The folly of universal background checks for guns...or, as anti-gunners believe, the features....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Universal background checks for guns are no more effective at stopping criminals and mass shooters from getting guns than the current Federally mandated background checks for guns.....why do the anti-gunners want them so badly? Once you enact universal background checks.....besides all the problems for law abiding gun owners........criminals will still get illegal guns......mass public shooters will get background checks, get guns, then shoot people......then, once this continues to happen, the anti-gunners will come back and demand universal gun registration....they will say this is the only thing that will allow universal gun background checks to work....they won't, but the goal is gun registration. Gun registration is the Gold Ticket for anti-gunners...they can then do gun bans, and gun confiscation, knowing who has the guns, and where to send the police if they fail to register their guns.

Now, these guns in the hands of normal, law abiding people will not have been used for crimes....and the owners are not criminals. That is the problem for gun grabbers....they can't get to legal guns if the owners aren't criminals....and that drives them, they get gun registration, and if the owner lends a gun to a friend and doesn't do the background check, or fails to remember to register the gun....they are now a felon, and their guns are now accessible to the anti-gunners......

Again, the gun owner will have committed no crime, will have done nothing wrong....except for the paperwork law that turns them into a felon.....

In the Las Vegas Review-Journal: "Guns on the agenda in Carson City" - Crime Prevention Research Center

Any amendments would have forced Democrats to make some difficult choices. But the final version of the bill that Gov. Sisolak signed contains all of the flaws in the original initiative. Here are a few:

■ If a friend of yours is fearful of a stalker, lending her a gun is illegal unless she is literally being threatened at that very moment with death or great bodily harm.

■ You can forget about lending your gun to your son’s Boy Scout troop for their annual shooting trip, as this constitutes a private transfer.

In fact, this type of law wouldn’t have stopped any 21st-century mass public shooting in the United States.

It is one thing to stop a felon from buying a gun. It is quite another to stop a law-abiding citizen from buying a gun simply because his name is similar to that of a felon. But the federal background check system results in many tens of thousands of “false positives” every year. Relying on birth dates and phonetic similarity of names just doesn’t allow for much accuracy.

Certain names are more popular within particular racial groups. Furthermore, a relatively large percentage of minority men have criminal records that ban them from owning guns — the rate is 30 percent for black males. As a result, names of law-abiding minority men are much more likely to be confused with those of prohibited individuals.

From 2006 through 2010, the background check system denied 377,283 purchases. This is the last period for which there exist comprehensive annual data. But the federal government prosecuted only 460 of those cases. Most of the resulting 209 convictions were on charges of providing false information. There were a similarly small number of prosecutions by state governments.

Almost all of the initial denials were dropped because the purchaser had been misidentified. Many of these people are just trying to buy guns to protect themselves.

“This incredibly high rate of false positives imposes a real burden on the most vulnerable people — particularly minorities who are most likely the victims of violent crime,” said Reagan Dunn, the first national coordinator for Project Safe Neighborhoods, a Justice Department program started in 2001 to support enforcement of gun la

Gun control....another openly racist policy supported by democrats....
Democrats hate America as Founded. Where we can defend ourselves from tyrannical nut cases and government over reach.. That is what scares them, We the People kicking their asses and stringing them up.
... America as Founded...Where we can defend ourselves from tyrannical nut cases and government over reach.. That is what scares them, We the People kicking their asses and stringing them up.

We're lions! Rar...


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