The Gay, Chik-Fil-A, and the Easily Led.....


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY much static about the Chik-Fil-A kerfluffle.....

I wonder if any have considered that the pro-gay marriage issue is 99% fabrication by the Leftist elites to keep the less mentally endowed at a low boil for purposes of re-electing the pretender in the people's house?

Could it be a made up issue....not really a high priority to gay folks....only to the chest-thumping "see-what-a-good-person-I-am" folks???

Well yes, it could.

Let's see....
There is no societal impetus....

In some 37 elections, it's been rejected about....37 times...

The folks who really, really want it are the folks who are using it to bash religion. The Chik-Fil-A thing pretty much proves that....after all the chain doesn't refuse service or hiring of gays..... coin a phrase...'Where's the beef'?

Gay? They're riled up about the company?? Think so???

Well...must be 'cause they had that big "Gay Kiss-In" at the restaurants...right?


1. "This was billed as the greatest protest since Occupy Wall Street. Thousands of scantily clad gay men and lesbians said they’d lock lips in a coast-to-coast red-hot make-out session.

2. They were to blast anti-gay-marriage comments made by Chick-fil-A CEO Dan Cathy. But gays preferred staying home to watch “The Real Housewives of New Jersey.”

3. Tumbleweeds could have rolled through the Paramus Park Mall in New Jersey yesterday as a symbol for the lack of stamina in the national kissing campaign.From Georgia to California, protests drew yawns, not saliva.Even in Atlanta, the home of Chick-fil-A, only two dozen kissers showed up. And there was a similar lack of necking in Chicago, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and San Francisco.

4. At NYU, ...Just three pairs of guys kissed on the street.

5. So much for the kiss-fest.

6. This aged mall of dwindling splendor, where brow threading competes with bedazzlers, was supposed to be swarmed by thousands of folks protesting Cathy’s comments: “We are very much supportive of the family — the Biblical definition of the family unit. We are a family-owned business, a family-led business, and we are married to our first wives.”

7. One disappointed by the smooch fiasco was Curtis Sliwa. The radio talker and Guardian Angel has been urging people to come out and eat.“I was here to realize every male fantasy — watching lesbians kiss,” he said. “Now I get to buy a spicy chicken sandwich and waffle fries.“I’m disappointed.”

8. You’re not the only one."
Peyser: Chick-fil-A kiss-off lays a giant egg -

Here's the best line from the article:
They were to blast anti-gay-marriage comments made by Chick-fil-A CEO Dan Cathy. But gays preferred staying home to watch “The Real Housewives of New Jersey.”

So what have we learned?

That the simpletons that the Leftist elites count on as reliable voters are easily led...

....even if there is no real crisis, and the supposed victims couldn't care less.
Can someone call 'rahm'?

You've been used again, Lefties...
Carry on, dim-wits.
Here are two of the fat ugly lesbians kissing....yuck!!


.....losers gonna lose..
Here are two of the fat ugly lesbians kissing....yuck!!


.....losers gonna lose..'s Monday, Zander.....

I wonder if the folks who are upset about Chik-Fil-A realize that the gay folks don't care....and begin to wonder why they do.....

Used by the Left.

If the left cooked up this controversy to use as a kind of taking the public temperature in preparation for putting same sex marriage in their platform, they learned something didn't they?
If the left cooked up this controversy to use as a kind of taking the public temperature in preparation for putting same sex marriage in their platform, they learned something didn't they?

Sadly, no....the Left is nothing if not patient.

The Progressive era has lasted a hundred years....and although Obama will be the coda....the neo-Marxists will bide their time until the public begins to slumber once again.

"It is the common fate of the indolent to see their rights become a prey to the active. The condition upon which God hath given liberty to man is eternal vigilance; which condition if he break, servitude is at once the consequence of his crime and the punishment of his guilt."
John Philpot Curran in a speech upon the Right of Election in 1790 (published in a book titled "SPeeches on the late very interesting State trials" in 1808).

Just as the marketing geniuses of these subversives have created an up-until-now non-existent societal "need," i.e., gay marriage.... will hardly be the last attempt they will create to innervate the hard of thinking.
Chick-Fil-A's Support Prompts Two Gay Groups To Withdraw From New Hampshire Pride Fest

Nashua Patch | By Dan Tuohy Posted: 08/09/2012

Two LGBT groups from Massachusetts have withdrawn from the NH Pride Fest this Saturday, citing what they called the event organizer's promotion of the Chick-fil-A brand.

Their decision, announced Thursday, is related to the owner of the Chick-fil-A in Nashua expressing support for NH Pride Fest and his donation of food for the event at Veterans Park in Manchester.


Chick-Fil-A's Support Prompts Two Gay Groups To Withdraw From New Hampshire Pride Fest
Chick-Fil-A's Support Prompts Two Gay Groups To Withdraw From New Hampshire Pride Fest

Nashua Patch | By Dan Tuohy Posted: 08/09/2012

Two LGBT groups from Massachusetts have withdrawn from the NH Pride Fest this Saturday, citing what they called the event organizer's promotion of the Chick-fil-A brand.

Their decision, announced Thursday, is related to the owner of the Chick-fil-A in Nashua expressing support for NH Pride Fest and his donation of food for the event at Veterans Park in Manchester.


Chick-Fil-A's Support Prompts Two Gay Groups To Withdraw From New Hampshire Pride Fest

Well....they have the right not to participate....

..but how do you like this:

"DALLAS (CBSDFW.COM) - The controversy over Chick-Fil-A may now have impacted the Dallas Police Department.

CBS 11 has learned a Dallas Police Sergeant brought a sandwich from the embattled restaurant chain to work with him last Wednesday, August 1, a day known around the country as Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day.

When the Sergeant arrived at his post at the Southeast patrol, words were exchanged between himself and two female officers....The DPA points out the two female officers happen to be homosexuals.

The association says what concerns them most is that before the internal investigation into the matter was resolved the sergeant was moved to a midnight shift at the Lew Sterret Justice Center, which the association views as punishment."
Dallas Police Sergeant Left Holding Bag Over Chick-Fil-A Sandwich « CBS Dallas / Fort Worth

Think the Department of Injustice will be looking into the action against the sergeant?
"Chick-Fil-A Celebrates Pride Month By Serving Delicious Chicken Sandwiches To Everyone Just Like All The Other Months
June 12th, 2019

U.S.—Chick-Fil-A restaurants are celebrating the LGBT pride movement all month long by serving delicious chicken sandwiches to everyone without discriminating.

Restaurant spokespeople didn't even announce the program. They just kept serving chicken sandwiches, offering customers a good value for their money, and providing stellar customer service. When asked about their Pride Month plans, a spokesperson shrugged and said, "Uh, just come in and have some food and we'll give it to you at a reasonable price and make sure you have a positive experience. We won't even ask about your orientation. So, uh, yeah. We'll keep doing what we do."

"It's kinda weird," said one gay customer. "Their logo isn't a rainbow on social media. They don't have any special signage telling me that I'm special. But all the same, I walked in, they happily served me food, and I went on my way."

"I'm not sure if I should be offended or impressed," he added, shrugging. "I guess I'll have to go back and get some more nuggets as I think over my feelings about this unique way to celebrate Pride Month."

After Pride Month is over, the restaurant will reportedly just keep serving excellent food."
Chick-Fil-A Celebrates Pride Month By Serving Delicious Chicken Sandwiches To Everyone Just Like All The Other Months

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