The end of the rabid right and the tea partiers?

If I am not mistaken there was a tea party scheduled for noon on the capital steps today. I just got home so haven't checked.. But no, I don't think the tea party people are done.
You're right...they're getting more shrill.

I really didn't doubt that they would.

They call it 'freedom of speech' - it's a tradition in the United States of America. They speak boldly, without fear but they do have to be quite loud.... to be heard over the whining of the lunatic left.

Remember Cali the modern day liberal is a closed minded individual. Anyone who disagrees with their platform is a shrill, ignorant, idiotic, nazi, redneck, teabagging, astroturf, racist, fool.

At least that is the image that many liberals online and in the media portray.

The liberals I know in real life dont seem this bad though.
They didn't call the protest yesterday a tea party, they called it a "House Call"
They are getting seriously shrill. A sign from today's rally.


The fact that teabaggers so willingly desecrate the memory of millions of people who were slaughtered and compare it to healthcare and that republican representatives will gleefully speak at such a rally speaks volumes about the true nature of the movement.

At least John McCain has the personal integrity to speak out if he sees signs like this at one of his rallies. Boehner, Backman and Foxx just giggle
You're right...they're getting more shrill.

I really didn't doubt that they would.

They call it 'freedom of speech' - it's a tradition in the United States of America. They speak boldly, without fear but they do have to be quite loud.... to be heard over the whining of the lunatic left.

Remember Cali the modern day liberal is a closed minded individual. Anyone who disagrees with their platform is a shrill, ignorant, idiotic, nazi, redneck, teabagging, astroturf, racist, fool.

At least that is the image that many liberals online and in the media portray.

The liberals I know in real life dont seem this bad though.
:lol: Commenting that someone will probably become more shrill has nothing to do with freedom of speech, I'm not surprised that CG thinks it does but I am surprised that you think it does.

My prediction was correct. The asshole Randall Terry was at the event yesterday. Right wing loons getting together and acting like right wing loons.

Carry on.
They are getting seriously shrill. A sign from today's rally.


The fact that teabaggers so willingly desecrate the memory of millions of people who were slaughtered and compare it to healthcare and that republican representatives will gleefully speak at such a rally speaks volumes about the true nature of the movement.

At least John McCain has the personal integrity to speak out if he sees signs like this at one of his rallies. Boehner, Backman and Foxx just giggle
The fact that you buy this as an image from the protest without an source shows your gullibility.

Ravi has been asked for a source and she has yet to provide one. Ravi has posted images before that were lies and I'll be more than happy to back that up.
They are getting seriously shrill. A sign from today's rally.


The fact that teabaggers so willingly desecrate the memory of millions of people who were slaughtered and compare it to healthcare and that republican representatives will gleefully speak at such a rally speaks volumes about the true nature of the movement.

At least John McCain has the personal integrity to speak out if he sees signs like this at one of his rallies. Boehner, Backman and Foxx just giggle
The fact that you buy this as an image from the protest without an source shows your gullibility.

Ravi has been asked for a source and she has yet to provide one. Ravi has posted images before that were lies and I'll be more than happy to back that up.

Sorry Si..

I'm not buying it because of Ravi, I'm buying it because I saw it on the news coverage of the rally last night. You guys can stick your head in the sand and pretend this stuff doesn't exist, but it shows up at every teabagger rally.
It is the horrible underbelly of your movement and republican leadership needs to address it head on
It was on the news, it's all over the net.

If I post a picture that isn't true, I say so. The only one I did was of the million man march to show all the black people at the rally.

si modo is so stupid that she doesn't understand satire.
It was on the news, it's all over the net.

If I post a picture that isn't true, I say so. The only one I did was of the million man march to show all the black people at the rally.

si modo is so stupid that she doesn't understand satire.
Then give a source. By not doing so you are violating copyright, unless you took the picture yourself.

And, you have a habit of claiming jokes after being caught in a lie, so spare me.
They are getting seriously shrill. A sign from today's rally.


The fact that teabaggers so willingly desecrate the memory of millions of people who were slaughtered and compare it to healthcare and that republican representatives will gleefully speak at such a rally speaks volumes about the true nature of the movement.

At least John McCain has the personal integrity to speak out if he sees signs like this at one of his rallies. Boehner, Backman and Foxx just giggle

Good thing Obama's Uncle liberated Auschwitz and kept sacred the memory of Shoah
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If someone criticized the administration on policy in 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, that individual would be called a traitor. If someone brought a sign equating the president to any infamous WW II leader, that individual would be called a lunatic and a traitor.

The criticism the Right used then was situational at best, hollow at its core.

I guess it's all in who is carrying the signs.

I find it disgusting and hypocritical, but I'm an American first. If you are political first and American second, I figure you can carry such a sign protesting the president and feel pride.

It was on the news, it's all over the net.

If I post a picture that isn't true, I say so. The only one I did was of the million man march to show all the black people at the rally.

si modo is so stupid that she doesn't understand satire.
Then give a source. By not doing so you are violating copyright, unless you took the picture yourself.

And, you have a habit of claiming jokes after being caught in a lie, so spare me.

I can't help it if you're stupid.
It was on the news, it's all over the net.

If I post a picture that isn't true, I say so. The only one I did was of the million man march to show all the black people at the rally.

si modo is so stupid that she doesn't understand satire.
Then give a source. By not doing so you are violating copyright, unless you took the picture yourself.

And, you have a habit of claiming jokes after being caught in a lie, so spare me.

I can't help it if you're stupid.
Breaking copyrights, you may just need a tissue.

Unless you took the photo, you are stealing the work of another. You must be proud.
I had the privlidege of reading this thread, and what comes to mind here, is this. The NY primary pointed out an issue that is not only facing the Republican party, but also the Democrats as well. In the Republican party you have at issue , moderates vs. conservatives and in the Democrat party you have Progressives vs. Blue Dogs. What this really points to and I really hope it does is a movement finally to a viable 3rd party that will break the stranglehold that both the partys have had on Govt. for sometime. the problem as was pointed out earlier is a "my team" mentality and in most cases when those we elect get to Washington they forget they represent the people that voted for them and then start to vote for the "team" they are on. Perhaps a viable 3rd party would give Americans a choice for candidates that would actually represent them rather than the team they play for. I could never understand how someone elected to represent say " district XXX" in Arizona knowing the citizens there do not support or support legislation would in turn vote the opposite that those that put them there want them to vote. They do this because they know voters don't have much of a choice when it comes to those who represent them. It's my hope that every congressional race have a viable 3rd party candidate that can compete against these party's that we are all rapidly finding out the only difference is the symbol and the letter when it comes to representing those that elect them.
The fact that teabaggers so willingly desecrate the memory of millions of people who were slaughtered and compare it to healthcare and that republican representatives will gleefully speak at such a rally speaks volumes about the true nature of the movement.

At least John McCain has the personal integrity to speak out if he sees signs like this at one of his rallies. Boehner, Backman and Foxx just giggle
The fact that you buy this as an image from the protest without an source shows your gullibility.

Ravi has been asked for a source and she has yet to provide one. Ravi has posted images before that were lies and I'll be more than happy to back that up.

Sorry Si..

I'm not buying it because of Ravi, I'm buying it because I saw it on the news coverage of the rally last night. You guys can stick your head in the sand and pretend this stuff doesn't exist, but it shows up at every teabagger rally.
It is the horrible underbelly of your movement and republican leadership needs to address it head on

Tea Party folks are not led by the Republican leadership rightwinger. Didn't you learn anything from NY-23?
Does the election in NY mean that the Republicans will look in their party and realize that right wing loons such as Palin, Beck and Rush are doing serious damage?

Or does it mean that the right wing loons will become more shrill?

U.S. Unemployment Rate Hits 10.2 Percent highest since 1983 !!!!
That unemployment number is going to get worse. With the extention of benefits, people that would have dropped of are going to show for another 20 weeks. 12.5% is a very realistic number for February 2010. Jobs are going to make or break the Dems. This is one foot in the grave.
That unemployment number is going to get worse. With the extention of benefits, people that would have dropped of are going to show for another 20 weeks. 12.5% is a very realistic number for February 2010. Jobs are going to make or break the Dems. This is one foot in the grave.

i think epic spending is both feet in the grave !!!!
The fact that you buy this as an image from the protest without an source shows your gullibility.

Ravi has been asked for a source and she has yet to provide one. Ravi has posted images before that were lies and I'll be more than happy to back that up.

Sorry Si..

I'm not buying it because of Ravi, I'm buying it because I saw it on the news coverage of the rally last night. You guys can stick your head in the sand and pretend this stuff doesn't exist, but it shows up at every teabagger rally.
It is the horrible underbelly of your movement and republican leadership needs to address it head on

Tea Party folks are not led by the Republican leadership rightwinger. Didn't you learn anything from NY-23?

The point is that you had Republican leadership at this rally....I mean "Press Conference". If you get up to speak and the people your are addressing are holding up signs like that you are by default accepting the position.
McCain made a point of distancing himself from that crap. Boehner,Bachman and company just shrug
They are getting seriously shrill. A sign from today's rally.


The fact that teabaggers so willingly desecrate the memory of millions of people who were slaughtered and compare it to healthcare and that republican representatives will gleefully speak at such a rally speaks volumes about the true nature of the movement.

At least John McCain has the personal integrity to speak out if he sees signs like this at one of his rallies. Boehner, Backman and Foxx just giggle

Here's the problem that I have with this, and other images that come from any protest. It is a well known tactic (used by both the right and the left at various times) to show up at protests with deliberately provocative signs. The purpose is to make the other side look bad.

Because I'm intelligent enough to recognize this, and I know it happened over the TEA party protests, I remain sceptical of any images like this that are shown. No one can prove where they originate from.

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