no laws to prevent people from getting sacked? Since when?..

^thinks about black males.
He resigned because he felt it would be better for the shareholders. It was all very capitalist.

That is all you need to tell yourself.
Actually, A LOT of gays. They scream for the intolerant to be tolerant while they are intolerant themselves. Frankly, I find myself rapidly moving from FenceSitter leaning neither left or right, to begin to fall right. And you can lay that on the angry gay folks who DEMAND we accept their lifestyle OR ELSE.

Nobody is demanding you accept anything. Nobody forced you to open a business in a state or locality with public accommodation laws that ALSO protect "the gheys" from discrimination.
And noone forced you to be gay

who forced you to think about black males?
nobody held a gun to his head to donate, and Modzilla is a private business who decided they didn't need his services. That is the consequences for his actions.

You know for a party that constantly talks about Personal responsibility, you sure as hell hate applying it to these situations. I mean i know there is a need to be a partisan hack but you would think you would try to be 100% on one topic.

The problem is its blackmale by these groups. Most people dont have the time or money to fight it so the cave, its li,e lawsuits, same thing.

but since whe did liberals start saying, well, a company can do as it pleases, no laws to prevent people from getting sacked? Since when?..

^thinks about black males.


Deceleration Alert!! Deceleration Alert!!!

But they ARE forcing heterosexuals to accept their lifestyle. If someone opens a business, they have a right to refuse service to anyone. Or shoudl be able to. Forcing someone to conduct said business that is against their will is intolerant..while those who scream for tolerance drums them out of business. If gays want to open a shop and refuse service to heterosexuals, then they should be able to.
The question does one know the sexual preference of heterosexuals if they are alone while shopping at the business? And how does one know someone is gay if they are alone? They don't. Unless it is announced by the individual, right? I don't see straights screaming HEY I AM STRAIGHT. But I sure see a shitload of gays screeching HEY I'M GAY SO SERVE ME OR YOU ARE A BIGOT AND I WILL CRUSH YOU!

Right? Yep. Right. Even my gay friends cringe with that shit going on. For every step forward, some screecher pushes it all back 3 steps.

Is your life a "lifestyle"?
Or is it who you are?
The Mozilla CEO caught hell for a donation he made years ago before he became CEO.

These people are combing the internet for ways to attack anyone that dares to be conservative or profess conservative viewpoints.

nobody held a gun to his head to donate, and Modzilla is a private business who decided they didn't need his services. That is the consequences for his actions.

You know for a party that constantly talks about Personal responsibility, you sure as hell hate applying it to these situations. I mean i know there is a need to be a partisan hack but you would think you would try to be 100% on one topic.

The problem is its blackmale by these groups. Most people dont have the time or money to fight it so the cave, its li,e lawsuits, same thing.

but since whe did liberals start saying, well, a company can do as it pleases, no laws to prevent people from getting sacked? Since when?..

The deviance here is that of reactionary cultural fascists of the far right to deny their follow citizens marriage equality.

But it's not true equality.

If it was everyone could get married to anyone or anything we choose.

Still can't marry your brother or sister or both.

You bastards won't even let me marry as many girls as I'm able to support, fucken bigots.......

The bolded is not true. You cannot legally marry your horse or a four year old child.

You can marry all the women you want, buddy, for all I care, but it is not legal. Yet.
I have far from a prune face, so double check your whisperers, asshole. I don't know how old you are but you sound like someone extremely old that is constantly constipated.
Try jerking off more than you usually do as you spank that monkey as you berate on things you know nothing about. I know it gives you a woody.

the info about the prune face, that was comprised in your pathetic attempt to flame.

keep it coming, i like to see morons flail.



Yes, really!!!

I hope you realize that cartoon isn't supportive of Chik fil A.

Can someone answer this question?

Why can't gays exercise their right to free speech?

Exercise the hell out of it. Chick Fil A is doing just fine. Guess the "Fag Mafia" is no big deal after all....

That publicity made them the number one chicken place in the US. Good going!! :lol:

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