The following are progressive issues RWs secretly agree with


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
1) Legislation to make healthcare more affordable. An example would be placing caps on prescription drug prices

2) Raise the federal minimum wage to $10.00 per hour (thus raising most state minimum wages).

3) Getting big money out of politics. Overturning Citizen’s United and doing a lot more to keep special interests from buying lawmakers on both sides of the aisle

4) Mitigating the effects of climate change (just admit the left was right all along about it)

5) Ending gerrymandering by both sides (republicans are much more guilty of this than democrats though)

6) Making voting easy for everyone because voter fraud is statistically RARE and INSIGNIFICANT.

7) Pay teachers a liveable wage

8) Closing loopholes and deductions so corporations actually pay the official tax rate rather than the EFFECTIVE tax rate.
1) Legislation to make healthcare more affordable. An example would be placing caps on prescription drug prices

2) Raise the federal minimum wage to $10.00 per hour (thus raising most state minimum wages).

3) Getting big money out of politics. Overturning Citizen’s United and doing a lot more to keep special interests from buying lawmakers on both sides of the aisle

4) Mitigating the effects of climate change (just admit the left was right all along about it)

5) Ending gerrymandering by both sides (republicans are much more guilty of this than democrats though)

6) Making voting easy for everyone because voter fraud is statistically RARE and INSIGNIFICANT.

7) Pay teachers a liveable wage

8) Closing loopholes and deductions so corporations actually pay the official tax rate rather than the EFFECTIVE tax rate.
I know you are a flaming liberal who wants to destroy the United States of America, and turn in into a cesspool 3rd world nation, because your 1/2 white community agitator wanted to. Why should there be any minimum wage, but be paid what you are worth, like a pro athlete or movie star? Is it because people like you who are victims of liberalism, has the government in your way, so cannot succeed, so want more intrusion to make it even harder? What a retard you are. Yeah lets make voting real easy, by providing everyone a Voter ID, so all you have to do is show up, show it, and you can then cast a vote, and not have someone cancel out your vote because they don't belong there. WHAT THE FUCK IS A LIVEABLE WAGE? $25,000, $50,000, $75,000, I make over $250,000 not because I depended on some government to provide for me, but invested in the stock market thus making that much in dividends. Shame most stupid liberals don't follow suit, but want some liberal puke to take care of them...Deserve all the misery and poverty liberalism FORCES upon you.

1) Legislation to make healthcare more affordable. An example would be placing caps on prescription drug prices

Government has no place in healthcare. Leave the free market alone to take care of itself.

2) Raise the federal minimum wage to $10.00 per hour (thus raising most state minimum wages).

Leave the free market alone to regulate itself.

3) Getting big money out of politics. Overturning Citizen’s United and doing a lot more to keep special interests from buying lawmakers on both sides of the aisle

An issue always raised by those infiltrating the most money into politics driving campaigns up into the billions. You need to reform corruption from politics before you can do that and it will never happen.

4) Mitigating the effects of climate change (just admit the left was right all along about it)

Best way to mitigate it is to cut population and stop population growth. The rest will take care of itself.

5) Ending gerrymandering by both sides (republicans are much more guilty of this than democrats though)

6) Making voting easy for everyone because voter fraud is statistically RARE and INSIGNIFICANT.

Can't be any easier than now. Reform Voter ID because millions of illegal votes happen.

7) Pay teachers a liveable wage

Get the government out of education because the PS's are already a total fail and teachers are paid too much as it is.

8) Closing loopholes and deductions so corporations actually pay the official tax rate rather than the EFFECTIVE tax rate.

Reform tax laws so we all pay a simple flat tax.

I find almost no agreement in any of your points.
1) Legislation to make healthcare more affordable. An example would be placing caps on prescription drug prices
There are many parties to blame for the high cost of prescription drugs, including the FDA's slow, politically corrupt ass, and cost shifting from countries with socialized medicine to Americans. Countries will not allow drugs to be sold to their citizens without heavy price controls, so who makes up the difference? We do!!!

I don't know how to fix that problem. The free market is not allowed to correct this bullshit, so it persists.

2) Raise the federal minimum wage to $10.00 per hour (thus raising most state minimum wages).
There would be no need to have a minimum wage is the lower-end job market was not flooded with cheap, foreign, illegal labor, which affects the entire economy, not just unskilled laborers. With fewer workers chasing jobs, the demand for labor increases the price.

3) Getting big money out of politics. Overturning Citizen’s United and doing a lot more to keep special interests from buying lawmakers on both sides of the aisle
Lawmakers will be bought no matter what you do. Overturning citizens united only works against individuals joining together to create a political message that one individual alone could never afford. If anything, citizens united is the answer to that problem.

4) Mitigating the effects of climate change (just admit the left was right all along about it)
Even if we assume that man-made "climate change" is real (it's not), what is the worst-case scenario, and what are we going to do about it?

Assuming it is really a threat, the problem can only be addressed by war and another plague. The world population needs to be cut down to about 2 billion and it needs to stay there.

That's the dirty little "climate change" secret that nobody talks about.

5) Ending gerrymandering by both sides (republicans are much more guilty of this than democrats though)
Do it by computer and be done with it.

But, it's only fair that this will be implemented after another 30 years of GOP payback. Dems did it for decades and are only bitching now because they are getting the shit end of the stick they had no problem handing the GOP.

6) Making voting easy for everyone because voter fraud is statistically RARE and INSIGNIFICANT.


7) Pay teachers a liveable wage
Make teachers work year-round instead of 9 months a year.

8) Closing loopholes and deductions so corporations actually pay the official tax rate rather than the EFFECTIVE tax rate.
Make it a flat percentage and give NO tax expenditures for anyone, poor or otherwise. EVERYBODY pays 20%.
1) Legislation to make healthcare more affordable. An example would be placing caps on prescription drug prices

Government has no place in healthcare. Leave the free market alone to take care of itself.

2) Raise the federal minimum wage to $10.00 per hour (thus raising most state minimum wages).

Leave the free market alone to regulate itself.

3) Getting big money out of politics. Overturning Citizen’s United and doing a lot more to keep special interests from buying lawmakers on both sides of the aisle

An issue always raised by those infiltrating the most money into politics driving campaigns up into the billions. You need to reform corruption from politics before you can do that and it will never happen.

4) Mitigating the effects of climate change (just admit the left was right all along about it)

Best way to mitigate it is to cut population and stop population growth. The rest will take care of itself.

5) Ending gerrymandering by both sides (republicans are much more guilty of this than democrats though)

6) Making voting easy for everyone because voter fraud is statistically RARE and INSIGNIFICANT.

Can't be any easier than now. Reform Voter ID because millions of illegal votes happen.

7) Pay teachers a liveable wage

Get the government out of education because the PS's are already a total fail and teachers are paid too much as it is.

8) Closing loopholes and deductions so corporations actually pay the official tax rate rather than the EFFECTIVE tax rate.

Reform tax laws so we all pay a simple flat tax.

I find almost no agreement in any of your points.
I swear to God, It's like I cut and pasted your responses. I swear I didn't.
I'll take #7. Pay great teachers what they're worth based upon merit, which should be more than a mere livable wage. Fire the incompetent and scholastically unqualified.

The rest pffft.
1) Legislation to make healthcare more affordable. An example would be placing caps on prescription drug prices

2) Raise the federal minimum wage to $10.00 per hour (thus raising most state minimum wages).

3) Getting big money out of politics. Overturning Citizen’s United and doing a lot more to keep special interests from buying lawmakers on both sides of the aisle

4) Mitigating the effects of climate change (just admit the left was right all along about it)

5) Ending gerrymandering by both sides (republicans are much more guilty of this than democrats though)

6) Making voting easy for everyone because voter fraud is statistically RARE and INSIGNIFICANT.

7) Pay teachers a liveable wage

8) Closing loopholes and deductions so corporations actually pay the official tax rate rather than the EFFECTIVE tax rate.

Everything you listed is UN-American.
Legislation to make healthcare more affordable. An example would be placing caps on prescription drug prices

Could be dealt with on State level when it come to healthcare and you do know all this could have been avoided had Democrats done what Nixon wanted!

2) Raise the federal minimum wage to $10.00 per hour (thus raising most state minimum wages).

Again, this is another state issue.

3) Getting big money out of politics. Overturning Citizen’s United and doing a lot more to keep special interests from buying lawmakers on both sides of the aisle


4) Mitigating the effects of climate change (just admit the left was right all along about it)

When you have the EPA polluting waters, well your side is part of the problem.

5) Ending gerrymandering by both sides (republicans are much more guilty of this than democrats though)

It will never end but you will go silent if Democrats benefit from it.

6) Making voting easy for everyone because voter fraud is statistically RARE and INSIGNIFICANT.

I support the voter ID laws. If you are require to have an ID to open Bank Accounts, Drive or Rent then you should have one to vote!

Hell you have to have to forms of ID to get a job legally!

7) Pay teachers a liveable wage

What is a living wage?

In California what it cost to live is different in rural Illinois, so do you use California standards or Southern Illinois standard for your living wage?

8) Closing loopholes and deductions so corporations actually pay the official tax rate rather than the EFFECTIVE tax rate.

1) Legislation to make healthcare more affordable. An example would be placing caps on prescription drug prices

2) Raise the federal minimum wage to $10.00 per hour (thus raising most state minimum wages).

3) Getting big money out of politics. Overturning Citizen’s United and doing a lot more to keep special interests from buying lawmakers on both sides of the aisle

4) Mitigating the effects of climate change (just admit the left was right all along about it)

5) Ending gerrymandering by both sides (republicans are much more guilty of this than democrats though)

6) Making voting easy for everyone because voter fraud is statistically RARE and INSIGNIFICANT.

7) Pay teachers a liveable wage

8) Closing loopholes and deductions so corporations actually pay the official tax rate rather than the EFFECTIVE tax rate.

Everything you listed is UN-American.
Much of what’s become American is perverse.
1) Legislation to make healthcare more affordable. An example would be placing caps on prescription drug prices

2) Raise the federal minimum wage to $10.00 per hour (thus raising most state minimum wages).

3) Getting big money out of politics. Overturning Citizen’s United and doing a lot more to keep special interests from buying lawmakers on both sides of the aisle

4) Mitigating the effects of climate change (just admit the left was right all along about it)

5) Ending gerrymandering by both sides (republicans are much more guilty of this than democrats though)

6) Making voting easy for everyone because voter fraud is statistically RARE and INSIGNIFICANT.

7) Pay teachers a liveable wage

8) Closing loopholes and deductions so corporations actually pay the official tax rate rather than the EFFECTIVE tax rate.

Everything you listed is UN-American.
Much of what’s become American is perverse.

And you are the shining example of that statement.

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