The Extremists Next Door: A Confession

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum

One of McVeigh’s most fervent supporters, Mark Koernke, worked as a janitor at the University of Michigan, where I teach, and in his off hours hosted a vitriolic radio show on which he espoused the militia’s most radical, violent views.

I don’t usually feel threatened by the militias. Most members are just indulging their fantasies of being warriors without having to sign up for the Army. They want to be heroes and save their neighbors from disaster.

Many of the guys in the yuppie southeast Michigan branch of the militia consider themselves socially progressive libertarians and welcome anyone — Jews, blacks and Muslims included — who is willing to defend Michigan from invasion, whether by the federal government or foreign forces.

What is it we don't get? We know there are extremists next door. We may even know a few right here on the internet(s). What should we do?

extremists next door link is above...centered, or here...
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