The end result: race relations will appear to improve, but actually get worse

It is one thing to get whites to SAY they understand, it is quite another to get whites to ACTUALLY understand.

And what I'm sensing from white people I know is that they see this entire incident as proof that black people are not rational actors in society and they will burn and loot their own neighborhood stores when they're angry.

So -- things will get worse.
That's not what's happening though.
Well, explain what you mean. What's not happening?
I KNOW of course that there are MANY most blacks who are good, law-abiding citizens, but UNFORTUNATELY these good blacks share the same race as the bad blacks and SUFFER from unfortunate guilt by association.
This sounds familiar, sort of like how so many of you start twitching when we mention white racists and then later claim that we attributed the faults of the racists to all whites.

Wrong on both accounts.
I KNOW of course that there are MANY most blacks who are good, law-abiding citizens, but UNFORTUNATELY these good blacks share the same race as the bad blacks and SUFFER from unfortunate guilt by association.
This sounds familiar, sort of like how so many of you start twitching when we mention white racists and then later claim that we attributed the faults of the racists to all whites.

Wrong on both accounts.
I absolutely agree with you. I think it is quite unfortunate that blacks who have achieved success in our society must be burdened by the stupid notion that black radicals speak for them.
Here's my message to the Democrats:

You think you made gains through your murder and property destruction.

No -- you have given yourself a big defeat.

Now -- we really do hate you, and with good reason.
Racists have always hated black people. That is nothing new.

The way things will be negotiated moving forward, that's what's changed thanks in part to everyone having a video recorder in their pocket or purse.
The problem is that the PROPAGANDA of the left sweeps ALL blacks into the category of VICTIM even middle-class blacks who have nothing to do with the situation in the ghettos.
No, that's not how that happens. It is the racist who initiates the propaganda while ignorantly refusing to realize that all blacks face racism.
Well, you may believe what you want, however, the rioters have thrown fuel on the fire of racism by making whites believe that blacks, when it comes down to it, can't really be trusted to act like civilized people.
Whites don't believe that because whites have attended the protests and still are. Only racists believe what you stated.
You have abused the word "racist" until it no longer stings.

What I have said is true.

One black man is Hundreds of black men are killed and there's riots all over America, and billions of dollars of property is destroyed and dozens more murdered.

It is time to call a spade a spade.

Our experiment in democracy is over. The Democrats have proven they are no longer interested in living at peace with us so we must arm ourselves for what is to come.
Do you know the REAL reason why property is being destroyed? Because that's all you all care about, because you value property over human lives particularly when it comes to black lives.

Think about it. A person will do more time for robbing a bank than raping someone in a lot of places, even if the bank robber wasn't armed, didn't harm anyone, just passed a note instructing the teller to turn over the money.

I've lived through several racial riots during my lifetime and I can't ever recall the rioters torching a police station before. I think that act alone signified a difference this time.
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Here's my message to the Democrats:

You think you made gains through your murder and property destruction.

No -- you have given yourself a big defeat.

Now -- we really do hate you, and with good reason.
Racists have always hated black people. That is nothing new.

The way things will be negotiated moving forward, that's what's changed thanks in part to everyone having a video recorder in their pocket or purse.
Racists hating black people is only part of the problem. The other part is that so many blacks make it easy to hate them.

I understand that millions of blacks have achieved success and have jobs and pay taxes and all the rest. I'm not talking about them.

I'm talking about the blacks who have given up on life and don't make an effort to succeed because they think whitey conspires to keep them down.

And, I'm afraid, this loser mentality is encouraged by "black leaders" and white liberals who profit by keeping black people down.

And now -- one black man is killed by a cop and the "black leaders" and white liberals stir the shit up again and people die.

The sheer stupidity of it baffles me.
The problem is that the PROPAGANDA of the left sweeps ALL blacks into the category of VICTIM even middle-class blacks who have nothing to do with the situation in the ghettos.
No, that's not how that happens. It is the racist who initiates the propaganda while ignorantly refusing to realize that all blacks face racism.
Well, you may believe what you want, however, the rioters have thrown fuel on the fire of racism by making whites believe that blacks, when it comes down to it, can't really be trusted to act like civilized people.
Whites don't believe that because whites have attended the protests and still are. Only racists believe what you stated.
You have abused the word "racist" until it no longer stings.

What I have said is true.

One black man is Hundreds of black men are killed and there's riots all over America, and billions of dollars of property is destroyed and dozens more murdered.

It is time to call a spade a spade.

Our experiment in democracy is over. The Democrats have proven they are no longer interested in living at peace with us so we must arm ourselves for what is to come.
Do you know the REAL reason why property is being destroyed? Because that's all you all care about, because you value property over human lives particularly when it comes to black lives.

Think about it. A person will do more time for robbing a bank than raping someone in a lot of places, even if the bank robber wasn't armed, didn't harm anyone, just passed a note instructing the teller to turn over the money.

I've lived through several racial riots during my lifetime and I can't ever recall the rioters torching a police station before. I think that act alone signified a difference this time.
Wow, OK so you're finally admitting that the property destruction isn't the act of unauthorized outliers or white supremacists stirring up shit but it's being done on purpose by the people organizing the demonstrations.

Thanks for your honesty.
It is one thing to get whites to SAY they understand, it is quite another to get whites to ACTUALLY understand.

And what I'm sensing from white people I know is that they see this entire incident as proof that black people are not rational actors in society and they will burn and loot their own neighborhood stores when they're angry.

So -- things will get worse.
That's not what's happening though.
Well, explain what you mean. What's not happening?
How will things get worse? What's the plan?
It is one thing to get whites to SAY they understand, it is quite another to get whites to ACTUALLY understand.

And what I'm sensing from white people I know is that they see this entire incident as proof that black people are not rational actors in society and they will burn and loot their own neighborhood stores when they're angry.

So -- things will get worse.
I don't think cop relations will ever improve after all they videos.
the protests will most likely sugar off toward more bureaucracy engineered to institutionalize racism , which 1/2 century of history is easy to predict.

few will rise to realize the root of racism is classism , even fewer will be moved to address it

the blame game will continue , mostly manifested targets , while the real perps slip thru the media cracks

and the politicians will all pat themselves on the back for mitigating it all

It is one thing to get whites to SAY they understand, it is quite another to get whites to ACTUALLY understand.

And what I'm sensing from white people I know is that they see this entire incident as proof that black people are not rational actors in society and they will burn and loot their own neighborhood stores when they're angry.

So -- things will get worse.
That's not what's happening though.
Well, explain what you mean. What's not happening?
How will things get worse? What's the plan?
It's not our plan, but yours.

If you intended race relations to improve, the last thing you'd have done is start riots and burn things and kill people.

Your intention was to make blacks and whites hate each other, and I hope that doesn't end up happening, but I'm afraid that with some people your plan was a success.

My feelings towards blacks remain the same. I long ago stopped believing that blacks could achieve equality with the other races. If they haven't caught up in 500 years of living in this country, the chances are, they never will.

It is psychological, the thing that holds back so many blacks. In saying that, I simply mean there are two attitudes a man may take towards life:

You can decide that no matter what life throws at you, no matter how many times you get knocked on your ass, no matter how many times the bully hits you, no matter how many jobs you lose, houses you get foreclosed on, or bankruptcies you must file -- you will never, ever, ever give up. You will get back on your feet and keep fighting until the moment you draw your last breath and die.

Or -- you can give up, lay down, and refuse to do anything to help yourself.

And, I'm afraid, that while many blacks are in the first category, millions of blacks who live in our cities' ghettos are in the second. They have given up and so they do not succeed.

It is not my place to figure out how to change this, but here's the thing, the Democrats don't want it to change, and actively work to encourage this attitude of blacks that they can't succeed so they might as well not try.

And when you take a pessimistic attitude towards life, it makes sense to destroy everything when an excuse presents itself.
the protests will most likely sugar off toward more bureaucracy engineered to institutionalize racism , which 1/2 century of history is easy to predict.

few will rise to realize the root of racism is classism , even fewer will be moved to address it

the blame game will continue , mostly manifested targets , while the real perps slip thru the media cracks

and the politicians will all pat themselves on the back for mitigating it all

The politicians mitigate nothing, they are making it worse.
The problem is that the PROPAGANDA of the left sweeps ALL blacks into the category of VICTIM even middle-class blacks who have nothing to do with the situation in the ghettos.
No, that's not how that happens. It is the racist who initiates the propaganda while ignorantly refusing to realize that all blacks face racism.
Well, you may believe what you want, however, the rioters have thrown fuel on the fire of racism by making whites believe that blacks, when it comes down to it, can't really be trusted to act like civilized people.
Whites don't believe that because whites have attended the protests and still are. Only racists believe what you stated.
You have abused the word "racist" until it no longer stings.

What I have said is true.

One black man is killed and there's riots all over America, and billions of dollars of property is destroyed and dozens more murdered.

It is time to call a spade a spade.

Our experiment in democracy is over. The Democrats have proven they are no longer interested in living at peace with us so we must arm ourselves for what is to come.
Nothing you said was true and you've been a racist your whole life so I am not expecting you to be anything but what you are.
pot calls kettle black
The problem is that the PROPAGANDA of the left sweeps ALL blacks into the category of VICTIM even middle-class blacks who have nothing to do with the situation in the ghettos.
No, that's not how that happens. It is the racist who initiates the propaganda while ignorantly refusing to realize that all blacks face racism.
Well, you may believe what you want, however, the rioters have thrown fuel on the fire of racism by making whites believe that blacks, when it comes down to it, can't really be trusted to act like civilized people.
Whites don't believe that because whites have attended the protests and still are. Only racists believe what you stated.
You have abused the word "racist" until it no longer stings.

What I have said is true.

One black man is Hundreds of black men are killed and there's riots all over America, and billions of dollars of property is destroyed and dozens more murdered.

It is time to call a spade a spade.

Our experiment in democracy is over. The Democrats have proven they are no longer interested in living at peace with us so we must arm ourselves for what is to come.
Do you know the REAL reason why property is being destroyed? Because that's all you all care about, because you value property over human lives particularly when it comes to black lives.

Think about it. A person will do more time for robbing a bank than raping someone in a lot of places, even if the bank robber wasn't armed, didn't harm anyone, just passed a note instructing the teller to turn over the money.

I've lived through several racial riots during my lifetime and I can't ever recall the rioters torching a police station before. I think that act alone signified a difference this time.
Wow, OK so you're finally admitting that the property destruction isn't the act of unauthorized outliers or white supremacists stirring up shit but it's being done on purpose by the people organizing the demonstrations.

Thanks for your honesty.
I'm talking about the initial act that culminated in the torching of the police station. That was VERY specific.

But we also know that there are groups, including criminal organization, criminal gangs, white supremacists and other opportunist who are out there taking advantage of the black communities' anguish, anger and vulnerability to enrich themselves while simultaneously casting the non-violent protestors in a false light. I started to say "peaceful" protestors, but doesn't properly convey who they are. Many of them are angry and being very vocal about their grievances, frustrations and anger that these killings are still going on but that doesn't make them rioters, criminals or terrorists as far too many of the white racist here on U.S. Message Board have claimed.

But again, we've always known that this is what you think of black people in general and your attempt to cloak this in "but you're not one of the ones I'm referring to" when you refer to "even middle-class blacks who have nothing to do with the situation in the ghettos" says tons about you. Are you even aware that the black people that you routinely communicate with on this message board are in that category? Yet most of you all here consider us all part of the lower echelons of society even within our own race. That's how myopic you all are.

Far too many of you are more appalled by the property damage than the loss of life, I guess it hurts right? If it does then they hit their mark although the pain you may feel at the destruction of property pales beyond comprehension in comparison to the pain of losing a loved one because of uncontrolled, sadistic police officers who view blacks as lesser members of society.

And for the record my comments have nothing to do with me being honest. Have you yourself ever even analyzed the situation or asked yourself what could have occurred to have brought us to this point? There was a white guy on T.V. who was interviewed by one of the local news channels as he was repairing a window in his business and he stated "a rock through a window compared to centuries of racial abuse and oppression? It's just a rock through a window".
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It is one thing to get whites to SAY they understand, it is quite another to get whites to ACTUALLY understand.

And what I'm sensing from white people I know is that they see this entire incident as proof that black people are not rational actors in society and they will burn and loot their own neighborhood stores when they're angry.

So -- things will get worse.
That's not what's happening though.
Well, explain what you mean. What's not happening?
How will things get worse? What's the plan?
It's not our plan, but yours.

If you intended race relations to improve, the last thing you'd have done is start riots and burn things and kill people.

Your intention was to make blacks and whites hate each other, and I hope that doesn't end up happening, but I'm afraid that with some people your plan was a success.

My feelings towards blacks remain the same. I long ago stopped believing that blacks could achieve equality with the other races. If they haven't caught up in 500 years of living in this country, the chances are, they never will.

It is psychological, the thing that holds back so many blacks. In saying that, I simply mean there are two attitudes a man may take towards life:

You can decide that no matter what life throws at you, no matter how many times you get knocked on your ass, no matter how many times the bully hits you, no matter how many jobs you lose, houses you get foreclosed on, or bankruptcies you must file -- you will never, ever, ever give up. You will get back on your feet and keep fighting until the moment you draw your last breath and die.

Or -- you can give up, lay down, and refuse to do anything to help yourself.

And, I'm afraid, that while many blacks are in the first category, millions of blacks who live in our cities' ghettos are in the second. They have given up and so they do not succeed.

It is not my place to figure out how to change this, but here's the thing, the Democrats don't want it to change, and actively work to encourage this attitude of blacks that they can't succeed so they might as well not try.

And when you take a pessimistic attitude towards life, it makes sense to destroy everything when an excuse presents itself.
Can you not see the photos of my grandfather in my signature block? His mere existence gives lie to everything you just wrote above.
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Considering that whites have organized the looting and rioting, the 95 percent of whites who are serious about living together in peace will begin pushing back on whites like the OP.
Since he actually went there how does he explain his races centuries old history of looting, pillaging, genocide, and murder? Mutha fucka got some serious blind spots.
This whole thing is about police brutality, not racism.
It is one thing to get whites to SAY they understand, it is quite another to get whites to ACTUALLY understand.

And what I'm sensing from white people I know is that they see this entire incident as proof that black people are not rational actors in society and they will burn and loot their own neighborhood stores when they're angry.

So -- things will get worse.

Since this website is for opinions (courteously stated, of course), my opinion is that you are correct.

When Caucasians become an insignificant minority in terms of numbers, our African American citizens will not -- in my opinion -- reach their goal of equality.

I have no doubt whatsoever that there will then be similar "unpleasantness" between African Americans and the next majority ethnicity.

In short, this tragedy is intractable.

Some people used to think that this country was "exceptional." That is to say, that it would never rise and fall as every other nation has. In fact, we ARE in the midst of falling.

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