The Family that controls the world

Timeline of the Rothschild family

Ok this time just the link and a few words....:D So enjoy ye history buffs! I wonder if this is in a book form...would be a good history book...
Nooooooo, you don't say?! Did you learn this in Gaza or on Stormfront, you fucking moron?

Rabbi is still crying himself to sleep every night because James Richard "Dick" Perry didn't win the Republican nomination, and also during a live debate, couldn't remember the names the Gov't agencies he said he'd close down with out the help of Ron Paul.

Rabbi also said Free Trade has brought the US it's current prosperity. Little does he know how right he is.

But just look at him and his posts. All the "Mental Midget" can do is call you a Nazi. He could spend a few minutes researching the Rothschild family history and see for himself.

But no.

Instead he, like most Conservatives, sits in front of the TV every night waiting for the Hot Chick on Fox with the nice legs and rack to tell him what to think. And they NEVER talk about the Bankers and how they control both sidea of the political coin here in America.

So the end result is what you see here: "You guys are Nazi's and belong at Stormfront!" :uhoh3:
Rabbi is still crying himself to sleep every night because James Richard "Dick" Perry didn't win the Republican nomination, and also during a live debate, couldn't remember the names the Gov't agencies he said he'd close down with out the help of Ron Paul.

Rabbi also said Free Trade has brought the US it's current prosperity. Little does he know how right he is.

But just look at him and his posts. All the "Mental Midget" can do is call you a Nazi. He could spend a few minutes researching the Rothschild family history and see for himself.

But no.

Instead he, like most Conservatives, sits in front of the TV every night waiting for the Hot Chick on Fox with the nice legs and rack to tell him what to think. And they NEVER talk about the Bankers and how they control both sidea of the political coin here in America.

So the end result is what you see here: "You guys are Nazi's and belong at Stormfront!" :uhoh3:
Well you sure are mad, but I don't know about the scientist part.
Nathan Rothschild: ""I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the Empire. The man who controls Britain's money supply controls the British Empire and I control the British money supply."

Me: The same thing could be said about America.

Rabbi: "Well, you're a Nazi that belongs at Stormfront!"
Good documentary about the history of the Rothschild Family and how they control Banking interests worldwide. But then again I'm a Nazi who belongs at Stormfront. :rolleyes:

[ame=]How The Rothschild Family controled the Modern World - YouTube[/ame]
MS, the fact that something could be said, or posted, doesn't make it realistic or factual.

For example, I could post that you are pining for Rabbi and Roudy both.........
Nathan Rothschild: ""I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the Empire. The man who controls Britain's money supply controls the British Empire and I control the British money supply."

Me: The same thing could be said about America.

Rabbi: "Well, you're a Nazi that belongs at Stormfront!"

"Ron Paul attracts a lot of anti-semites"

No, you're just playing the anti semite card.

I guess not. MS just revealed himself to be either a sicko or a crank. Possibly both. With one thread he's rendered every post irrelevant to rational discussion.

Oh yeah, fuck you, Adolph.
MS, the fact that something could be said, or posted, doesn't make it realistic or factual.

For example, I could post that you are pining for Rabbi and Roudy both.........
If you see it from one source then yes, you would be correct. But when you look into it and you see the same things from multiple sources, you can't just ignore it or wish it wasn't so.

You think I LIKE that fact that both parties are controlled by Bankers? No, but when you look into it you see that behind the smiling faces there a re the same banking interests every 2 and 4 years.

The same Banks and Wall Street types who backed Bush also backed Obama and now back Romney. That's why I've been saying he's gonna' win in November.

The two different parties just give the illusion of choice when there really is none.
Nathan Rothschild: ""I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the Empire. The man who controls Britain's money supply controls the British Empire and I control the British money supply."
Me: The same thing could be said about America.

Rabbi: "Well, you're a Nazi that belongs at Stormfront!"
"Ron Paul attracts a lot of anti-semites"

No, you're just playing the anti semite card.

I guess not. MS just revealed himself to be either a sicko or a crank. Possibly both. With one thread he's rendered every post irrelevant to rational discussion.

Oh yeah, fuck you, Adolph.
Anti-Semites must like Freedom too.

If you want Freedom of Speech, then you must allow others to exercise it as well.
OK, I was sort of thinking it was so obviously ridiculous.......but then it seems some people don't have any understanding that 'The Kuzari' was a work of FICTION.

Maybe because this board has some kind of standard after all and doesn't want to be confused with Stormfront

And posting the same bullshit under another title is just what I'd expect from stupid little goose-steppers like you two.
Ah no...not allowed to post big chunks of something so he had to delete it...:D


Maybe because this board has some kind of standard after all and doesn't want to be confused with Stormfront

And posting the same bullshit under another title is just what I'd expect from stupid little goose-steppers like you two.

I'm sorry it was removed, as I enjoyed showing just what garbage it was....

Then please go ahead....lets see what you have to refute this,so far all we got is stormfront,nazi,adolph and anti semite....I am sure you an do better then that.
What a sickening bunch of


you people are!

You are the perfect example of what happens to a free nation when the bankers control the media.

And you wonder why our educational system is failing no matter how much money we throw at it?
MS, the fact that something could be said, or posted, doesn't make it realistic or factual.

For example, I could post that you are pining for Rabbi and Roudy both.........
If you see it from one source then yes, you would be correct. But when you look into it and you see the same things from multiple sources, you can't just ignore it or wish it wasn't so.

You think I LIKE that fact that both parties are controlled by Bankers? No, but when you look into it you see that behind the smiling faces there a re the same banking interests every 2 and 4 years.

The same Banks and Wall Street types who backed Bush also backed Obama and now back Romney. That's why I've been saying he's gonna' win in November.

The two different parties just give the illusion of choice when there really is none.
Antisemitism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Economic antisemitism

The underlying premise of economic antisemitism is that Jews perform harmful economic activities or that economic activities become harmful when they are performed by Jews.[38]

Linking Jews and money underpins the most damaging and lasting Antisemitic canards.[39] Anti-semites claim that Jews control the world finances, a theory promoted in the fraudulent Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and later repeated by Henry Ford and his Dearborn Independent. In the modern era, such myths continue to be spread in books such as The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews published by the Nation of Islam, and on the internet.

A caricature from the German antisemitic Der Stürmer, around Christmas 1929. It urged Germans to avoid buying from Jewish shops.
Derek Penslar writes that there are two components to the financial canards:[40]
a) Jews are savages that "are temperamentally incapable of performing honest labor" b) Jews are "leaders of a financial cabal seeking world domination"
Abraham Foxman describes six facets of the financial canards:
1.All Jews are wealthy[41]
2.Jews are stingy and greedy[42]
3.Powerful Jews control the business world[43]
4.Jewish religion emphasizes profit and materialism[44]
5.It is okay for Jews to cheat non-Jews[45]
6.Jews use their power to benefit "their own kind"[46]

Gerald Krefetz summarizes the myth as "[Jews] control the banks, the money supply, the economy, and businesses – of the community, of the country, of the world".[47] Krefetz gives, as illustrations, many slurs and proverbs (in several different languages) which suggest that Jews are stingy, or greedy, or miserly, or aggressive bargainers.[48] During the nineteenth century, Jews were described as "scurrilous, stupid, and tight-fisted", but after the Jewish Emancipation and the rise of Jews to the middle- or upper-class in Europe were portrayed as "clever, devious, and manipulative financiers out to dominate [world finances]".[49]

Leon Poliakov asserts that economic antisemitism is not a distinct form of antisemitism, but merely a manifestation of theologic antisemitism (because, without the theological causes of the economic antisemitism, there would be no economic antisemitism). In opposition to this view, Derek Penslar contends that in the modern era, the economic antisemitism is "distinct and nearly constant" but theological antisemitism is "often subdued".[50]

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