The Fable of the siege.


Gold Member
Jul 9, 2014
Hello again,

Here in would like to share a very interesting article to all the people thinking that removing the blockade could bring peace
Israel Hayom | The fable of the Gaza siege

The fable of the Gaza siege
By Uri Heitner.

According to the reports out of Cairo, one of the main issues in the negotiations, maybe the biggest one, is Hamas' demand to remove the Israeli blockade on Gaza. The Palestinian narrative of the "siege" has taken roots in the public consciousness, to the point where we have also fallen into the trap. Is Gaza really under a siege?

The "siege" narrative was born after Israel's disengagement from Gaza in the summer of 2005 to replace the Palestinian narrative of "occupation," as an excuse for terrorism against Israel. After the withdrawal from Gaza, when the settlements were uprooted and every last trace of every last Jew eradicated, the Palestinians couldn't cling to their claim of "occupation." So ever since they have painted Gaza as an area under a "brutal siege."

Is this a siege? This is how the dictionary defines "siege": "The act or process of surrounding and attacking a fortified place in such a way as to isolate it from help and supplies, for the purpose of lessening the resistance of the defenders and thereby making capture possible." Does this bear any resemblance to the reality on the Gaza border?

Moreover, Israel does not even have the ability to keep Gaza under siege, because Gaza shares a border with Egypt. The Gazans and the Egyptians belong to the same people. Thousands of rockets have not been fired at Egypt from Gaza. Siege? Let Egypt open its Gaza border crossings.

The whole siege story is nothing more than a fable made up to sway world opinion against Israel.

Israel evacuated all Israeli towns in Gaza, negotiated, all under fire even when there was no blockade, under Fatah (Abbas) rule and under Hamas rule, now you seriously expect us to break the law and remove the blockade putting all the southern Israelis as Human Shields?
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Of course this guy is fill of shit.

[ame=]Laila El-Haddad, Journalist, Author, Gaza Mom-The Autograph-09-21-2011 - YouTube[/ame]

You produce this video every time and it shows nothing of any interest.

Ignorant by choice.

Good plan.

Wromg again as I have seen it and it shows nothing but Palestinian LIES. Things like it was Israel's fault that the Palestinians could not work out how to get their produce to market or how to organise transport to transport it.
You produce this video every time and it shows nothing of any interest.

Ignorant by choice.

Good plan.

Wromg again as I have seen it and it shows nothing but Palestinian LIES. Things like it was Israel's fault that the Palestinians could not work out how to get their produce to market or how to organise transport to transport it.

They could have shipped by air.

Oops, Israel bombed the airport.

They could have shipped by sea.

Oops, Israel bombed the port.

Any other suggestions?
It doesn't matter, instead of investing and rebuilding economy they decided to invest in rockets and tunnels again, this is why Israel decided to place a blockade and designate Gaza as Hostile, closing the borders is fully legitimate action, placing the partially blockade is also fully legitimate action.
Now they complain about a siege or blockade but Israel didn't closed any border and have zero problem with Rafah checkpoint being opened or closed, Kerem Shalom should've been close but Israel didn't!
It doesn't matter, instead of investing and rebuilding economy they decided to invest in rockets and tunnels again, this is why Israel decided to place a blockade and designate Gaza as Hostile, closing the borders is fully legitimate action, placing the partially blockade is also fully legitimate action.
Now they complain about a siege or blockade but Israel didn't closed any border and have zero problem with Rafah checkpoint being opened or closed, Kerem Shalom should've been close but Israel didn't!

Farmers can't farm. Fishermen can't fish. Almost all of the factories are closed because of the siege. Nothing can be exported.

Where should they invest?
It doesn't matter, instead of investing and rebuilding economy they decided to invest in rockets and tunnels again, this is why Israel decided to place a blockade and designate Gaza as Hostile, closing the borders is fully legitimate action, placing the partially blockade is also fully legitimate action.
Now they complain about a siege or blockade but Israel didn't closed any border and have zero problem with Rafah checkpoint being opened or closed, Kerem Shalom should've been close but Israel didn't!

Farmers can't farm. Fishermen can't fish. Almost all of the factories are closed because of the siege. Nothing can be exported.

Where should they invest?
Tourism, Clothing, wood and frenture(can't spell it right) high tech, shipments to Egypt, oil, and much more could've been accessibletoday if they wasn't investing in terrorism.
The main costumers of Gaza were once Israel, they ruined it.
This is like watching children squabbling in the playground with nothing very much to say on either side except the same BS that is always said...

It's exactly this that stops any chance of negotiation of peace...

To coin a phrase... "Its like watching paint dry!"
It doesn't matter, instead of investing and rebuilding economy they decided to invest in rockets and tunnels again, this is why Israel decided to place a blockade and designate Gaza as Hostile, closing the borders is fully legitimate action, placing the partially blockade is also fully legitimate action.
Now they complain about a siege or blockade but Israel didn't closed any border and have zero problem with Rafah checkpoint being opened or closed, Kerem Shalom should've been close but Israel didn't!

Farmers can't farm. Fishermen can't fish. Almost all of the factories are closed because of the siege. Nothing can be exported.

Where should they invest?
Tourism, Clothing, wood and frenture(can't spell it right) high tech, shipments to Egypt, oil, and much more could've been accessibletoday if they wasn't investing in terrorism.
The main costumers of Gaza were once Israel, they ruined it.

And this is as 'funny' as the OP...

Israel withdrew from Gaza in 2005 and....

Still remains in total control of the area....

The dictionary may have a definition of the word "Siege" but so does international law... Go check out what that says about an occupying state laying siege to the country it occupies.

For the rest, I'm not even going to waste my time responding to... It's utter trash... Similar trash is also written by supporters of the other side too...

If this was not such a serious subject I would not be able to stop laughing!
The link to the source - check.
Small to medium section - check.
Fanger spam - check.
This is ordinary and legit thread..but lets ask the mods. [MENTION=19170]Coyote[/MENTION] [MENTION=23239]westwall[/MENTION] [MENTION=30473]flacaltenn[/MENTION]

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