Doug Hoffman lost but it's not a total loss.


Return to Freedom
Jun 28, 2009
Danville, IL
In my opinion it is a shame Doug Hoffman lost in the 23rd district race. It's only one seat in the House so it's not really a big deal in larger scope of things, but it would have been nice to see the Tea Party movement be successful. Instead the Huffington Post and all it's little minions are already poking fun at the "Tea Baggers" for losing. In my opinion Owens won due to a cool calculated plan between his camp and that of Dede Scozzafava. When a person drops out of a race a few days before an election the ballots are already printed and people already know who they are going to vote for. Dede cared more about having another Liberal in House than she did about being the person to represent her constituents. That's why dropping out made the most sense because dropping out and giving her support for the Democrat opponent would split her base between those who wanted a Liberal and those who wanted a Conservative. Then the remaining group would seal the Deal.

The Dumb Asses strike again. The Dumb Ass vote wins another election for A Democrat. 6% voted for Dede anyway even after she dropped out. Those are the Dumb Asses who made up their mind weeks ago to vote for her and then they tuned back in to American Idol and the World Series. mostly those are people who only vote by party but since Dede is a women, "we think" some of those folks might have also voted for her to show sexual solidarity. You know the whole sisterhood of the traveling pants suit thing.

Anyway, in this election I don't put all the blame on the 6% Dumb Ass population in Upstate New york, I also blame their local GOP party folks who put her on the ballot to begin with. They obviously did not pick a person who represented the folks in that area. If Half of Dede's vote went one direction and the other went for Hoffman with a 6% gap of Dumb Asses and 45% for Hoffman I think it's safe to say that if the GOP in upstate New york would have put their full faith and support in Hoffman from day one, he would be the new Congressman in Dist. 23. If they Had picked him Newt Gingrich would have given his support from day one and all the RNC base support would have gone to Hoffman as well that would have but him over the top and the whole situation would be very different.

In summary I don't think it's so much a loss for the folks who put their support in Hoffman as it is victory. We were able to show the RNC that we want more candidates like Doug Hoffman in the future. If they want to continue offering folks like Dede Scozzafave and John McCain then the GOP will keep losing elections.
Pelosi calls the Hoffman loss a "victory" for the dems. She must have forgotten that the real Congressman from that district was made Secretary of the Army. When he wants his seat back, he'll toss the dem out.
Yea it was a big loss for the Republicans but not for real Conservatives. Way too much has been made of this thing in my opinion. It really is very simple in the end. The old school Republican Party hacks ran another fraud candidate and the people simply said No Way. That big mistake cost them this seat. This really wont matter much in the long run though. They are getting ready to redistrict in that area anyway. NY 23 is going to be torn apart and redistricted. This has already been decided. So NY 23 will likely not even exist after the redistricting in 2010. They are going to make it a permanent Democrat-held seat. This loss may seem bad right now but it will be completely forgotten very soon. It was a major Republican Leadership failure but it's hardly life-threatening.
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This whole mess will be moot very soon. In 2010 they will redistrict and NY 23 will no longer exist. Way too much has been made of this thing. Through redistricting this will now become a permanently Democratic-held seat. Redistricting is very controversial and is usually done by the corrupt party in control. In this case it is being done by the Democrats. So in the end this really is much ado about nothing.
Question is, who is "they"?

:lol: Those in D.C. . . . you know, the ones who work for us? with me here...what was the message that "they" heard loud and clear from NY23?

Oh come on, VA. The dopey GOP put in Scozzafava, a RINO, Hoffman the conservative comes in, she folds and backs the Dem.

The people are sick of tired of the spend, spend, spending spree in DC. They (the people) backed a conservative because that's what they want. Gingrich and others who decided to back Hoffman after the fact? Fuck them . . . day late and a dollar short. The message that DC heard is that we, the people, are sick and tired of their shit -- the spending and massive government grab. And Pelosi comes in and spins her little spiel -- the NY23 race is the only race that really matters. Yes, completely disregard the two governors that went to Rep.
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:lol: Those in D.C. . . . you know, the ones who work for us? with me here...what was the message that "they" heard loud and clear from NY23?

Oh come on, VA. The dopey GOP put in Scozzafava, a RINO, Hoffman the conservative comes in, she folds and backs the Dem.

The people are sick of tired of the spend, spend, spending spree in DC. They (the people) backed a conservative because that's what they want. Gingrich and others who decided to back Hoffman after the fact? Fuck them . . . day late and a dollar short. The message that DC heard is that we, the people, are sick and tired of their shit -- the spending and massive government grab. And Pelosi comes in and spins her little spiel -- the NY23 race is the only race that really matters. Yes, completely disregard the two governors that went to Rep.

I disagree. The people of the NY 23rd district chose a Democrat over a conservative. End of story. Why do people like you and our wonderful media attempt to spin this tiny local election into a mandate on our Federal Government, POTUS and the like?
I think it is astounding in today's Politics for an unknown guy who is rather geeky on all fronts, only had 30 days and he almost won. Not to mention he didn't have the bucks either. Those facts alone would give any opposing party pause.
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People should be more angry that the Democrats are basically stealing this seat from the Republicans through Redistricting in 2010. Now that's something to get angry about. NY 23 will not even exist after 2010.
("Doug Hoffman lost but it's not a total loss")

IMO, not only is this correct, but, largely so. The man came into the race way late. He was under funded. He is not a skilled politician, nor public speaker, as such.

Yet, not only did he make waves, but, the race was fairly tight.

People are slowly getting sick of the fanatics on both sides. That is why when the left wing hacks from Washington and frankly on this forum try to present the Tea Party folks or the Town Hall folks in that light, it is not selling.

Of all the movements in the past recent decades, those two are honestly the most diversified and honest in their desires and purpose. They want their rights of freedom protected and they want a fair shake financially.

Gee, imagine that. They are acting like any employer should when they see their investments being squandered. How dare they?

They are made up of all political sides and they are willing to vote for people who will address these very basic issues, no matter the political party flag they run under.

This mans run for the 23rd districts seat was more about real change than we have seen in a while. Certainly more than what the current resident of the White House is showing us!

Party ranks were broken and simple logic and beliefs were followed. The very basic and simple rights and wrongs which formed this nation.

Maybe it is time for the American people, republican, democrat, libertarian, independent and so on to break ranks and form a viable major party based on simple truths and practices. How about a Government for the people? That might be a good place to begin!

Just my thoughts.

People should be more angry that the Democrats are basically stealing this seat from the Republicans through Redistricting in 2010. Now that's something to get angry about. NY 23 will not even exist after 2010.

You mean STEALING like POTUS 2000?

Ever hear about "don't start no shit won't be no shit?"

Hoffman was Palin's bitch, and the locals diodn't go for it.

Many of us in the US don't want your X-ian TALIBAN style government!

Redistricting, hmmmm, seems like there was some TEXAS repubican thing about that, where the pendejos took over some districts in just this manner of STEALth!

OOOOOOPS! with me here...what was the message that "they" heard loud and clear from NY23?

Oh come on, VA. The dopey GOP put in Scozzafava, a RINO, Hoffman the conservative comes in, she folds and backs the Dem.

The people are sick of tired of the spend, spend, spending spree in DC. They (the people) backed a conservative because that's what they want. Gingrich and others who decided to back Hoffman after the fact? Fuck them . . . day late and a dollar short. The message that DC heard is that we, the people, are sick and tired of their shit -- the spending and massive government grab. And Pelosi comes in and spins her little spiel -- the NY23 race is the only race that really matters. Yes, completely disregard the two governors that went to Rep.

I disagree. The people of the NY 23rd district chose a Democrat over a conservative. End of story. Why do people like you and our wonderful media attempt to spin this tiny local election into a mandate on our Federal Government, POTUS and the like?

Me and my media? :rofl: Oh, that's rich. Guess you missed Puklosi's spin on this being a 'win' for the Dems and implying that none of the other races matter. And make NO mistake, had Dems won in NJ and VA the WH would be hooping and hollering about a 'Dem sweep' . . . you know that's true.

Whether you acknowledge it or not, people are sick and tired of this spending shit and government grab shinola that Barry and his administration are shoving at us. Messages were sent Tues; can't wait till next fall.
I think it is astounding in today's Politics for an unknown guy who is rather geeky on all fronts, only had 30 days and he almost won. Not to mention he didn't have the bucks either. Those facts alone would give any opposing party pause.

Didn't Owens win by only 4% over Hoffman? Pretty damn impressive of Hoffman if you ask me.
I think it is astounding in today's Politics for an unknown guy who is rather geeky on all fronts, only had 30 days and he almost won. Not to mention he didn't have the bucks either. Those facts alone would give any opposing party pause.

Awww Shucks! Hoffman was just a good ole boy

Unknown? Wasn't he front and center with Palin, Limbaugh and Beck every day?

No bucks? He had more money than any other candidate, 90% coming from outside the district.

Hoffman was a carpetbagger being pushed on the people of the 23 district by powerful outsiders. The view of "We know what is best for you more than you do" was soundly defeated by the locals.

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