The End Of The World


Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013
I dunno about that. You have to be able to work those smart phones. They don't do it for you, they do what you have them do.
Tech billionaire issues stark warning saying artificial intellgence could DESTROY human race which is already ‘part cyborg’ because of its dependence on smartphones

I don't own one. I know few who do.

I suppose we will inherit the Earth, eh? :laugh:

Tech billionaire issues stark warning saying artificial intellgence could DESTROY human race which is already 'part cyborg' because of its dependence on smartphones
To stop Artificial Intelligence from taking over the planet: "Pull the plug."
I'm a newby. This is my first post. By the way I misspelled my username when registering. It was supposed to be Innocynic. Terrible eyesight.

On threads of this sort discussions always center around various ways homo sapiens will go extinct. Shouldn't we at least consider the possibility that the world might not end, at least not for millions or billions of years. If we continue muddling on along for millions of years sometimes moving forwards, sometimes falling back, moving out to the planets then to the stars we human beings have the potential to become something very special and important indeed. We might well become such in far far less than millions of years. Perhaps this might happen in only centuries.

I am not saying that this will happen. I am only saying that it should be included in the list of possibilities we consider. Don't allow presently occurring negative trends to make you too pessimistic. Very positive things are happening right now also.

If my scenario just seems too damned unlikely to ever happen then consider this unlikely scenario. For about three and one half billion years every single one of your ancestors without exception lived long enough to reproduce. Now how likely was that?
That's why I think communication with aliens might be bad for us because I don't think our current understanding of universe, science knowledge and technology that we have, will be enough for us.

There is an article explains us to: ''Why we shouldn't communicate with them?'':

Finding Aliens

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