The End Times


Diamond Member
Dec 22, 2013
Ormond Beach, FL
I haven't attended Bible study lately. The study of Revelation we embarked on has gone one direction - toward futurism, and dissent is frowned on.

The way I read the Scriptures, the end times have passed and the era of peace, prosperity, and happiness is here. The kingdom of heaven is here.

Daniel says that when the last foreign ruler subjugates Israel, God will establish His kingdom on the earth (2:44). While Israel was subject to Rome, its last foreign ruler, Paul says that the Church is here to stay (Eph. 3:21).

And there we have it. Christianity is the kingdom of heaven on the earth. The wars and earthquakes that Jesus warned his generation of in the Olivet discourse occurred during the Roman-Jewish Wars, after which Israel finally and fully lost all viability as a state. After the failed Bar Kokhba Revolt in AD 132, the Jewish Age had come to an end, and the Christian Age, like a fig tree in springtime sprouting green shoots, waiting for summer, ready to blossom, would begin.

I'm aware that most Christians believe that the end of the age that the Bible tells us of refers to the end of the current age, and I don't understand why. Might someone enlighten me? Has the Apocalypse come and gone? Why or why not?
I haven't attended Bible study lately. The study of Revelation we embarked on has gone one direction - toward futurism, and dissent is frowned on.

The way I read the Scriptures, the end times have passed and the era of peace, prosperity, and happiness is here. The kingdom of heaven is here.

Daniel says that when the last foreign ruler subjugates Israel, God will establish His kingdom on the earth (2:44). While Israel was subject to Rome, its last foreign ruler, Paul says that the Church is here to stay (Eph. 3:21).

And there we have it. Christianity is the kingdom of heaven on the earth. The wars and earthquakes that Jesus warned his generation of in the Olivet discourse occurred during the Roman-Jewish Wars, after which Israel finally and fully lost all viability as a state. After the failed Bar Kokhba Revolt in AD 132, the Jewish Age had come to an end, and the Christian Age, like a fig tree in springtime sprouting green shoots, waiting for summer, ready to blossom, would begin.

I'm aware that most Christians believe that the end of the age that the Bible tells us of refers to the end of the current age, and I don't understand why. Might someone enlighten me? Has the Apocalypse come and gone? Why or why not?
You worry about some strange shit dude.........
I haven't attended Bible study lately. The study of Revelation we embarked on has gone one direction - toward futurism, and dissent is frowned on.

The way I read the Scriptures, the end times have passed and the era of peace, prosperity, and happiness is here. The kingdom of heaven is here.

Daniel says that when the last foreign ruler subjugates Israel, God will establish His kingdom on the earth (2:44). While Israel was subject to Rome, its last foreign ruler, Paul says that the Church is here to stay (Eph. 3:21).

And there we have it. Christianity is the kingdom of heaven on the earth. The wars and earthquakes that Jesus warned his generation of in the Olivet discourse occurred during the Roman-Jewish Wars, after which Israel finally and fully lost all viability as a state. After the failed Bar Kokhba Revolt in AD 132, the Jewish Age had come to an end, and the Christian Age, like a fig tree in springtime sprouting green shoots, waiting for summer, ready to blossom, would begin.

I'm aware that most Christians believe that the end of the age that the Bible tells us of refers to the end of the current age, and I don't understand why. Might someone enlighten me? Has the Apocalypse come and gone? Why or why not?
You worry about some strange shit dude.........

I'm quite happy with what I believe, actually.
I haven't attended Bible study lately. The study of Revelation we embarked on has gone one direction - toward futurism, and dissent is frowned on.

The way I read the Scriptures, the end times have passed and the era of peace, prosperity, and happiness is here. The kingdom of heaven is here.

Daniel says that when the last foreign ruler subjugates Israel, God will establish His kingdom on the earth (2:44). While Israel was subject to Rome, its last foreign ruler, Paul says that the Church is here to stay (Eph. 3:21).

And there we have it. Christianity is the kingdom of heaven on the earth. The wars and earthquakes that Jesus warned his generation of in the Olivet discourse occurred during the Roman-Jewish Wars, after which Israel finally and fully lost all viability as a state. After the failed Bar Kokhba Revolt in AD 132, the Jewish Age had come to an end, and the Christian Age, like a fig tree in springtime sprouting green shoots, waiting for summer, ready to blossom, would begin.

I'm aware that most Christians believe that the end of the age that the Bible tells us of refers to the end of the current age, and I don't understand why. Might someone enlighten me? Has the Apocalypse come and gone? Why or why not?
You worry about some strange shit dude.........

I'm quite happy with what I believe, actually.
I'm happy for you......... :dunno:
I haven't attended Bible study lately. The study of Revelation we embarked on has gone one direction - toward futurism, and dissent is frowned on.

The way I read the Scriptures, the end times have passed and the era of peace, prosperity, and happiness is here. The kingdom of heaven is here.

Daniel says that when the last foreign ruler subjugates Israel, God will establish His kingdom on the earth (2:44). While Israel was subject to Rome, its last foreign ruler, Paul says that the Church is here to stay (Eph. 3:21).

And there we have it. Christianity is the kingdom of heaven on the earth. The wars and earthquakes that Jesus warned his generation of in the Olivet discourse occurred during the Roman-Jewish Wars, after which Israel finally and fully lost all viability as a state. After the failed Bar Kokhba Revolt in AD 132, the Jewish Age had come to an end, and the Christian Age, like a fig tree in springtime sprouting green shoots, waiting for summer, ready to blossom, would begin.

I'm aware that most Christians believe that the end of the age that the Bible tells us of refers to the end of the current age, and I don't understand why. Might someone enlighten me? Has the Apocalypse come and gone? Why or why not?
I don't believe it is the PAST, (well at least not all of it) and believe it is the future.... Christ returns and there is a second coming of Christ, and He returns during absolute chaos and turmoil, the Great Tribulation....

I'm not into eschatology, but I do know that many evangelical/baptist sects do believe we are in the "end times" now. It's a good writing trope but I don't pay it any attention.
I haven't attended Bible study lately. The study of Revelation we embarked on has gone one direction - toward futurism, and dissent is frowned on.

The way I read the Scriptures, the end times have passed and the era of peace, prosperity, and happiness is here. The kingdom of heaven is here.

Daniel says that when the last foreign ruler subjugates Israel, God will establish His kingdom on the earth (2:44). While Israel was subject to Rome, its last foreign ruler, Paul says that the Church is here to stay (Eph. 3:21).

And there we have it. Christianity is the kingdom of heaven on the earth. The wars and earthquakes that Jesus warned his generation of in the Olivet discourse occurred during the Roman-Jewish Wars, after which Israel finally and fully lost all viability as a state. After the failed Bar Kokhba Revolt in AD 132, the Jewish Age had come to an end, and the Christian Age, like a fig tree in springtime sprouting green shoots, waiting for summer, ready to blossom, would begin.

I'm aware that most Christians believe that the end of the age that the Bible tells us of refers to the end of the current age, and I don't understand why. Might someone enlighten me? Has the Apocalypse come and gone? Why or why not?
I don't believe it is the PAST, (well at least not all of it) and believe it is the future.... Christ returns and there is a second coming of Christ, and He returns during absolute chaos and turmoil, the Great Tribulation....
Except that it is the past. Every book of the Bible - every single one, without exception - was written in the Jewish Age. Even those written after the Temple burned down - Revelation, Hebrews, the epistles of John, the Gospel of John - were penned as Israel crumbled though remained viable as a nation, and even as a state (or a province of Rome). The end of the age that the Scriptures speak of is the end of the Jewish Age. Not the Christian Age.

Christ's prediction of the future is fulfilled. He has come, and so has his kingdom. No one would see the the arrival of his kingdom, as he predicts in Luke's Gospel, and no one would know the day or the hour that he would come, as he also predicts. He and his church were just here. People looked around and noticed they were just here.

The wars and earthquakes occurred in Jesus' generation, as he predicted they would (apparently, there was an earthquake in Jerusalem during the Jewish Wars, and maybe even one at Masada). These wars, ending with the Bar Kokhba Revolt, may not have resulted in the number of casualties as, say, WWII or the American Civil War did, but the casualty rate was tremendous. The Zealots were a militant, blood-thirsty lot who refused to surrender. The Idumeans were, too. But more than the casualty rate, the Jewish Wars marked the the end of the Jewish Age and heralded the beginning of the Christian Age. They marked the most significant, consequential upheaval in civilization that the world has ever known.

When Jesus died on the Cross on that first Good Friday, he started a revolution in which kings and kingdoms would bow down to him. That is Church Age. The Church, as Daniel and Paul say, is here forever.
End of the age is the end of a season. Meaning all hosts of heaven and earth are planted (seeded) into earth, or could be explained as all hosts described in the books have been sent into the earth (as a whole, individual souls generally keep growing spiritually) and many have seen the gathering of remnants. The ancients were planted in those ages/times/seasons. These heavenly and earthly ancient hosts are the basics for helping the human/adam to overcome their own son of perdition when they are chased out to the east of the garden because that human now has the ability to know the difference between good and evil as their eyes (spiritual senses are now being opened) and they have become like the lord over the spirit in them (meaning they can create and plant seed also). Not all humans are spiritually matured at the same time and those who deny the truth when it is presented before them remain spiritually dead- asleep but not necessarily a sleep unto death (believe me when I say angels fear being asleep as it is as death to a spiritual being). Those who are living in grace with a covering (a skin) and asleep in the dust of the earth (covering so their souls won't die in the shame they would experience if fully awakened all at one time), they still have veils and scales over their eyes. They are still tilling and planted in that garden within themselves that was planted by the lord.

Jesus told his disciples to pray that it be in earth as it is in heaven so as humans with eyes open they start seeing spiritually the events that are similarly described occurring in the world. It is a portion of the process of being awakened. It still though all comes down to that personal relationship with the creators spirit within (that is where the kingdom of heaven [hosts, kings, levites, etc.] is found first) and each individual that seeks to be closer to the spirit that created their eternal souls. Not all arrive at the same time to the same spiritual destination of being perfected in Christ (that anointing of salvation) as not all are readied or willing to die to their own flesh desires at the same time. So humans take winding roads, wide paths, rocky roads, climb slippery slopes, wander blindly through the wilderness, jump off of cliffs even and all sorts of stuff before coming to that place where their desire to be one with the holy spirit in them and start overcoming their own son of perdition. Two grinding at the mill, two in a bed, two in a is the part that goes down (remains in the carnal realm) and one part goes up (that which is good made of God's eternal spirit of the Son is kept). Be as the angels... Jacob see's angels coming and going...Jesus crucified the flesh as an ensample, Paul said he died daily as he had already learned he had to awake daily and overcome those personal fleshly/carnal desires in order to become what the lord created him to be 'an overcomer'. The older more spiritually developed teach and serve the younger that are still developing spiritually.

east, antiquity, front, that which is before, aforetime

  1. front, from the front or east, in front, mount of the East

  2. ancient time, aforetime, ancient, from of old, earliest time

  3. anciently, of old (adverb)

  4. beginning

  5. east
The creator knew you before you were created.
End of the age is the end of a season. Meaning all hosts of heaven and earth are planted (seeded) into earth, or could be explained as all hosts described in the books have been sent into the earth (as a whole, individual souls generally keep growing spiritually) and many have seen the gathering of remnants. The ancients were planted in those ages/times/seasons. These heavenly and earthly ancient hosts are the basics for helping the human/adam to overcome their own son of perdition when they are chased out to the east of the garden because that human now has the ability to know the difference between good and evil as their eyes (spiritual senses are now being opened) and they have become like the lord over the spirit in them (meaning they can create and plant seed also). Not all humans are spiritually matured at the same time and those who deny the truth when it is presented before them remain spiritually dead- asleep but not necessarily a sleep unto death (believe me when I say angels fear being asleep as it is as death to a spiritual being). Those who are living in grace with a covering (a skin) and asleep in the dust of the earth (covering so their souls won't die in the shame they would experience if fully awakened all at one time), they still have veils and scales over their eyes. They are still tilling and planted in that garden within themselves that was planted by the lord.

Jesus told his disciples to pray that it be in earth as it is in heaven so as humans with eyes open they start seeing spiritually the events that are similarly described occurring in the world. It is a portion of the process of being awakened. It still though all comes down to that personal relationship with the creators spirit within (that is where the kingdom of heaven [hosts, kings, levites, etc.] is found first) and each individual that seeks to be closer to the spirit that created their eternal souls. Not all arrive at the same time to the same spiritual destination of being perfected in Christ (that anointing of salvation) as not all are readied or willing to die to their own flesh desires at the same time. So humans take winding roads, wide paths, rocky roads, climb slippery slopes, wander blindly through the wilderness, jump off of cliffs even and all sorts of stuff before coming to that place where their desire to be one with the holy spirit in them and start overcoming their own son of perdition. Two grinding at the mill, two in a bed, two in a is the part that goes down (remains in the carnal realm) and one part goes up (that which is good made of God's eternal spirit of the Son is kept). Be as the angels... Jacob see's angels coming and going...Jesus crucified the flesh as an ensample, Paul said he died daily as he had already learned he had to awake daily and overcome those personal fleshly/carnal desires in order to become what the lord created him to be 'an overcomer'. The older more spiritually developed teach and serve the younger that are still developing spiritually.

east, antiquity, front, that which is before, aforetime

  1. front, from the front or east, in front, mount of the East

  2. ancient time, aforetime, ancient, from of old, earliest time

  3. anciently, of old (adverb)

  4. beginning

  5. east
The creator knew you before you were created.
You lost me somewhere. I think it was with the first sentence. Is this all biblical? That two men in the field bit isn't biblical. One man doesn't go down while the other goes up. The Bible says that one is taken while the other is left.

This really is a confusing post.
End of the age is the end of a season. Meaning all hosts of heaven and earth are planted (seeded) into earth, or could be explained as all hosts described in the books have been sent into the earth (as a whole, individual souls generally keep growing spiritually) and many have seen the gathering of remnants. The ancients were planted in those ages/times/seasons. These heavenly and earthly ancient hosts are the basics for helping the human/adam to overcome their own son of perdition when they are chased out to the east of the garden because that human now has the ability to know the difference between good and evil as their eyes (spiritual senses are now being opened) and they have become like the lord over the spirit in them (meaning they can create and plant seed also). Not all humans are spiritually matured at the same time and those who deny the truth when it is presented before them remain spiritually dead- asleep but not necessarily a sleep unto death (believe me when I say angels fear being asleep as it is as death to a spiritual being). Those who are living in grace with a covering (a skin) and asleep in the dust of the earth (covering so their souls won't die in the shame they would experience if fully awakened all at one time), they still have veils and scales over their eyes. They are still tilling and planted in that garden within themselves that was planted by the lord.

Jesus told his disciples to pray that it be in earth as it is in heaven so as humans with eyes open they start seeing spiritually the events that are similarly described occurring in the world. It is a portion of the process of being awakened. It still though all comes down to that personal relationship with the creators spirit within (that is where the kingdom of heaven [hosts, kings, levites, etc.] is found first) and each individual that seeks to be closer to the spirit that created their eternal souls. Not all arrive at the same time to the same spiritual destination of being perfected in Christ (that anointing of salvation) as not all are readied or willing to die to their own flesh desires at the same time. So humans take winding roads, wide paths, rocky roads, climb slippery slopes, wander blindly through the wilderness, jump off of cliffs even and all sorts of stuff before coming to that place where their desire to be one with the holy spirit in them and start overcoming their own son of perdition. Two grinding at the mill, two in a bed, two in a is the part that goes down (remains in the carnal realm) and one part goes up (that which is good made of God's eternal spirit of the Son is kept). Be as the angels... Jacob see's angels coming and going...Jesus crucified the flesh as an ensample, Paul said he died daily as he had already learned he had to awake daily and overcome those personal fleshly/carnal desires in order to become what the lord created him to be 'an overcomer'. The older more spiritually developed teach and serve the younger that are still developing spiritually.

east, antiquity, front, that which is before, aforetime

  1. front, from the front or east, in front, mount of the East

  2. ancient time, aforetime, ancient, from of old, earliest time

  3. anciently, of old (adverb)

  4. beginning

  5. east
The creator knew you before you were created.
You lost me somewhere. I think it was with the first sentence. Is this all biblical? That two men in the field bit isn't biblical. One man doesn't go down while the other goes up. The Bible says that one is taken while the other is left.

This really is a confusing post.
Yes it can all be backed up with scripture. That is two men in a bed, two women in a field......I'll link the scriptures with those words and the meaning of the original words in that post if you wish after I get back home later.
I haven't attended Bible study lately. The study of Revelation we embarked on has gone one direction - toward futurism, and dissent is frowned on.

The way I read the Scriptures, the end times have passed and the era of peace, prosperity, and happiness is here. The kingdom of heaven is here.

Daniel says that when the last foreign ruler subjugates Israel, God will establish His kingdom on the earth (2:44). While Israel was subject to Rome, its last foreign ruler, Paul says that the Church is here to stay (Eph. 3:21).

And there we have it. Christianity is the kingdom of heaven on the earth. The wars and earthquakes that Jesus warned his generation of in the Olivet discourse occurred during the Roman-Jewish Wars, after which Israel finally and fully lost all viability as a state. After the failed Bar Kokhba Revolt in AD 132, the Jewish Age had come to an end, and the Christian Age, like a fig tree in springtime sprouting green shoots, waiting for summer, ready to blossom, would begin.

I'm aware that most Christians believe that the end of the age that the Bible tells us of refers to the end of the current age, and I don't understand why. Might someone enlighten me? Has the Apocalypse come and gone? Why or why not?

So would you describe yourself as a preterist?
I haven't attended Bible study lately. The study of Revelation we embarked on has gone one direction - toward futurism, and dissent is frowned on.

The way I read the Scriptures, the end times have passed and the era of peace, prosperity, and happiness is here. The kingdom of heaven is here.

Daniel says that when the last foreign ruler subjugates Israel, God will establish His kingdom on the earth (2:44). While Israel was subject to Rome, its last foreign ruler, Paul says that the Church is here to stay (Eph. 3:21).

And there we have it. Christianity is the kingdom of heaven on the earth. The wars and earthquakes that Jesus warned his generation of in the Olivet discourse occurred during the Roman-Jewish Wars, after which Israel finally and fully lost all viability as a state. After the failed Bar Kokhba Revolt in AD 132, the Jewish Age had come to an end, and the Christian Age, like a fig tree in springtime sprouting green shoots, waiting for summer, ready to blossom, would begin.

I'm aware that most Christians believe that the end of the age that the Bible tells us of refers to the end of the current age, and I don't understand why. Might someone enlighten me? Has the Apocalypse come and gone? Why or why not?

So would you describe yourself as a preterist?
I suppose that's what I am. Although some factions of preterism say that even though Jesus has come, the end has not. I don't understand how they miss that elephant in the room.
I haven't attended Bible study lately. The study of Revelation we embarked on has gone one direction - toward futurism, and dissent is frowned on.

The way I read the Scriptures, the end times have passed and the era of peace, prosperity, and happiness is here. The kingdom of heaven is here.

Daniel says that when the last foreign ruler subjugates Israel, God will establish His kingdom on the earth (2:44). While Israel was subject to Rome, its last foreign ruler, Paul says that the Church is here to stay (Eph. 3:21).

And there we have it. Christianity is the kingdom of heaven on the earth. The wars and earthquakes that Jesus warned his generation of in the Olivet discourse occurred during the Roman-Jewish Wars, after which Israel finally and fully lost all viability as a state. After the failed Bar Kokhba Revolt in AD 132, the Jewish Age had come to an end, and the Christian Age, like a fig tree in springtime sprouting green shoots, waiting for summer, ready to blossom, would begin.

I'm aware that most Christians believe that the end of the age that the Bible tells us of refers to the end of the current age, and I don't understand why. Might someone enlighten me? Has the Apocalypse come and gone? Why or why not?

So would you describe yourself as a preterist?
I suppose that's what I am. Although some factions of preterism say that even though Jesus has come, the end has not. I don't understand how they miss that elephant in the room.

So you don't believe in any kind of future return of Christ? How about a future resurrection of the dead? If you do believe in that, where does that fit into your timeline?
I haven't attended Bible study lately. The study of Revelation we embarked on has gone one direction - toward futurism, and dissent is frowned on.

The way I read the Scriptures, the end times have passed and the era of peace, prosperity, and happiness is here. The kingdom of heaven is here.

Daniel says that when the last foreign ruler subjugates Israel, God will establish His kingdom on the earth (2:44). While Israel was subject to Rome, its last foreign ruler, Paul says that the Church is here to stay (Eph. 3:21).

And there we have it. Christianity is the kingdom of heaven on the earth. The wars and earthquakes that Jesus warned his generation of in the Olivet discourse occurred during the Roman-Jewish Wars, after which Israel finally and fully lost all viability as a state. After the failed Bar Kokhba Revolt in AD 132, the Jewish Age had come to an end, and the Christian Age, like a fig tree in springtime sprouting green shoots, waiting for summer, ready to blossom, would begin.

I'm aware that most Christians believe that the end of the age that the Bible tells us of refers to the end of the current age, and I don't understand why. Might someone enlighten me? Has the Apocalypse come and gone? Why or why not?

So would you describe yourself as a preterist?
I suppose that's what I am. Although some factions of preterism say that even though Jesus has come, the end has not. I don't understand how they miss that elephant in the room.

So you don't believe in any kind of future return of Christ? How about a future resurrection of the dead? If you do believe in that, where does that fit into your timeline?
I haven't attended Bible study lately. The study of Revelation we embarked on has gone one direction - toward futurism, and dissent is frowned on.

The way I read the Scriptures, the end times have passed and the era of peace, prosperity, and happiness is here. The kingdom of heaven is here.

Daniel says that when the last foreign ruler subjugates Israel, God will establish His kingdom on the earth (2:44). While Israel was subject to Rome, its last foreign ruler, Paul says that the Church is here to stay (Eph. 3:21).

And there we have it. Christianity is the kingdom of heaven on the earth. The wars and earthquakes that Jesus warned his generation of in the Olivet discourse occurred during the Roman-Jewish Wars, after which Israel finally and fully lost all viability as a state. After the failed Bar Kokhba Revolt in AD 132, the Jewish Age had come to an end, and the Christian Age, like a fig tree in springtime sprouting green shoots, waiting for summer, ready to blossom, would begin.

I'm aware that most Christians believe that the end of the age that the Bible tells us of refers to the end of the current age, and I don't understand why. Might someone enlighten me? Has the Apocalypse come and gone? Why or why not?

So would you describe yourself as a preterist?
I suppose that's what I am. Although some factions of preterism say that even though Jesus has come, the end has not. I don't understand how they miss that elephant in the room.

So you don't believe in any kind of future return of Christ? How about a future resurrection of the dead? If you do believe in that, where does that fit into your timeline?
A future return? Sure. And a past return and a current return. He was and is and is to come, as the Scriptures say. He always comes. And he's here.
I believe the Dome of the Rock to be the Abomination of Desolation mentioned by Daniel.

It interfered with Jewish worship which Daniel warmed about. Also, the early church of Jerusalem recognized it as such when it was built.

I also believe the False Prophet mentioned in Revelation to be Mohammad.
Plainly Revelation 13->forward has previously not happened. Naturally unbelievers think it will never happen.

However, we who believe the NT is true are confident Revelation 13->forward is coming. Coming sooner rather than later.

Right now the Globalist are in the process of turning the "Sovereign" nations into failed states and ending the current world order.

"Cashless" One World Government is clearly coming.

If you can't see that for yourself, you are quite blind.

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