The Fourth Worst Drop In Dow History!

I’m sure they are happy but it’s a little premature. The market is still up tremendously from the low of the Obama years.
Anything damaging to the us is good for Democrats.

When Trump wins in 2020 in spite of this the left are going to lose their damn minds. :auiqs.jpg:

Dunno. What do you think about it, winger? Any more labels to throw around, or do you actually have something to say here?

I not only said it, it struck a nerve.
Aaaaaaand you have nothing to actually say.

I’m sure they are happy but it’s a little premature. The market is still up tremendously from the low of the Obama years.
Anything damaging to the us is good for Democrats.

When Trump wins in 2020 in spite of this the left are going to lose their damn minds. :auiqs.jpg:

10-4 this.
What are the Dimms gonna do when they realize that they couldn't beat Trump with an apocalypse? :abgg2q.jpg:
What is your suggestion? I don't see payroll tax cuts and lower interest rates from the Fed doing much if people are afraid to go out and do anything.

G5's suggestion, by his own keystrokes, is to accelerate the very same inflationary policies which cause the bubbles.
My suggestion was for the Fed to provide liquidity to the bond markets today since they were freezing up, dumbass.

With your keystrokes, your suggestion is to let the entire economic system melt down.

I'll admit, I'm no economist. Could you please dumb this explanation down for the class?
I started another topic about this this morning. The bond markets were freezing up because the spread between asks and buys was widening. It's a classic liquidity crisis and the obvious and simple solution is for the Fed to step in and provide liquidity by buying bonds.

About two and a half hours after I started that topic, the Fed did exactly that, and the Dow rebounded in a dramatic spike. However, all the other bad economic news pulled it back down.

Natural Citizen's solution to our problems is to just let our whole economic system crash. Because he hates the Federal Reserve just that much, and doesn't give a flying fuck about the millions of people who would die and the tens of millions who would lose their jobs and homes.

If you want more details, go here: Liquidity Crisis: The Bond Market Has Frozen

I’m sure they are happy but it’s a little premature. The market is still up tremendously from the low of the Obama years.
Anything damaging to the us is good for Democrats.

When Trump wins in 2020 in spite of this the left are going to lose their damn minds. :auiqs.jpg:

10-4 this.
What are the Dimms gonna do when they realize that they couldn't beat Trump with an apocalypse? :abgg2q.jpg:

It won't be long before Dimms claim Trump colluded with China to create the coronavirus to interfere in the 2020 elections.
The herd is spooked.

Whenever Trump opens his fat mouth, the market gets spooked even more because the dumb shit goes off script or attacks the Democrats or minimizes the seriousness of the problem. He makes it all about himself. History will show what a boob he is with a simple photo of Trump at the CDC wearing a fucking political campaign hat.

The fuckwit implied to everyone he is a super-genius.

And by these actions, he indicates he has no comprehension of what is going on and that there is a dumbass self-aggrandizing idiot at the helm.
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I’m sure they are happy but it’s a little premature. The market is still up tremendously from the low of the Obama years.
Anything damaging to the us is good for Democrats.

When Trump wins in 2020 in spite of this the left are going to lose their damn minds. :auiqs.jpg:

10-4 this.
What are the Dimms gonna do when they realize that they couldn't beat Trump with an apocalypse? :abgg2q.jpg:

It won't be long before Dimms claim Trump colluded with China to create the coronavirus to interfere in the 2020 elections.

Don't give these fucktards any crazy ideas, cause they'll try to use it!
The herd is spooked. Whenever Trump opens his fat mouth, the Dow gets spooked even more because the dumb shit goes off script or attacks the Democrats or minimizes the seriousness of the problem. He makes it all about himself. History will show what a boob he is by throwing up Trump at the CDC wearing a fucking political campaign hat.

And by these actions, he indicates he has no comprehension of what is going on and that there is no one at the helm.

You got a fevah?
Are Dem's and the fake news celebrating?

I’m sure they are happy but it’s a little premature. The market is still up tremendously from the low of the Obama years.
Anything damaging to the us is good for Democrats.

When Trump wins in 2020 in spite of this the left are going to lose their damn minds. :auiqs.jpg:

10-4 this.
What are the Dimms gonna do when they realize that they couldn't beat Trump with an apocalypse? :abgg2q.jpg:

It won't be long before Dimms claim Trump colluded with China to create the coronavirus to interfere in the 2020 elections.

Don't give these fucktards any crazy ideas, cause they'll try to use it!

I'm telling you, the Dems excuses for losing in 2020 will be off the charts bat shit crazy.
The coronavirus has been on the radar since last November, and at this late date Trump has STILL not gotten test kits where they need to be.

Correct. It's frustrating as hell.

The dumb fuck turned down the WHO's test kits and decided to go it alone. And then they fucked up the reagent in the US test kits.

Correct. And did you see Vice *pResident Jesus's response to this? Deflection. An incompetent goober response to a global pandemic. Of course, Cult45 idiots will defend this ignorance with more of their ignorance. Again, frustrating as hell.

To this day, we have NO idea how many people are actually infected or how fast it is moving.

I know you know this is the fault of our current anti-science leadership. Frustrating as hell.

On solution we need is to get those fucking test kits EVERYWHERE.

That would be ideal, I agree. I can only go on personal experience right now. You likely don't know that currently, a doctor in a rural area needs to fill out a 3-page federal document to receive these tests. For each patient. Hours, days and possibly weeks will go by before they receive them, because only urban areas are a priority at the moment. This bungling, too little, too late response will likely infect more in the interim. First-world pandemic response my ass. The US is so behind the eight ball on this shit it's embarrassing. I know whom I blame for it.

Dunno. What do you think about it, winger? Any more labels to throw around, or do you actually have something to say here?

I not only said it, it struck a nerve.
Aaaaaaand you have nothing to actually say.

Never does.
When Trump took over on 20 Jan 2017, the stock market closed at 21,200.

Today, the stock market closed at 21,200.

Anyone else tired of all this winning? If the market tanks again tomorrow (and it probably will), he will have a lower market than what Obama left him with.

I’m sure they are happy but it’s a little premature. The market is still up tremendously from the low of the Obama years.
Anything damaging to the us is good for Democrats.

When Trump wins in 2020 in spite of this the left are going to lose their damn minds. :auiqs.jpg:

10-4 this.
What are the Dimms gonna do when they realize that they couldn't beat Trump with an apocalypse? :abgg2q.jpg:

It won't be long before Dimms claim Trump colluded with China to create the coronavirus to interfere in the 2020 elections.

Vaping. It's all the agenda of the vaping industry. When they were regulated by the ebil lib government, they decided to cause the corona virus to kill off all of us patriots. I heard it on Alix Jonz and whatever he says is da truf. MAGA!

^^^ The above is just as legitimate as the horseshit you spew here on the daily.
someone to the right of you

You aren’t to the right of anybody except perhaps Castro.

I am to the right of your Trump worshiping ass.

No you aren’t. You are an UnAmerican leftist.

and yet you are still to the left of me...weird.

Basically you are a communist.

And you are the one that worships the big government, tariff loving dude in the White House...weird.
My suggestion was for the Fed to provide liquidity to the bond markets today since they were freezing up, dumbass.

Which they did.

How'd that work out?

All it accomplished was to blow up the bubble bigger. That's just brilliant.

I thought you cared about people's savings. Your way just got their savings and purchasing power robbed a little more.
President Trump has called for "decisive economic response to deliver real relief to American workers, families, and small businesses to protect the economy." :eusa_clap:
President Trump has called for "decisive economic response to deliver real relief to American workers, families, and small businesses to protect the economy." :eusa_clap:

Yeah, he said he wanted to make sure the workers who got sick continued to receive a check.

Wait a minute.......................Trump is now for socialism?
My suggestion was for the Fed to provide liquidity to the bond markets today since they were freezing up, dumbass.

Which they did.

How'd that work out?

All it accomplished was to blow up the bubble bigger. That's just brilliant.
We don't know if the Fed's injection of liquidity has worked yet, dumbass. We have to wait and see if the spreads narrow after the Fed begins.
President Trump has called for "decisive economic response to deliver real relief to American workers, families, and small businesses to protect the economy." :eusa_clap:

Yeah, he said he wanted to make sure the workers who got sick continued to receive a check.

Wait a minute.......................Trump is now for socialism?

Maybe I'm pulling your leg. Be careful this could be a trap.

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