The Future of America

Democrats have the mainstream media heavily working for them. They have a demographic advantage with several ethnical minorities becoming a bigger slice of the electorate every day. They have also most of the teachers and celebrities on their side. And they are seen by most of the people in the world as smart, inteligent, cool, modern people, while republicans are considered backwards and dangerous lunatics.

As a matter of fact they would be an invincible force if it weren't for one little thing: the policies they pursue can't bring good results. Right now, the economy is sinking, the pandering to the anti American groups (such as muslims) doesn't do anything to diminish their hatred and fanatism. It's too much "special effects" and too little substance. At some point the majority will get sick of it.

When Barack Obama was elected he was considered by a lot of people as the savior of the world. Almost four years after, he's struggling to win a second term and certainly is nowhere near as popular as he was. The media still heavilly supports him, but the comon people see the actual results and they feel frustrated.
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The agenda is corrupt and now being exposed. Its wrong for america.

Jump on board the freedom train! Republicans for america..... Yup!

Oh, obby's foreign policy along with our poor economy, his outed socialist agenda and the debates will bury his muslim - communist - fony black ass once and for all!
Polls are changing fast now! Yeah!!
Romney's gonna call him out.. can't wait to see the media morons faces when Obby pee's himself on national television!~ dah,ahh,humm, buubuubuu dah. That Skank Communist Prick. Get the fuck outta my country!
Obama can't deal with the truth - he is an abysmal failure with no leadership capabilities.
If Romney wins and the right wing takes Congress we'll have a capitalist plutocracy that exists only for those making more than a million per year. Those lucky enough to be in the middle class will be basically slave labor, while the poor, disabled, and elderly will be left to their own devices, ultimately dying in the streets. Women will be reduced to second class citizens. Sharia christianity will replace the Constitution, they're already brainwashing their base into believing that this is a "christian" country. They'll instill the austerity measures that they've been crying for, the very same measures that have sent Europe into a depression.

If Romney wins, the USA is FUBARed
After Romney's two terms in the White House, I suspect this will be the president the succeeds him starting in 2020. This man will be the next GREAT leader in American history.

And one of the best parts? What are the idiot liberal dumbocrats going to yell when they won't have racism to use as a weapon because the GOP candidate is a black man... :lol:

Read the Scathing ?Angel of Death? Comment Allen West Says Obama Should Have Delivered |

What happened?
After Romney's two terms in the White House, I suspect this will be the president the succeeds him starting in 2020. This man will be the next GREAT leader in American history.

And one of the best parts? What are the idiot liberal dumbocrats going to yell when they won't have racism to use as a weapon because the GOP candidate is a black man... :lol:

Read the Scathing ?Angel of Death? Comment Allen West Says Obama Should Have Delivered |

What happened?

Trolling troll is trollin hard today eh?

How dull is your pathetic life that you dig through archived posts to belittle others?
Even considering that he still might magically win a first term, a second term would be out of the question with the nation mired in another no-win war in Iran, poor people literally dying in the streets for lack of healthcare and destitute old people wandering the woods.

After even just one Romney term, the country would cry out for the kind of leadership this woman can offer. And, I'd like to see how the right would spin her as an enemy of Israel!

Debbie Blabbermouth Schultz?
She's farther to the left than Obama.
Even considering that he still might magically win a first term, a second term would be out of the question with the nation mired in another no-win war in Iran, poor people literally dying in the streets for lack of healthcare and destitute old people wandering the woods.

After even just one Romney term, the country would cry out for the kind of leadership this woman can offer. And, I'd like to see how the right would spin her as an enemy of Israel!

What are you talking about?!?

First of all, Debbie Wasserman Schultz is being thrown out by her own party. Obama and others have asked her to step down because she is HATED by the entire nation - including those on the left.

Second, where to you get "another" no-win war with Iran? Where was the first "no-win" war?!?! Was it WWI? No, we won that. WWII? No, we won that. Gulf War? No, we won that. Iraq war? No, we won that (freed Iraq, handed it over to the people, AND captured Saddam Hussein). Afghanistan war? No, we won that (removed the Taliban from power AND killed Osama Bin Laden). You can't faslely identify a war as "no-win" just because you're a gutless coward who can't stomach any conflict that requires more than 4 and a half hours to complete.

Third, even if people were "dying in the streets due to a lack of healthcare" :)rofl:), how the fuck is that the responsibility of the federal government anyway?!?! Oh that's right, it's not :)lol:).

Fourth, if there are "destitute old people wondering in the woods", that's their fault for not planning properly, not living properly, and it's their familiy & friends fault for not being there for them. Again, another issue that has NOTHING to do with federal government, Mitt Romney, or Allen West.

Are we having a little problem staying on topic today Oldguy??? Based on your posts, I'm wondering if your destitute old mind isn't wondering in the woods right now... :rofl:

You are attempting debate with Obama sycophants. Futile.
Even considering that he still might magically win a first term, a second term would be out of the question with the nation mired in another no-win war in Iran, poor people literally dying in the streets for lack of healthcare and destitute old people wandering the woods.

After even just one Romney term, the country would cry out for the kind of leadership this woman can offer. And, I'd like to see how the right would spin her as an enemy of Israel!

What are you talking about?!?

First of all, Debbie Wasserman Schultz is being thrown out by her own party. Obama and others have asked her to step down because she is HATED by the entire nation - including those on the left.

Second, where to you get "another" no-win war with Iran? Where was the first "no-win" war?!?! Was it WWI? No, we won that. WWII? No, we won that. Gulf War? No, we won that. Iraq war? No, we won that (freed Iraq, handed it over to the people, AND captured Saddam Hussein). Afghanistan war? No, we won that (removed the Taliban from power AND killed Osama Bin Laden). You can't faslely identify a war as "no-win" just because you're a gutless coward who can't stomach any conflict that requires more than 4 and a half hours to complete.

Third, even if people were "dying in the streets due to a lack of healthcare" :)rofl:), how the fuck is that the responsibility of the federal government anyway?!?! Oh that's right, it's not :)lol:).

Fourth, if there are "destitute old people wondering in the woods", that's their fault for not planning properly, not living properly, and it's their familiy & friends fault for not being there for them. Again, another issue that has NOTHING to do with federal government, Mitt Romney, or Allen West.

Are we having a little problem staying on topic today Oldguy??? Based on your posts, I'm wondering if your destitute old mind isn't wondering in the woods right now... :rofl:

You really don't keep up with current events, political campaigns, party platforms or history very well do you?

Or, do you simply have a reading comprehension problem?

Comprehension of WHAT?!!!
That because you fawn over Blabbermouth Schultz, that settles it? The presidential race is over?
Under the influence which controlled substance are you?
Why do trolls always think that they are not trolls?

While on your way to softball practice with the ten years olds, ask yourself that question.'s the dude who lies about being a baseball coach! Of all the dumb things to lie about!

How's your life goin'? are debating a post that is 8 months old. How dumb are you.

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