The FOXNEWS Is So Despicable Thread


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
There's just so many evidence, and more mounting by the minute that I might as well create on where all the instances can be compiled in one place.

I'll start with this one. A case of where the FOXNEWS is one and the same with the GOP/Republican Party.

Here is Elaine Chao, Heritage Foundation Distinguished Fellow, Fox News Contributor, News Corp Director and Romney staffer:

Fox Hires Romney Advisers To Attack Obama – Fails To Disclose They Work For Romney’s Campaign | Addicting Info

Nice line from the article...

Fox and the G.O.P. have a relationship so close they finish each others sentences. Hell, they write each others sentences. But with the Romney campaign, News Corp has basically absorbed it. From the outside it’s impossible to say which entity is in charge of hiring the others staff; in truth, they are one and the same.

If these people didn't lie...they'd have nothing to say.

The FOXNEWS Is So Despicable Thread


There's just so many evidence, and more mounting by the minute that I might as well create on where all the instances can be compiled in one place.

Somewhere, there is a teacher of english grammar who just rolled over in her grave.


The owners of Fox News.
Why is the radical left always whining about fair and balanced news coverage? CBS should be shut down and indicted for trying to influence a presidential election with forged documents but the radical left thinks it's biased coverage is the norm and fair and balanced coverage is biased. The world is upside down in the liberal mind. Everyone should know that by now.
Why is the radical left always whining about fair and balanced news coverage? CBS should be shut down and indicted for trying to influence a presidential election with forged documents but the radical left thinks it's biased coverage is the norm and fair and balanced coverage is biased. The world is upside down in the liberal mind. Everyone should know that by now.
Whenever TheFOXNEWS fires just ONE of their lying staff, or at least reprimands them, then you can talk. Mmmm'kay....!?!?
There's just so many evidence, and more mounting by the minute that I might as well create on where all the instances can be compiled in one place.

I'll start with this one. A case of where the FOXNEWS is one and the same with the GOP/Republican Party.

Here is Elaine Chao, Heritage Foundation Distinguished Fellow, Fox News Contributor, News Corp Director and Romney staffer:

Fox Hires Romney Advisers To Attack Obama – Fails To Disclose They Work For Romney’s Campaign | Addicting Info

Nice line from the article...

Fox and the G.O.P. have a relationship so close they finish each others sentences. Hell, they write each others sentences. But with the Romney campaign, News Corp has basically absorbed it. From the outside it’s impossible to say which entity is in charge of hiring the others staff; in truth, they are one and the same.

If these people didn't lie...they'd have nothing to say.


Um, George Stephanopolous is Clinton's former campaign director. Half the staffers in the major news programs used to work for Democrat politicians.
Let's see... Fox News is for the Republicans. CNN, NBC, ABC, MSNBC, and all the newspapers are all for the Democrats. Doesn't seem very fair and balanced to me.
There's just so many evidence, and more mounting by the minute that I might as well create on where all the instances can be compiled in one place.

I'll start with this one. A case of where the FOXNEWS is one and the same with the GOP/Republican Party.

Here is Elaine Chao, Heritage Foundation Distinguished Fellow, Fox News Contributor, News Corp Director and Romney staffer:

Fox Hires Romney Advisers To Attack Obama – Fails To Disclose They Work For Romney’s Campaign | Addicting Info

Nice line from the article...

Fox and the G.O.P. have a relationship so close they finish each others sentences. Hell, they write each others sentences. But with the Romney campaign, News Corp has basically absorbed it. From the outside it’s impossible to say which entity is in charge of hiring the others staff; in truth, they are one and the same.

If these people didn't lie...they'd have nothing to say.


Ah, Marc? Those people are FOX News "contributors". As such they are brought on the network to provide a certain viewpoint. Bob Beckel is a FOX News contributor as is Juan Williams and Alan Colmes. Do you people REALLY have such a problem with other viewpoints other than yours being put forward that you want the ONLY conservative news outlet put out of business? Is that what will make you happy? Nothing to pollute the non stop progressive love fest that's been going on with the rest of the Main Stream Media for the better part of two decades?
Ah, Marc? Those people are FOX News "contributors". As such they are brought on the network to provide a certain viewpoint. Bob Beckel is a FOX News contributor as is Juan Williams and Alan Colmes. Do you people REALLY have such a problem with other viewpoints other than yours being put forward that you want the ONLY conservative news outlet put out of business? Is that what will make you happy? Nothing to pollute the non stop progressive love fest that's been going on with the rest of the Main Stream Media for the better part of two decades?
Actually no. I would like to see MORE conservative networks come about.

I've even made at least one thread about it and I believe another one referring to it.

How about you? Would you like to see 1, 2, perhaps even 3 more conservative networks come about?
MarcATL - you have got to be one of the single largest tools not only on this forum - but any forum.
If you hate Fox News so much that it compels you to make weekly threads about them (or more) - then turn the f*cking channel and STFU.
Your not Truthdon'tMatter or Chris - I can tell you have a brain. So stupidity is not an excuse you can use.
That makes you a disingenuous tool...which is worse than TdM or Chris.
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Let's see... Fox News is for the Republicans. CNN, NBC, ABC, MSNBC, and all the newspapers are all for the Democrats. Doesn't seem very fair and balanced to me.

Fox isn't "news". It's why the sued for the right to lie. They say they are an "opinion network" so their lies are protected by the second amendment. They say they simply want to give the "conservative perspective", which obviously they can't do without lying.

You people would know that if you would bother to read some of the links.

Oh, and no one is attacking Fox. Simply stating the truth about what Fox is. This is why it isn't allowed to broadcast in Canada.
Let's see... Fox News is for the Republicans. CNN, NBC, ABC, MSNBC, and all the newspapers are all for the Democrats. Doesn't seem very fair and balanced to me.

Fox isn't "news". It's why the sued for the right to lie. They say they are an "opinion network" so their lies are protected by the second amendment. They say they simply want to give the "conservative perspective", which obviously they can't do without lying.

You people would know that if you would bother to read some of the links.

Oh, and no one is attacking Fox. Simply stating the truth about what Fox is. This is why it isn't allowed to broadcast in Canada.

But you are allowed to lie about Fox's lawsuite and Fox not being in Canada. :lol:
I'm currently in a house with a TV.

It's ALL toxic, far as I can tell.

Kill your TVs save your minds, folks.

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