The Federal Government needs to be put back on its Constitutional leash.

Why do so many laws come have to come from the fed gov? Wouldnt states do it better? People in TN live different than people in NY etc.
In some cases it would be. In many cases it would not be.
If it needs to be a law for the whole country, it most likely doesnt need to be passed. It will just muck everything up. Like the govt did with healthcare, education etc.
Medicare is overwhelmingly popular. The Affordable Health Care act is becoming popular. Public education is also popular.
Medicare is overwhelmingly popular. The Affordable Health Care act is becoming popular. Public education is also popular.
Medicare is innefficient. It should have been privatized when Republicans tried to do it. Democrats convinced many that the Republican quote "Medicare will wither on the vine" meant that people would be left without assistance. Nothing could be further from the truth. The quote mentioned above meant that people would abandon Medicare for superior private coverage.

The Unaffordable Health Care Act is also very inefficient. Many people lost better coverage because of it.

Public education is being exposed as indoctrination centers for leftist politicians. Total lies, like the 1619 Project were exposed during the time when students could not attend school but "learned" remotely at home.
Medicare is innefficient. It should have been privatized when Republicans tried to do it. Democrats convinced many that the Republican quote "Medicare will wither on the vine" meant that people would be left without assistance. Nothing could be further from the truth. The quote mentioned above meant that people would abandon Medicare for superior private coverage.

The Unaffordable Health Care Act is also very inefficient. Many people lost better coverage because of it.

Public education is being exposed as indoctrination centers for leftist politicians. Total lies, like the 1619 Project were exposed during the time when students could not attend school but "learned" remotely at home.
If what you say is true, this would not be true, but it is:

March 24, 2021 at 6:00 am ET
If what you say is true, this would not be true, but it is:

March 24, 2021 at 6:00 am ET
The Unaffordable Care act was not an "option". It was crammed down our throats!

Just because something is popular doesn't make it right.
The Unaffordable Care act was not an "option". It was crammed down our throats!

Just because something is popular doesn't make it right.
DECEMBER 9, 2020

Affordable Care Act Approval Tied for High​

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Americans' support for the 2010 Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, has increased to a record-tying high of 55% after averaging 51% from 2017 through 2019. The act was less popular when President Barack Obama was in office, averaging 44% and never reaching 50%.


Just because reactionaries oppose something does not mean it is wrong.
When the Federal government passed Medicare, The Unaffordable Care Act, and even Social Security, they exceeded their Constitutional authority. Back in the old days, families took care of family. It was the way for the younger generation to say thank you to their parents. If the older members of so many families were not so egotistical, and if so many politicians were not so power-hungry. we would never have such a financial drain on our incomes.

I have no evidence, but I know of many people who thought that Social Security would be all they needed but were disappointed in what they got. If there were no Social Security, responsible people would find ways to save for retirement.

The way that leftist governments works is to get you to pity those who were financially strapped, then enact policies that force the rest of us to support those who did not plan ahead.
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I agree with the ruling, on a strict Constitutional basis. It should be left up to the states. The SC just made up that "right"
If Congress wanted to codify it, they should have, instead of using it as fear porn for campaign season.
Now you tell us. Back when I was warning people they use to say republicans would never try it. Well they’re trying it. What else is next? I can see the argument that social security is unconstitutional
Obamacare will b
DECEMBER 9, 2020

Affordable Care Act Approval Tied for High​

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Americans' support for the 2010 Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, has increased to a record-tying high of 55% after averaging 51% from 2017 through 2019. The act was less popular when President Barack Obama was in office, averaging 44% and never reaching 50%.


Just because reactionaries oppose something does not mean it is wrong.
Obamacare will be ruled unconstitutional. Making insurance companies cover pre existing conditions? Unconstitutional. Medicare? Unconstitutional.
Obamacare will b

Obamacare will be ruled unconstitutional. Making insurance companies cover pre existing conditions? Unconstitutional. Medicare? Unconstitutional.
If Medicare is ruled unconstitutional the Republican Party will be in trouble. Retired whites are a Republican constituency.
When the Federal government passed Medicare, The Unaffordable Care Act, and even Social Security, they exceeded their Constitutional authority.
National Academy of Social Insurance

Over the years, polls have consistently shown that the American public strongly supports Social Security, across party and demographic lines.

In January 2013, the Academy released Strengthening Social Security: What Do Americans Want?, a groundbreaking public opinion study focusing on Americans’ attitudes about Social Security and preferences for strengthening the program for the future. The report found that Americans overwhelmingly support Social Security and are willing to pay more to preserve and even improve benefits. In 2014, the Academy released an update this survey, Americans Make Hard Choices on Social Security: A Survey with Trade-Off Analysis, the findings of which are presented below.

With 61 million people receiving Social Security benefits, Americans recognize that Social Security is a critical program. Large majorities of Americans say they don’t mind paying Social Security taxes because of the security and stability the benefits provide to millions of retired Americans, disabled individuals, and children and widowed spouses of deceased workers. These findings hold true across party lines (those agreeing include 87% of Democrats, 81% of Independents, and 72% of Republicans). Americans are also willing to pay for Social Security because they value it for themselves (73%) and their families (73%)...

The way that leftist governments works is to get you to pity those who were financially strapped, then enact policies that force the rest of us to support those who did not plan ahead.
In addition to retired whites, another Republican constituency is white blue collar workers. These frequently live from pay check to pay check, while fearing the next rent increase. They lack retirement compensation at work, and cannot afford to save money for retirement.

Much of the Republican base is attracted to the GOP because of social issues, rather than economic issues. They support domestic spending programs that benefit them. If these programs are ruled unconstitutional by the Republican Supreme Court, the attraction these people have for the Republican Party will end abruptly.

Your attitude seems to be, "It does not matter what the voters want, because the Constitution says blah blah blah." Republican politicians know it does not matter. They call popular middle class entitlements "the third rail," because those who touch them get powerful shocks.
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There has long been a large and noisy constituency in favor of overturning Roe vs Wade. Nevertheless, polls indicated that Roe had majority support.

There is not a large constituency in favor of ending middle class entitlements. This is what President Eisenhower said about middle class entitlements in a letter to his brother:

"Should any political party attempt to abolish social security, unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history. There is a tiny splinter group, of course, that believes you can do these things. Among them are H. L. Hunt (you possibly know his background), a few other Texas oil millionaires, and an occasional politician or business man from other areas.4 Their number is negligible and they are stupid."

The Preamble of the Constitution authorizes a generous domestic sector of the federal budget:

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."
Medicare is overwhelmingly popular. The Affordable Health Care act is becoming popular. Public education is also popular.
Sure, but the govt still messed those up. The govt got involved with both, and costs shot through the roof. As anyone with half a brain would know it would happen.
Everything they touch, fucks up.
Sure, but the govt still messed those up. The govt got involved with both, and costs shot through the roof. As anyone with half a brain would know it would happen.
Everything they touch, fucks up.
You do not prove that by asserting it.

Every country has different healthcare costs. Twenty-three countries spend more than $3,000 on healthcare per capita based on 2018 data. According to the OECD, the ten countries that spend the most on healthcare per person are:

  1. United States ($10,586)
  2. Switzerland ($7,317)
  3. Norway ($6,187)
  4. Germany ($5,986)
  5. Sweden ($5,447)
  6. Austria ($5,395)
  7. Denmark ($5,299)
  8. Netherlands ($5,288)
  9. Health Care Costs by Country 2022

The other countries have socialized medicine. They have lower infant mortality rates,

and higher life expectancy.

The reason health care costs so much in the United States and gives such bad results is the insurance industry. In the United States money goes to insurance companies, which in civilized countries goes to health care.

We need to get the insurance companies out of health care, and let the government take care of everything, like it does in the civilized world. And do you know something? I do not care that the over rated "Founding Fathers" would have disapproved.

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