The First Defector....part two.


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Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. There is, in fact, a large body of autobiographical material written by former Communists… Communism lost a number of formerly inveterate supporters, not as a result of the Moscow Show Trials, which were almost as hidden as the starvation of the Ukrainian farmers…but due to the crimes of the Communists in Spain. Arthur Koestler and George Orwell both grasped that every move was intended simply to secure an absolute Stalinist hegemony…right down to Stalin finding an accommodation with Hitler.

a. “The God That Failed" is a 1949 book which collects together six essays with the testimonies of a number of famous ex-communists, who were writers and journalists. The common theme of the essays is the authors' disillusionment with and abandonment of communism….The six contributors were Louis Fischer, André Gide, Arthur Koestler, Ignazio Silone, Stephen Spender, andRichard Wright.” The God that Failed - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2. …Victor Kravchenko, one of the first and most influential Soviet defectors to the United States, who had written "I Chose Freedom," a searing account of life under Stalin.
Kravchenko, a mining and steel engineer, was a mid-level official in the Soviet lend-lease office in Washington, D.C., when he sought asylum in 1944. At the time, the Soviet Union was still a U.S. war ally, and many Americans were willing to give the benefit of the doubt to "Uncle Joe" Stalin. Kravchenko wanted to shatter those illusions. His defection was front-page news and prompted debate at the highest levels of government, up to and including President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Stalin demanded that he be turned over as a traitor--an automatic death sentence. FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover urged FDR to let him stay. On April 13, 1945, the day after Roosevelt died, Kravchenko received notice that his application for asylum had been granted.
Searching for Tato -

3. Readers wanted to know why. "I Chose Freedom" became a bestseller, an international sensation. Largely forgotten today, it presaged Alexander Solzhenitsyn's "The Gulag Archipelago" and Eugenia Ginzburg's "Journey into the Whirlwind," and stands with them as among the most influential works of their kind.

While these other writers were still behind barbed wire, Kravchenko was describing the brutality of collectivization, the madness of Communist Party purges, the inefficiencies of central planning and the atrocities of the gulag. "The magnitude of the horror has never been grasped by the outside world," he wrote. "Perhaps it is too vast ever to be grasped. . . . One can only look into this or that corner, and judge the whole from its parts."

4. On April 1, 1944, Victor Kravchenko left Washington for New York, where, at a press conference arranged by the NYTimes, he revealed the truth about the Soviet Union. Two years later he published “I Chose Freedom,” which played a crucial role in the formation of public opinion in the formation of the incipient Cold War.

a. The front-page article that began, "Accusing the Soviet Government of a 'double-faced' foreign policy with respect to its professed desire for collaboration wieth the United States and Great Britain and denouncing the Stalin regime for failure to grant political and civil liberties to the Russian people, Victor A. Kravchenko….”
Fleming, Op.Cit.[ p. 182-183]

5. World-wide, defenders of communism fought tooth and nail to hide the truth, to discredit Kravchenko. “An attack on Kravchenko's character by the French Communist weekly Les Lettres Françaises resulted in his suing them for libel in a French court. The extended 1949 trial featuring hundreds of witnesses was dubbed 'The Trial of the Century'. The Soviet State flew in Kravchenko's former colleagues to denounce him, accusing him of being a traitor, a draft dodger, and an embezzler….Kravchenko's lawyers presented witnesses who had survived the Soviet GULAG.” Victor Kravchenko (defector) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

a. Astute observers will see parallels in the United States, in attacks by FactCheck and PolitiFact, both wholly owned by Left-wing entities, on the Left’s political opponents.

b. Fact-Check: a political fact-checking website created by the St. Petersburg Times, which endorsed Obama in '08.
'In 2003, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette described the St. Petersburg Times as a "usually liberal" newspaper.'
Tampa Bay Times - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

c. is a project operated by the Tampa Bay Times,...also known as the St. Petersburg Times,
"The Tampa Bay Times, previously named the St. Petersburg Times,..."
Tampa Bay Times - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

5. Victor Kravchenko appeared before the committee, speaking in rapid-fire Russian and occasionally switching to heavily accented, balky English. He told the committee that "every responsible representative of the Soviet government in the United States may be regarded as an economic or political spy," and that no Soviet citizen arrived in the U.S. without a "specific assignment" to collect secret documents. He also declared it "foolish and dangerous" to underrate the ability of the Russians to produce nuclear weapons, and said that Soviet disarmament plans were a sham, designed to "play for time." L'AFFAIRE FRAVCHENKO - Page 1 - News - Phoenix - Phoenix New Times

a. Many consider his 1966 “suicide” to be a KVD murder.

6. The Communists have a long memory….” In 1982, Valentin [Victor’s son] was arrested, along with several co-workers [in Moscow]. They were charged with an economic crime that in American terms might best be described as working unauthorized overtime. Valentin claims that all the work done by his crew was, in fact, authorized, but that it later became embarrassing to a party official.….Valentin says that before the trial he was subjected to seven torture sessions during which agents of the NKVD attempted to extract a confession. He says the guards forced him to stare directly into a 100-watt light bulb placed inches from his face, and that they kicked him and beat him. They forced him to ingest cups filled with salt. They knocked out his teeth….They had him lay his genitals out on a table and they crushed them. They beat him unconscious. Ibid.

a. Such is the record of totalitarian regimes. Those that support any variety of same stand shoulder to shoulder with torture and suppression, no matter how they deny it. It must be resisted wherever and whenever it appears.

Any level.

Any variety.

No matter how subtle....a collectivist view of the world is evil, and can only result in oppression and subjugation of the human spirit.

We should never forget Victor Kravchenko.
One aspect that the JFK legend fails to address is that Lee Oswald was a radar technician working on the secret U-2 spy plane system in Japan when defected to Russia. Shortly after that U-2 pilot Gary Powers was shot down over Russia. For some reason the CIA allowed Oswald to return to America with his new Russian bride who was the daughter of a KGB agent. In the middle of the Cold War a traitor returns to the US and the CIA sets him free. What was going on? The only rational explanation is that the CIA thought they were using Oswald as a double agent and the stupid asses didn't realize that Oswald was using them.
One aspect that the JFK legend fails to address is that Lee Oswald was a radar technician working on the secret U-2 spy plane system in Japan when defected to Russia. Shortly after that U-2 pilot Gary Powers was shot down over Russia. For some reason the CIA allowed Oswald to return to America with his new Russian bride who was the daughter of a KGB agent. In the middle of the Cold War a traitor returns to the US and the CIA sets him free. What was going on? The only rational explanation is that the CIA thought they were using Oswald as a double agent and the stupid asses didn't realize that Oswald was using them.

Whitey....not only have our enemy's espionage agencies run circles around ours....but we have a fifth column that actively aids them, and puts roadblocks in front of ours.

1. “…Congress moved in the mid-1970s to “reassert” its role in shaping American foreign policy, including the most controversial tool of that policy, covert action. Secrecy was seen as antithetical to the American way, and there was widespread agreement that “rogue” agencies such as the CIA were a threat to liberty. Proponents of congressional intelligence oversight argued that openness and accountability were the cornerstone of a legitimate foreign policy, and it was believed that Congress, due to its diversity of opinion, possessed greater wisdom than the executive branch."
History News Network

Care to guess which party did this to us?

Hint: the party of
Slavery, Segregation, Sedition, and Secularization.

2. a. [Democrat] Senator Frank Church and his allies claimed that an assertive legislative role would bring the United States “back to the genius of the Founding Fathers.” This assertion was made despite the fact that American presidents from 1789 to 1974 were given wide latitude to conduct clandestine operations they believed were in the national interest.

b. The damage done to the CIA by this congressional oversight regime (Democrat-controlled Pike and Church Committees) is quite extensive.

Torricelli, Biden, Panetta, Leahy, Ted Kennedy....

...and let's add a President who will be 'more flexible' after the election.

3. Here at home, the Obama administration has gravely impaired our capability to gather human intelligence by declassifying hundreds of pages of documents that explain our interrogation techniques—information that is now probably in al-Qaeda training manuals.

2. …Victor Kravchenko, one of the first and most influential Soviet defectors .

Firstly, "influential" among whom? Among those who financed his activities?

Secondly, you still did not answer a single question from your "part 1" thread!

What are you doing? Demonstrating your utter ignorance by using the key words the meaning of which you do not understand?!


2. …Victor Kravchenko, one of the first and most influential Soviet defectors .

Firstly, "influential" among whom? Among those who financed his activities?

Secondly, you still did not answer a single question from your "part 1" thread!

What are you doing? Demonstrating your utter ignorance by using the key words the meaning of which you do not understand?!


1. Prior to Kravchenko, the dupes who supported the communists had the freedom to impose mythology on the American public.
The fellow travelers who went to the Soviet Union came back with glowing tales.

The impact was magnified throughout the 20th century....
The efforts of Kravchenko reversed that impact. They countered the Duranty's and Dewey and the mainline Protestant churches.
Kravchenko was able to testify to things he lived.

His influence was on the American public.

2. "Among those who financed his activities..."
To whom are you referring?

Possibly you are unaware of the book he wrote, "I Chose Freedom"...

"In 1944 Victor Kravchenko suddenly quit his job with the Soviet Purchasing Commission in Washington, went into hiding, and began work on the most sensational of all recent books about the Soviet Union. In eight weeks it climbed to fifth on the non-fiction best-seller list. Reader's Digest condensed it; the Hearst papers have run it as a daily serial."

Read more: Books: Goodbye to All That - TIME

3. "Secondly, you still did not answer a single question from your "part 1" thread!"
On the contrary. I did answer them...just not to your satisfaction.

4. As the Left has taken control of most of the means of disseminating information, they control the knowledge of those who will not take steps to seek beyond the mainstream media and government schools.

a. The radicals of the sixties did not remain within the universities…They realized that the apocalypse never materialized. “…they were dropping off into environmentalism and consumerism and fatalism…I watched many of my old comrades apply to graduate school in universities they had failed to burn down, so they could get advanced degrees and spread the ideas that had been discredited in the streets under an academic cover.” Collier and Horowitz, “Destructive Generation: Second Thoughts About The Sixties,” p. 294-295.

b. “The radicals were not likely to go into business or the conventional practice of the professions. They were part of the chattering class, talkers interested in policy, politics, culture. They went into politics, print and electronic journalism, church bureaucracies, foundation staffs, Hollywood careers, public interest organizations, anywhere attitudes and opinions could be influenced. And they are exerting influence.”
Robert H. Bork, “Slouching Toward Gomorrah,” p. 51

c. “[The radicals] did not go away or change their minds; the New Left shattered into a multitude of single-issue groups. We now have, to name a few, radical feminists, black extremists, animal rights groups, radical environmentalists, activist homosexual organizations, multiculturalists, organizations such as People for the American Way, the American Civil Liberties Union, the National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL), the National Organization for Women (NOW), and Planned Parenthood.” Ibid p. 53

4. Americans owe an immense debt to individuals such as Kravchenko...which is why I've posted these threads.

One major party is still under the sway of the same Leftists, communists, dupes, fellow travelers and anti-Americans about whom Kravchenko warned.

Imagine, if these agents gained control and had allegiance to those who oversaw the starvation of millions of Ukrainian farmers, and who instituted the Gulags....
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The dirty little secret has always been that a political administration can get away with anything as long as the media is a willing accomplice. JFK used the CIA to recruit, train and house and feed a little army to invade Cuba and then abandoned them on the Bay of Pigs when he got cold feet. It was an impeachable offense but the Cronkite media turned their heads instead of doing their jobs.
The dirty little secret has always been that a political administration can get away with anything as long as the media is a willing accomplice. JFK used the CIA to recruit, train and house and feed a little army to invade Cuba and then abandoned them on the Bay of Pigs when he got cold feet. It was an impeachable offense but the Cronkite media turned their heads instead of doing their jobs.

"The dirty little secret has always been that a political administration can get away with anything as long as the media is a willing accomplice."

Yes...but not in perpetuity.

Case in point...more and more scholarly work is revealing the economic and political similarities between the Roosevelt and the New Dealers, Hitler and the National Socialists, and Mussolini and the Fascists.

A few generations back this would have been the third rail of academic endeavor.

Today, the most popular Democrat icon is a rapist..... won't always remain such.

"...poison, sorcellerie et machinations diabolique…"

2. …Victor Kravchenko, one of the first and most influential Soviet defectors .

Firstly, "influential" among whom? Among those who financed his activities?

Secondly, you still did not answer a single question from your "part 1" thread!

What are you doing? Demonstrating your utter ignorance by using the key words the meaning of which you do not understand?!


1. Prior to Kravchenko, the dupes who supported the communists had the freedom to impose mythology on the American public.

Oh, dear...

The usual canned assortment of worn out cliches, slogans and mantras... But that is not the worst thing... The worst thing about your posts and your mentality is that you are ABSOLUTELY CLUELESS as to the MEANING OF THE WORDS you use, yet along -- the meaning of the issues you are attempting to raise...

This is frightening...
I think, I will join NoNukes and bow out.
Firstly, "influential" among whom? Among those who financed his activities?

Secondly, you still did not answer a single question from your "part 1" thread!

What are you doing? Demonstrating your utter ignorance by using the key words the meaning of which you do not understand?!


1. Prior to Kravchenko, the dupes who supported the communists had the freedom to impose mythology on the American public.

Oh, dear...

The usual canned assortment of worn out cliches, slogans and mantras... But that is not the worst thing... The worst thing about your posts and your mentality is that you are ABSOLUTELY CLUELESS as to the MEANING OF THE WORDS you use, yet along -- the meaning of the issues you are attempting to raise...

This is frightening...
I think, I will join NoNukes and bow out.

You mean you were unaware????

Well...OK...since you beg for a tutorial:

From Dr. Paul Kangor's "Dupes."
1. A dupe is one who is easily deceived or fooled. (Shoe fit?) As far back as Washington’s Farewell Address, we find the warning against dupes: “Real patriots who may resist the intrigues of the favorite are liable to become suspected and odious, while its tools and dupes usurp the applause and confidence of the people, to surrender their interests.

2. Dupes, in this connection, are folks who have been used by the communists to believe that either the communists are just like them, and therefore deserve their protection, or have been led to believe that the communist party is no more menacing than any other American political party.

3. The progressive left, and the liberal left, while not themselves communists, share many of the same sympathies, such of redistribution of wealth, and worker’s rights, nationalizations of industry, etc, but are not quite as far left as the communists, and would not go to the same lengths as the communists to achieve their goals. This does not mean, though, that the help of these dupes is not necessary in order for the communists to achieve victory. Even at their peak, in the ‘30’s, the Communist Party of the United States never had more than 100 thousand members: so deception of the ‘dupes’ was critical.

4. The Commintern, the Communist International, was founded in Moscow in March, 1919. Not far behind it, the Communist Party, USA (CPUSA) was founded in Chicago in September, 1919. While the archives are rich with their literature, they are rarely studied, as most academic historians are on the left and have little interest in revealing or discussing the revelations or machinations therein. Further, Yeltsin had declassified many documents in the 1990’s which proved that everything the anti-communists said, was true!

a. In 1919, Executive Sec’y of CPUSA, Charles Ruthenberg, wrote the following to Moscow: “Hail to the dictatorship of the proletariat. Long live the Russian Soviet Socialist Republic. Long live the Communist International.” A loyal Soviet patriot, his ashes are buried in the wall of the Kremlin. So, is this ‘just another political party’?

b. From the November 24, 1919 application of the CPUSA to the Commintern: “The final struggle of the communist proletariat will be waged in the United States. Our conquest of power alone assuring the world Soviet Republic! Realizing all of this, the Communist Party prepares for the struggle. Long live the Communist International, long live the world revolution!’ Just like any other political party?

5. Another indication of the subservience of the communists to a foreign government can be seen during WWII. At the behest of the Commintern, as the archives reveals, the American Peace Mobilization committee was formed in April of ’41. It’s function was to support the Soviet line, bring progressives aboard, protest against the lend-lease program to aid Britain…they paraded in front of the White House, chanting “FDR is a fascist, …he’s starting a war!’ They managed to dupe the easiest group to dupe: progressive pastors. The NYTimes article at the time said “Clergyman Group Opposes War Aid!’

a. In mid-protest, on June 22, 1941, they became pro-war! The Germans had broken their agreement with the Soviets, and invaded Russia! Suddenly the group was for lend-lease, and FDR wasn’t a fascist…and they changed their name to American People’s Mobilization.

b. The HUAC had exposed this group as “…one of the most seditious and subversive front groups.”

6. In the early years after the Bolshevik Revolution, the communists used manipulations, such as the Potemkin Villages, to pursuade the world how admirable and successful the revolution had been. One technique was to invite prominent American and British leftists to take carefully planned tours. And these ‘Potemkin Progressives,’ for the most part, behaved and thought just as they were meant to. Woodrow Wilson wouldn’t recognize the Bolshevik regime, nor would the contemporary British government (Churchill had famously told Lloyd George, ‘You might a well legalize sodomy…’)

a. Lenin, and then Stalin, carefully arranged the tours so that these progressives would then go back to their countries and praise Soviet Russia, and have the citizens demand that Russia be recognized.

b. Malcolm Muggeridge was mystified by the naïveté of these progressives, the unbelievable credulity of these mostly university-educated ‘tourists’- and it astonished even the Soviet officials! “These fellow passengers provide my first experience of the progressive elites from all over the world, who attached themselves to the Soviet regime, resolved to believe anything they were told!

c. Yuri Bezmenov, Soviet journalist, recounted, no matter how outrageous the line of Soviet propaganda they fed them, they swallowed it!

Now....doesn't that sound exactly like today's Obama supporters????

And, you in particular????
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Stalin, after the victory in World War 2 it was necessary to crush America, and thus put an end to predatory imperialism.

World conquest ideas go back to Babeuf...18th century.

With the Russian revolution, they thought they were on their way!

It's shortsighted for any to believe that anything has changed.

Smert Komitet Gossudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti
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One aspect that the JFK legend fails to address is that Lee Oswald was a radar technician working on the secret U-2 spy plane system in Japan when defected to Russia. Shortly after that U-2 pilot Gary Powers was shot down over Russia. For some reason the CIA allowed Oswald to return to America with his new Russian bride who was the daughter of a KGB agent. In the middle of the Cold War a traitor returns to the US and the CIA sets him free. What was going on? The only rational explanation is that the CIA thought they were using Oswald as a double agent and the stupid asses didn't realize that Oswald was using them.

Oswald worked for the CIA. This is how he managed to travel to the USSR and return without consequence during a time when our nation was very anti-commie.

He was a patsy just as he said. He likely never fire a shot the day Kennedy was murdered by the CIA and the military industrial complex. He was set up to take the fall and sadly many Americans still believe this absurd lie perpetrated by the statists.
1. There is, in fact, a large body of autobiographical material written by former Communists… Communism lost a number of formerly inveterate supporters, not as a result of the Moscow Show Trials, which were almost as hidden as the starvation of the Ukrainian farmers…but due to the crimes of the Communists in Spain. Arthur Koestler and George Orwell both grasped that every move was intended simply to secure an absolute Stalinist hegemony…right down to Stalin finding an accommodation with Hitler.

Any level.

Any variety.

No matter how subtle....a collectivist view of the world is evil, and can only result in oppression and subjugation of the human spirit.

We should never forget Victor Kravchenko.

Your posts are most appreciated. It amazes me how most Americans have no idea how the American left aligned with the Soviets and many in the D party today are really communists.

Most Americans do not know that commies controlled Stalin's Stooge (FDR) and Truman. That the Rosenberg's REALLY were Soviet spies and deserved the death sentence they got. That Whitaker Chambers was right. That Joe McCarthy was right. That the NY Times reporter in the USSR (Walter Duranty) during the 30's did all he could to cover up Stalin's holocaust because he was a radical leftist. That many close advisers warned FDR of commie infiltration of his administration and of the evils of Stalin's Russia BEFORE the WWII (see William Bullitt), which he adamantly refused to accept or investigate. That the American left during the 30s, 40s, and 50s admired Stalin and communism.

And today the left continues it's march to impose a communist tyranny on us all.

The left likes to label conservatives as Nazis...when anyone knowledgeable knows Nazism is a left wing ideology. It is the Left that should be made to answer for their treasonous alignment with Stalinist Russia.
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Stalin, after the victory in World War 2 it was necessary to crush America, and thus put an end to predatory imperialism.

World conquest ideas go back to Babeuf...18th century.

With the Russian revolution, they thought they were on their way!

It's shortsighted for any to believe that anything has changed.

Smert Komitet Gossudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti

European countries at the beginning of XX century were too busy with their own problems and missed the U.S., if Hitler and Japan will integrate their efforts against the United States and Russia would have joined them, but now the world would have been different - a good and just.

Death United States of America.
Stalin, after the victory in World War 2 it was necessary to crush America, and thus put an end to predatory imperialism.

World conquest ideas go back to Babeuf...18th century.

With the Russian revolution, they thought they were on their way!

It's shortsighted for any to believe that anything has changed.

Smert Komitet Gossudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti

European countries at the beginning of XX century were too busy with their own problems and missed the U.S., if Hitler and Japan will integrate their efforts against the United States and Russia would have joined them, but now the world would have been different - a good and just.

Death United States of America.


Let's use the "gates test."

We judge a nation as simply as this: when the gates are opened, do people rush in or out.
1. There is, in fact, a large body of autobiographical material written by former Communists… Communism lost a number of formerly inveterate supporters, not as a result of the Moscow Show Trials, which were almost as hidden as the starvation of the Ukrainian farmers…but due to the crimes of the Communists in Spain. Arthur Koestler and George Orwell both grasped that every move was intended simply to secure an absolute Stalinist hegemony…right down to Stalin finding an accommodation with Hitler.

Any level.

Any variety.

No matter how subtle....a collectivist view of the world is evil, and can only result in oppression and subjugation of the human spirit.

We should never forget Victor Kravchenko.

Your posts are most appreciated. It amazes me how most Americans have no idea how the American left aligned with the Soviets and many in the D party today are really communists.

Most Americans do not know that commies controlled Stalin's Stooge (FDR) and Truman. That the Rosenberg's REALLY were Soviet spies and deserved the death sentence they got. That Whitaker Chambers was right. That Joe McCarthy was right. That the NY Times reporter in the USSR (Walter Duranty) during the 30's did all he could to cover up Stalin's holocaust because he was a radical leftist. That many close advisers warned FDR of commie infiltration of his administration and of the evils of Stalin's Russia BEFORE the WWII (see William Bullitt), which he adamantly refused to accept or investigate. That the American left during the 30s, 40s, and 50s admired Stalin and communism.

And today the left continues it's march to impose a communist tyranny on us all.

The left likes to label conservatives as Nazis...when anyone knowledgeable knows Nazism is a left wing ideology. It is the Left that should be made to answer for their treasonous alignment with Stalinist Russia.

"That Joe McCarthy was right."

A true American hero.

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