The entire progressive narrative on firearms obliterated


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
It must be unbearable to be a progressive today. The entire ideology is just imploding. As if things weren't bad enough, now an illegal substance has been responsible for more deaths than firearms. So much for the progressive false narrative that outlawing firearms would prevent shootings. This proves what rational people (i.e. conservatives) already knew - that criminals don't obey the law. That's what makes them criminals.

Heroin Now Kills More People Than Guns In America
It must be unbearable to be a progressive today. The entire ideology is just imploding. As if things weren't bad enough, now an illegal substance has been responsible for more deaths than firearms. So much for the progressive false narrative that outlawing firearms would prevent shootings. This proves what rational people (i.e. conservatives) already knew - that criminals don't obey the law. That's what makes them criminals.

Heroin Now Kills More People Than Guns In America
Good job liberals. Not that long ago guns killed more people than Heroin. The gun crime homicide rate has been in decline now for 20 years. :clap:
It must be unbearable to be a progressive today. The entire ideology is just imploding. As if things weren't bad enough, now an illegal substance has been responsible for more deaths than firearms. So much for the progressive false narrative that outlawing firearms would prevent shootings. This proves what rational people (i.e. conservatives) already knew - that criminals don't obey the law. That's what makes them criminals.

Heroin Now Kills More People Than Guns In America
Good job liberals. Not that long ago guns killed more people than Heroin. The gun crime homicide rate has been in decline now for 20 years. :clap:

Just proves dealing drugs is not a nonviolent crime.
Damn, that's like when the coffins started slowing down under Bush, they got pissed.
It must be unbearable to be a progressive today. The entire ideology is just imploding. As if things weren't bad enough, now an illegal substance has been responsible for more deaths than firearms. So much for the progressive false narrative that outlawing firearms would prevent shootings. This proves what rational people (i.e. conservatives) already knew - that criminals don't obey the law. That's what makes them criminals.

Heroin Now Kills More People Than Guns In America
so obviously you support heroin legalization correct?
It must be unbearable to be a progressive today. The entire ideology is just imploding. As if things weren't bad enough, now an illegal substance has been responsible for more deaths than firearms. So much for the progressive false narrative that outlawing firearms would prevent shootings. This proves what rational people (i.e. conservatives) already knew - that criminals don't obey the law. That's what makes them criminals.

Heroin Now Kills More People Than Guns In America
so obviously you support heroin legalization correct?

No, what it tells us is the legality has nothing to do with lethality.
Heroin is much worse than a gun and guns can protect you from a government, heroin cant.
It must be unbearable to be a progressive today. The entire ideology is just imploding. As if things weren't bad enough, now an illegal substance has been responsible for more deaths than firearms. So much for the progressive false narrative that outlawing firearms would prevent shootings. This proves what rational people (i.e. conservatives) already knew - that criminals don't obey the law. That's what makes them criminals.

Heroin Now Kills More People Than Guns In America
so obviously you support heroin legalization correct?

No, what it tells us is the legality has nothing to do with lethality.
Heroin is much worse than a gun and guns can protect you from a government, heroin cant.
so your saying its complicated issue that cant be boiled down too a few misleading statistics? and that only hypocritical hacks use arguments like this?

Is that what your saying?
It must be unbearable to be a progressive today. The entire ideology is just imploding. As if things weren't bad enough, now an illegal substance has been responsible for more deaths than firearms. So much for the progressive false narrative that outlawing firearms would prevent shootings. This proves what rational people (i.e. conservatives) already knew - that criminals don't obey the law. That's what makes them criminals.

Heroin Now Kills More People Than Guns In America
so obviously you support heroin legalization correct?

No, what it tells us is the legality has nothing to do with lethality.
Heroin is much worse than a gun and guns can protect you from a government, heroin cant.
so your saying its complicated issue that cant be boiled down too a few misleading statistics? and that only hypocritical hacks use arguments like this?

Is that what your saying?
No what I'm saying is guns now kill less than Heroin, Heroin is a controlled substance, so Heroin control doesn't work well, so why would gun control?
Second the reason Heroin is a controlled substance is :
1) it can kill you immediately
2) it alters your brain chemistry and who you are
3) it is very addictive
4) it is not protected by a 2nd amendment
5) it can not be used by people to combat an abusive government

feel free to contradict or add your own.
It must be unbearable to be a progressive today. The entire ideology is just imploding. As if things weren't bad enough, now an illegal substance has been responsible for more deaths than firearms. So much for the progressive false narrative that outlawing firearms would prevent shootings. This proves what rational people (i.e. conservatives) already knew - that criminals don't obey the law. That's what makes them criminals.

Heroin Now Kills More People Than Guns In America
so obviously you support heroin legalization correct?

No, what it tells us is the legality has nothing to do with lethality.
Heroin is much worse than a gun and guns can protect you from a government, heroin cant.
so your saying its complicated issue that cant be boiled down too a few misleading statistics? and that only hypocritical hacks use arguments like this?

Is that what your saying?
No what I'm saying is guns now kill less than Heroin, Heroin is a controlled substance, so Heroin control doesn't work well, so why would gun control?
Second the reason Heroin is a controlled substance is :
1) it can kill you immediately
2) it alters your brain chemistry and who you are
3) it is very addictive
4) it is not protected by a 2nd amendment
5) it can not be used by people to combat an abusive government

feel free to contradict or add your own.
how are you going to use your guns to combat an abusive government again?
It must be unbearable to be a progressive today. The entire ideology is just imploding. As if things weren't bad enough, now an illegal substance has been responsible for more deaths than firearms. So much for the progressive false narrative that outlawing firearms would prevent shootings. This proves what rational people (i.e. conservatives) already knew - that criminals don't obey the law. That's what makes them criminals.

Heroin Now Kills More People Than Guns In America
so obviously you support heroin legalization correct?

No, what it tells us is the legality has nothing to do with lethality.
Heroin is much worse than a gun and guns can protect you from a government, heroin cant.
so your saying its complicated issue that cant be boiled down too a few misleading statistics? and that only hypocritical hacks use arguments like this?

Is that what your saying?
No what I'm saying is guns now kill less than Heroin, Heroin is a controlled substance, so Heroin control doesn't work well, so why would gun control?
Second the reason Heroin is a controlled substance is :
1) it can kill you immediately
2) it alters your brain chemistry and who you are
3) it is very addictive
4) it is not protected by a 2nd amendment
5) it can not be used by people to combat an abusive government

feel free to contradict or add your own.
how are you going to use your guns to combat an abusive government again?

Do you know how to use a gun? it's not difficult.

United States Declaration of Independence - Wikipedia

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
It must be unbearable to be a progressive today. The entire ideology is just imploding. As if things weren't bad enough, now an illegal substance has been responsible for more deaths than firearms. So much for the progressive false narrative that outlawing firearms would prevent shootings. This proves what rational people (i.e. conservatives) already knew - that criminals don't obey the law. That's what makes them criminals.

Heroin Now Kills More People Than Guns In America
Good job liberals. Not that long ago guns killed more people than Heroin. The gun crime homicide rate has been in decline now for 20 years. :clap:

Just proves dealing drugs is not a nonviolent crime.
Unless it's a drug that nobody has ever died from an overdose
It must be unbearable to be a progressive today. The entire ideology is just imploding. As if things weren't bad enough, now an illegal substance has been responsible for more deaths than firearms. So much for the progressive false narrative that outlawing firearms would prevent shootings. This proves what rational people (i.e. conservatives) already knew - that criminals don't obey the law. That's what makes them criminals.

Heroin Now Kills More People Than Guns In America
Good job liberals. Not that long ago guns killed more people than Heroin. The gun crime homicide rate has been in decline now for 20 years.
While gun sales have skyrocketed...
It must be unbearable to be a progressive today. The entire ideology is just imploding. As if things weren't bad enough, now an illegal substance has been responsible for more deaths than firearms. So much for the progressive false narrative that outlawing firearms would prevent shootings. This proves what rational people (i.e. conservatives) already knew - that criminals don't obey the law. That's what makes them criminals.

Heroin Now Kills More People Than Guns In America
Good job liberals. Not that long ago guns killed more people than Heroin. The gun crime homicide rate has been in decline now for 20 years. :clap:
Well good, we can ignore the inner cities even more!
Oh and I guess Heller was a good decision(it was) and we don't need to worry about gun control at all

Way to go right wingers sticking to your guns and proving gun control is not the answer!
It must be unbearable to be a progressive today. The entire ideology is just imploding. As if things weren't bad enough, now an illegal substance has been responsible for more deaths than firearms. So much for the progressive false narrative that outlawing firearms would prevent shootings. This proves what rational people (i.e. conservatives) already knew - that criminals don't obey the law. That's what makes them criminals.

Heroin Now Kills More People Than Guns In America
Good job liberals. Not that long ago guns killed more people than Heroin. The gun crime homicide rate has been in decline now for 20 years.
While gun sales have skyrocketed...
Yes gun dealers have made a killing off of you rubes

It must be unbearable to be a progressive today. The entire ideology is just imploding. As if things weren't bad enough, now an illegal substance has been responsible for more deaths than firearms. So much for the progressive false narrative that outlawing firearms would prevent shootings. This proves what rational people (i.e. conservatives) already knew - that criminals don't obey the law. That's what makes them criminals.

Heroin Now Kills More People Than Guns In America
so obviously you support heroin legalization correct?
Uh....before I answer that did you draw such an absurd conclusion? Because I have a constitutional right to keep and bear arms, I support heroin?!? That's kind of like saying "because you plant flowers in your yard you must also set fires to churches". :eusa_doh:
It must be unbearable to be a progressive today. The entire ideology is just imploding. As if things weren't bad enough, now an illegal substance has been responsible for more deaths than firearms. So much for the progressive false narrative that outlawing firearms would prevent shootings. This proves what rational people (i.e. conservatives) already knew - that criminals don't obey the law. That's what makes them criminals.

Heroin Now Kills More People Than Guns In America
so obviously you support heroin legalization correct?

No, what it tells us is the legality has nothing to do with lethality.
Heroin is much worse than a gun and guns can protect you from a government, heroin cant.
so your saying its complicated issue that cant be boiled down too a few misleading statistics? and that only hypocritical hacks use arguments like this?

Is that what your saying?
No what I'm saying is guns now kill less than Heroin, Heroin is a controlled substance, so Heroin control doesn't work well, so why would gun control?
Second the reason Heroin is a controlled substance is :
1) it can kill you immediately
2) it alters your brain chemistry and who you are
3) it is very addictive
4) it is not protected by a 2nd amendment
5) it can not be used by people to combat an abusive government

feel free to contradict or add your own.
how are you going to use your guns to combat an abusive government again?

Pizzagate, We just need to get into the basement...
It must be unbearable to be a progressive today. The entire ideology is just imploding. As if things weren't bad enough, now an illegal substance has been responsible for more deaths than firearms. So much for the progressive false narrative that outlawing firearms would prevent shootings. This proves what rational people (i.e. conservatives) already knew - that criminals don't obey the law. That's what makes them criminals.

Heroin Now Kills More People Than Guns In America
Good job liberals. Not that long ago guns killed more people than Heroin. The gun crime homicide rate has been in decline now for 20 years. :clap:
Every year more and more firearms are sold… Means far less violent crime
so your saying its complicated issue that cant be boiled down too a few misleading statistics? and that only hypocritical hacks use arguments like this? Is that what your saying?
Oh man...even by typical progressive standards, that is weak. Heroin is outlawed and has been for damn near a century now. It causes more deaths than firearms - which are legal.

What is so "complicated" about it? Nothing. You just can't accept that the reality is in direct conflict with your ideology.
It must be unbearable to be a progressive today. The entire ideology is just imploding. As if things weren't bad enough, now an illegal substance has been responsible for more deaths than firearms. So much for the progressive false narrative that outlawing firearms would prevent shootings. This proves what rational people (i.e. conservatives) already knew - that criminals don't obey the law. That's what makes them criminals.

Heroin Now Kills More People Than Guns In America
Good job liberals. Not that long ago guns killed more people than Heroin. The gun crime homicide rate has been in decline now for 20 years. :clap:
Every year more and more firearms are sold… Means far less violent crime
Far less violent crime? Look at you completely veering away from the last 8 years of republican talking points.

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