The first hilary as President propaganda film has a problem...she lost....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yeah...this is the gun control movie we have all been waiting for...:dunno:

The writer makes a point that I hadn't considered........

HRC the Movie

A cold, corrupt, loveless woman, with terrible personal relationship abilities, who abuses underlings when she gets mad, and decides to push for universal background checks after a politically convenient mass shooting. She’s Hillary Clinton, but Hollywood pretty. She’s a cross between Hillary Clinton and Patrick Bateman.

No shit. Miss Sloane was supposed to be a Hollywood victory lap.

Then Trump won.

There was no Clinton victory to take a lap for.

Now this studio is stuck with this movie on their hands and they know the truth about it.

A movie about a cold, manipulative, humorless woman taking down the gun industry? That’s just a Hillary Clinton presidency fan fiction biopic.

In the 2,623 counties of Trump voting Middle America, that will rank in theater popularity somewhere between Justin Trudeau’s History of the Thrid Reich and The Love and Romance of Anthony Weiner.


Now the new trailer makes sense. They have to downplay the push for gun control because Trump voting Middle America won’t see it. They have to try and sell it as a political thriller and not a celebrity reenactment of a Hillary rally.
Still got my guns and carry permit, all's well, but thanks for the concern.

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