CDZ The End of Human Evolution?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Until the beginning of the 20th Century, human population growth was primarily determined by mortality rates. Since then, developments in medical science, agriculture and public hygiene have largely removed the evolutionary filtering devices ("survival of the fittest") which provided an ongoing improvement in environmental adaptation. If anything, the "fittest" among us are reproducing less while the less "fit" are reproducing more.

The extreme case of this is where people with debilitating genetic disorders can pass them along unhampered to future generations. We seem to be on the verge of eliminating these disorders through genetic manipulation, but at what cost? Are we speeding towards a brave new world where biological processes are replaced by political determinations?

These anti-evolutionary developments have been matched by technical developments which require fewer and fewer people to produce necessary goods and services. What will be done with the ever-increasing numbers of people who are no longer productive? Will we have to develop strict protocols as to who and how many can reproduce?

Perhaps we will ride around on luxury space ships being served by robots (like in the movie Wall-e) until we finally eliminate the need for our existence? Thoughts/comments?
Maybe we'll breed into one sex and be able to precreate using our mind control male parts into our female parts in the future.


Or maybe we'll take that idea a little further and be able to move things with our minds instead of using arms.
Maybe we'll breed into one sex and be able to precreate using our mind control male parts into our female parts in the future. lol....

Thank you, but I think if things are going to change, changes of that nature should go the other way around. Women, so we're told, already have their minds so closely linked to sexual pleasure that it's supposed to "not work" for them when their minds aren't "into" it. We men, on the other hand, find mental contentment after the physical satisfaction commences. I'd prefer we minimize the nature and extent of "evolution" by letting the female aspects of procreation go "mental." Penises, on the other hand, are just fine remaining as they are are. With any luck, following such an evolution, the female mind-controlled parts will be ready as quickly as the physically stimulated male ;)
jwoodie, you have a valid point.

It is not one I am willing to act on politically though. That's going to have to wait for gene suppression technology to improve.

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