The FBI admits to a crucial screw-up in the Flynn case.

The judge will allow a plea reversal and dismiss this case to save himself
from embarrassment if nothing else. If not then he's biased and should recuse himself.

Who is Emmet Sullivan? 5 things to know about judge in Michael Flynn case

Sullivan tore into Flynn, President Trumpā€™s former national security adviser, telling him he couldnā€™t hide his ā€œdisgustā€ or ā€œdisdain.ā€

ā€œArguably, you sold your country out,ā€ Sullivan told Flynn."

That means this was SULLIVAN'S OPINION, not FACT. After showing this predetermined opinion - prior to anything else coming - Sullivan should recuse himself / not be allowed to have any more dealings with Flynn or this case...IMHO...
Excellent point!

Sullivan is, himself, ensnared by the coup attempt.
Last edited:
1st post
The FBI's own investigators stated they did not think Flynn lied during his interviews.

THEY did not alter the reports / documentation. That would be proven co-conspirator Strzok.

Comey & McCabe, Strzok's boss, mislead Flynn when they questioned him again, not informing him that he was being officially interrogated, that he could stop the questioning and have an attorney present, and that anything he said could be used against him because 'this', again, was an official interview. No, they rolled in like they were all buddy-buddy. What they did was illegal / grounds for having the case thrown out.

...just another day in Obama's directed coup ops against Trump.
The judge will allow a plea reversal and dismiss this case to save himself
from embarrassment if nothing else. If not then he's biased and should recuse himself.

Who is Emmet Sullivan? 5 things to know about judge in Michael Flynn case

Sullivan tore into Flynn, President Trumpā€™s former national security adviser, telling him he couldnā€™t hide his ā€œdisgustā€ or ā€œdisdain.ā€

Man, time flies! It seems like yesterday when Flynn told the Judge he didn't want to withdraw his 'Guilty' plea, but it was really 11 months.
The judge will allow a plea reversal and dismiss this case to save himself
from embarrassment if nothing else. If not then he's biased and should recuse himself.

Who is Emmet Sullivan? 5 things to know about judge in Michael Flynn case

Sullivan tore into Flynn, President Trumpā€™s former national security adviser, telling him he couldnā€™t hide his ā€œdisgustā€ or ā€œdisdain.ā€

ā€œArguably, you sold your country out,ā€ Sullivan told Flynn."

That means this was SULLIVAN'S OPINION, not FACT. After showing this predetermined opinion - prior to anything else coming - Sullivan should recuse himself / not be allowed to have any more dealings with Flynn or this case...IMHO...

All about controlling the narrative.
This has been across the board collusion to cover up the Democrats crimes and fabricate
crimes on Trump.

Here's Rachel Colbert

And Stephen Maddow
SCOOP: CIA, FBI Informant Was Washington Post Source For Russiagate Smears

The Federalist has learned that the now-outed CIA and FBI informant Stefan Halper served as a source for Washington Post reporter David Ignatius, providing more evidence that the intelligence community has co-opted the press to push anti-Trump conspiracy theories. In addition, an email recently obtained by The Federalist from the MI5-connected Christopher Andrew bragging that his long-time friend Ignatius has the ā€œā€˜inside trackā€™ on Flynnā€ adds further confirmation of this conclusion.

Svetlana Lokhova, the Russian-born English citizen and Soviet-era scholar, told The Federalist that she only realized the significance of her communications with and about Ignatius following the filing of attorney Sidney Powellā€™s reply brief in the Michael Flynn case.

In last weekā€™s court filing, Powell highlighted how the CIA, FBI, Halper, and possibly James Baker used the unnamed and unaware Lokhova and the complicit Ignatius to destroy Flynn. This James Baker is not the one who worked under James Comey at the FBI, but a James Baker in the Department of Defense Office of National Assessment.

Powell wrote:

Stefan Halper is a known long-time operative for the CIA/FBI. He was paid exorbitant sums by the FBI/CIA/DOD through the Department of Defense Departmentā€™s Office of Net Assessment in 2016. His tasks seem to have included slandering Mr. Flynn with accusations of having an affair with a young professor (a British national of Russian descent) Flynn met at an official dinner at Cambridge University when he was head of DIA in 2014. Flynn has requested the records of Col. James Baker because he was Halperā€™s ā€˜handlerā€™ in the Office of Net Assessment in the Pentagon, and ONA Director Baker regularly lunched with Washington Post Reporter David Ignatius. Baker is believed to be the person who illegally leaked the transcript of Mr. Flynnā€™s calls to Ignatius. The defense has requested the phone records of James Clapper to confirm his contacts with Washington Post reporter Ignatiusā€”especially on January 10, 2017, when Clapper told Ignatius in words to the effect of ā€˜take the kill shot on Flynn.ā€™ It cannot escape mention that the press has long had transcripts of the Kislyak calls that the government has denied to the defense.
The judge will allow a plea reversal and dismiss this case to save himself
from embarrassment if nothing else. If not then he's biased and should recuse himself.

Who is Emmet Sullivan? 5 things to know about judge in Michael Flynn case

Sullivan tore into Flynn, President Trumpā€™s former national security adviser, telling him he couldnā€™t hide his ā€œdisgustā€ or ā€œdisdain.ā€

ā€œArguably, you sold your country out,ā€ Sullivan told Flynn."

That means this was SULLIVAN'S OPINION, not FACT. After showing this predetermined opinion - prior to anything else coming - Sullivan should recuse himself / not be allowed to have any more dealings with Flynn or this case...IMHO...

All about controlling the narrative.
This has been across the board collusion to cover up the Democrats crimes and fabricate
crimes on Trump.

Here's Rachel Colbert

And Stephen Maddow

It's time to charge the Democrat minions of the Democrat Party who took over the Journalistic world with crimes they'll never get out of solitary confinement in a Federal Prison for. And if they are found treasonous, hang 'em.
5th post
This Stzrok guy is as dirty as they come. Even the Clinton -appointed judge assigned to this case should see the whole thing stinks top to bottom.

General Michael Flynn attorney demands FBI search internal database, claims FBI manipulated interview notes. Sidney Powell, attorney for Michael Flynn, speaks out...

Fox News. :lol:

Fox News? OH, the truth. tch, tch, tch.
The judge will allow a plea reversal and dismiss this case to save himself
from embarrassment if nothing else. If not then he's biased and should recuse himself.

Who is Emmet Sullivan? 5 things to know about judge in Michael Flynn case

Sullivan tore into Flynn, President Trumpā€™s former national security adviser, telling him he couldnā€™t hide his ā€œdisgustā€ or ā€œdisdain.ā€

ā€œArguably, you sold your country out,ā€ Sullivan told Flynn."

That means this was SULLIVAN'S OPINION, not FACT. After showing this predetermined opinion - prior to anything else coming - Sullivan should recuse himself / not be allowed to have any more dealings with Flynn or this case...IMHO...
Excellent point!

Sullivan is, himself, ensnared by the coup attempt.
Impeach the bastid.
The judge will allow a plea reversal and dismiss this case to save himself
from embarrassment if nothing else. If not then he's biased and should recuse himself.

Who is Emmet Sullivan? 5 things to know about judge in Michael Flynn case

Sullivan tore into Flynn, President Trumpā€™s former national security adviser, telling him he couldnā€™t hide his ā€œdisgustā€ or ā€œdisdain.ā€

ā€œArguably, you sold your country out,ā€ Sullivan told Flynn."

That means this was SULLIVAN'S OPINION, not FACT. After showing this predetermined opinion - prior to anything else coming - Sullivan should recuse himself / not be allowed to have any more dealings with Flynn or this case...IMHO...

All about controlling the narrative.
This has been across the board collusion to cover up the Democrats crimes and fabricate
crimes on Trump.

Here's Rachel Colbert

And Stephen Maddow

Lock 'em up!
10th post

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