The Fedzilla destructo derby rages on


Unobtanium Member
Jan 3, 2009
Drinking wine, eating cheese, catching rays
Great op-ed, by Ted Nugent:

If Fedzilla were to overhaul the automobile industry like it proposes to overhaul Wall Street, I'm convinced it would demand the automobile industry produce cars without steering wheels.

Here we go again. Another 2,000-page bill that even "Countrywide" Christopher J. Dodd - chairman of the Senate Banking Committee and destructo-derby ace co-pilot of the not-so-good ship Freddie/Fannie debacle - admitted no one will know how it will work until it's implemented. I've got news for Mr. Dodd and his hearing-eye mutt Nancy Pelosi: No one will ever know how the bill will work because, like everything else Fedzilla massages, it can't work.

Back in America, Rep. Jeb Hensarling, Texas Republican, got it close to right when he stated, "My guess is that there are three unintended consequences on every page of this bill." You're too kind, Tex. The ruinous consequences are indeed intended.

My guess is that there are five per page. Fedzilla doesn't mess around when it comes to boondoggling.


The District of Clowns is a self-licking ice-cream cone that truly requires a top-to-bottom overhaul. The Fedzillacrats in the District of Clowns cause more problems for our economy than all the frauds and crooks on Wall Street. I would much rather put our country's future in the hands of Wall Street than in the bumbling hands of Fedzilla.

NUGENT: The Fedzilla destructo derby rages on - Washington Times

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