The END of Arlen Spector

You heard it here first. This will be the last year we have this man as a US Senator. He is as liberal as republicans get. There is little chance he will be able to upset conservative challenger Pat Toomey in the primary. Last election the two went up against each other and Spector slipped by. So why is Toomey going to prevail this time around? Simple. First of all he squeaked by with a 51-49 margin. That was with the support of fellow Republican senator Rick Santorum. As oppose to Toomey, Santorum was more a favorite with his party because of his conservative values. However, when Spector refused to return the favor when Santorum ran his ill-fated bid against present senator Bobby Casey, Santorum will be nowhere to be seen in this race. Next, Spector had the support of President George Bush. Throughout the primary, Spector was shown time and time again with the soon to be re-elected president in 2004. Although, one can make the argument that the former president wasn't popular among the entire nation at the time, but he was so among members of his own party. Furthermore, I believe that Toomey will become much more negative than he was in his initial bid. Last time around, Spector ran one negative advertisement about Toomey after the other. This time around, Toomey will show his fellow Pennsylvanians how far to the left this guy is. Now, you remove the Bush and Santorum factors to go along with more of Toomey's experience and he will certainly pull ahead. This will be the final term in Spector's long senate career as he will not make it past the primary. However, if he somehow does prevail then I believe he will have no difficulty defeating whomever the Democrats head up against him-as he did back in '04.

Arlen Spector is one of the few sane Republicans left.

You want him? You can have him!
You heard it here first. This will be the last year we have this man as a US Senator. He is as liberal as republicans get. There is little chance he will be able to upset conservative challenger Pat Toomey in the primary. Last election the two went up against each other and Spector slipped by. So why is Toomey going to prevail this time around? Simple. First of all he squeaked by with a 51-49 margin. That was with the support of fellow Republican senator Rick Santorum. As oppose to Toomey, Santorum was more a favorite with his party because of his conservative values. However, when Spector refused to return the favor when Santorum ran his ill-fated bid against present senator Bobby Casey, Santorum will be nowhere to be seen in this race. Next, Spector had the support of President George Bush. Throughout the primary, Spector was shown time and time again with the soon to be re-elected president in 2004. Although, one can make the argument that the former president wasn't popular among the entire nation at the time, but he was so among members of his own party. Furthermore, I believe that Toomey will become much more negative than he was in his initial bid. Last time around, Spector ran one negative advertisement about Toomey after the other. This time around, Toomey will show his fellow Pennsylvanians how far to the left this guy is. Now, you remove the Bush and Santorum factors to go along with more of Toomey's experience and he will certainly pull ahead. This will be the final term in Spector's long senate career as he will not make it past the primary. However, if he somehow does prevail then I believe he will have no difficulty defeating whomever the Democrats head up against him-as he did back in '04.

Arlen Spector is one of the few sane Republicans left.

He is and Republicans have said for years that he would never make it through the next election.

How they think they are suddenly going to win the hearts and minds of America with the same old tactics is beyond me.
Arlen Spector is one of the few sane Republicans left.

And no one agrees with you on that.

NO ONE?! Hmmm, tell it to those folks who have kept him in office for 28 years. Because he's not a rabid conservative idealogue IS the reason he is popular. There are GOP Republicans, like every member of my family has been for decades, and then there are the goofballs who are intent on keeping this nation divided.

I've been watching you post the last few days and I just have to ask out of curiosity, do you have a bib you wear to catch all the froth coming out of your mouth? Otherwise I would imagine it might ruin your clothes. :confused:

Just sayin'....
You heard it here first. This will be the last year we have this man as a US Senator. He is as liberal as republicans get. There is little chance he will be able to upset conservative challenger Pat Toomey in the primary. Last election the two went up against each other and Spector slipped by. So why is Toomey going to prevail this time around? Simple. First of all he squeaked by with a 51-49 margin. That was with the support of fellow Republican senator Rick Santorum. As oppose to Toomey, Santorum was more a favorite with his party because of his conservative values. However, when Spector refused to return the favor when Santorum ran his ill-fated bid against present senator Bobby Casey, Santorum will be nowhere to be seen in this race. Next, Spector had the support of President George Bush. Throughout the primary, Spector was shown time and time again with the soon to be re-elected president in 2004. Although, one can make the argument that the former president wasn't popular among the entire nation at the time, but he was so among members of his own party. Furthermore, I believe that Toomey will become much more negative than he was in his initial bid. Last time around, Spector ran one negative advertisement about Toomey after the other. This time around, Toomey will show his fellow Pennsylvanians how far to the left this guy is. Now, you remove the Bush and Santorum factors to go along with more of Toomey's experience and he will certainly pull ahead. This will be the final term in Spector's long senate career as he will not make it past the primary. However, if he somehow does prevail then I believe he will have no difficulty defeating whomever the Democrats head up against him-as he did back in '04.

Arlen Spector is one of the few sane Republicans left.

He is and Republicans have said for years that he would never make it through the next election.

How they think they are suddenly going to win the hearts and minds of America with the same old tactics is beyond me.

Don't you worry your pretty little head about it. You just let those nasty old republicans worry about that.
Why exactly should Spector want to remain a Repub.

The party has no leader except an overblown radio blabber mouth who has zero answers.

Why stay with the sinking ship?

Might as well come on over the water is fine!
Why exactly should Spector want to remain a Repub.

The party has no leader except an overblown radio blabber mouth who has zero answers.

Why stay with the sinking ship?

Might as well come on over the water is fine!

He has the courage of his convictions, why should Neocons be allowed to run him off?

He has been a party leader even though he is moderate. You all should be mad at the people who have and are bringing your party down with all of their rabid nonsense.
Well, two PA senators with a "D" on the end of their names then.

I highly doubt it. The best chance for the democrats is if toomey actually wins. If Spector wins then he will have the support of the PA republicans and good percentage of democrats that will put him over the top. I personally will be rooting for Toomey in both the primary and the general election.
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Spector might use an old Reagan line, "I didn't leave the Republican Party, it left me".


It's sad to see. The further the GOP moves away from the center, the more difficult it will be to win back power.

Exactly right. But so long as the republicans want to be the party of "no" and play with "tea parties" and wedge issues instead of fixing what they broke, the repubs will be more and more marginalized.

Pity, too... as I've said before, I've always felt they should go back to being the smart guys in the room.
Spector might use an old Reagan line, "I didn't leave the Republican Party, it left me".


It's sad to see. The further the GOP moves away from the center, the more difficult it will be to win back power.

Exactly right. But so long as the republicans want to be the party of "no" and play with "tea parties" and wedge issues instead of fixing what they broke, the repubs will be more and more marginalized.

Pity, too... as I've said before, I've always felt they should go back to being the smart guys in the room.

Republicans need to purify their core by fire. I frankly don't understand Dems who like Spector and all the other RINO Republicans and then turn around and say things like, "When you guys were in charge, you ran up the deficit, there was no control." Who the F do you think was doing all the spending? It was non-fiscal conservative a-holes like Spector.

Republicans, if they truly wish to stand for something again, must get back to a time when the core of their party stood for principled defense of American traditions and traditional values. Firmly rooted in the foundational documents of this country and informed the great traditions that have formed around those principles.

Further, those principles must be a razor against which past, present and future actions by government are measured. When actions are found wanting, they should be cut out. After developing this core philosophical approach, expansion and inclusion can come. But, people should be on notice of what they are joining before they join.

By the way, I'm under no illusion that the core would be a massive number of people who think like that. There aren't enough people informed enough to think like that, but the leaders must. Once they can articulate those values, there will be a swell of support for those leaders. The Republicans are early on in their process and it's a crap shoot if they will ever get there.

As for being the party of "NO," hey, it worked for the Dems. They never had a plan for anything when they were out of power. Just hate, vitriol and lies. So that must be what works.
You heard it here first. This will be the last year we have this man as a US Senator. He is as liberal as republicans get. There is little chance he will be able to upset conservative challenger Pat Toomey in the primary. Last election the two went up against each other and Spector slipped by. So why is Toomey going to prevail this time around? Simple. First of all he squeaked by with a 51-49 margin. That was with the support of fellow Republican senator Rick Santorum. As oppose to Toomey, Santorum was more a favorite with his party because of his conservative values. However, when Spector refused to return the favor when Santorum ran his ill-fated bid against present senator Bobby Casey, Santorum will be nowhere to be seen in this race. Next, Spector had the support of President George Bush. Throughout the primary, Spector was shown time and time again with the soon to be re-elected president in 2004. Although, one can make the argument that the former president wasn't popular among the entire nation at the time, but he was so among members of his own party. Furthermore, I believe that Toomey will become much more negative than he was in his initial bid. Last time around, Spector ran one negative advertisement about Toomey after the other. This time around, Toomey will show his fellow Pennsylvanians how far to the left this guy is. Now, you remove the Bush and Santorum factors to go along with more of Toomey's experience and he will certainly pull ahead. This will be the final term in Spector's long senate career as he will not make it past the primary. However, if he somehow does prevail then I believe he will have no difficulty defeating whomever the Democrats head up against him-as he did back in '04.

Arlen Spector is one of the few sane Republicans left.

If your a democrat...:cuckoo:
Well for progressives like me it is music to my ears to hear that the Repubs are going with the same old play book.

There is a hard core of righties who now make up the Repub party and they are going to drive out all the moderates. This will cripple the Repub party for years to come.

20 Million people listening to Rush and watching Fox News may sound like a big base but this is a country of 300 million people. Nobody takes the bomb throwers like Limbaugh and Hannity seriously anymore. They got a lot of play in the last 20 years but everything they championed has failed.

The Repubs must purge the crazies from their party or risk sliding into obscuirty.
Oh look at the liberals coming to the defense of the likes of Spector!

The Republicans under Bush lost their way, at great expense to this nation. Thus, you saw the great declines in Bush IIs polling numbers, as well as significant losses in the Congressional elections.

Conservatives voted the bums out. Many of those same conservatives actually voted for Obama as a measured "let's give it a shot" gesture, while many more chose not to vote at all.

Poll after poll indicates when issues impact the individual, those individuals consistently reside right-of-center politically.

This fact is the open door for a revitalized Republican Party to resume control. To do that though will require a galvanizing figure - a national leader to focus a clear message of conservatism. Such a leader has yet to emerge, which will give Obama the clear advantage come 2012 if this remains the same. Obama is the unifying figure for the Democrats - a national voice that focuses a message of bigger government, a softer and gentler approach to international policty, etc.

Obama is very vulnerable, and there will be serious missteps during his first term - but unless the Republicans can find a viable national leader, their message will remain disjointed and unfocussed.

But at least Spector will be gone - his ilk have done nothing but bring damage to the Republican Party - and thus hampered the even larger conservative majority in America.
Well for progressives like me it is music to my ears to hear that the Repubs are going with the same old play book.

There is a hard core of righties who now make up the Repub party and they are going to drive out all the moderates. This will cripple the Repub party for years to come.

20 Million people listening to Rush and watching Fox News may sound like a big base but this is a country of 300 million people. Nobody takes the bomb throwers like Limbaugh and Hannity seriously anymore. They got a lot of play in the last 20 years but everything they championed has failed.

The Repubs must purge the crazies from their party or risk sliding into obscuirty.

Republicans will start taking your ideas on what they should do with their party right after Rush is made Chairman of the Democrat National Committee.

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