Zone1 The Emperor Constantine


Gold Member
Mar 28, 2014
This video speaks primarily of the Emperor Constantine and questions whether he was really Christian or whether he simply used the religion for his own gain.

It is a 2 hour and 12 minute video so if you have the time, check it out.
This video speaks primarily of the Emperor Constantine and questions whether he was really Christian or whether he simply used the religion for his own gain.

It is a 2 hour and 12 minute video so if you have the time, check it out.

A Selfish Faith

At least at that time, Christianity was for escapists. The totalitarian Emperor wanted people who would ignore the misery he caused and think only of the afterlife. The scheme backfired, though, because the Christians were unpatriotic cowards and were a main cause of why the Empire was overrun by barbarians, leading to the Dark Ages. The Eastern Empire was nothing but corruption and tyranny and it was not a major power.
This video speaks primarily of the Emperor Constantine and questions whether he was really Christian or whether he simply used the religion for his own gain.

It is a 2 hour and 12 minute video so if you have the time, check it out.

Didn't watch but from what I know of him, he began life as a pagan. Pagans can easily accept an additional God, especially if they can help him win battles. I don't know if he saw it as an either or proposition, the more gods on your side the better. I seem to recall that, if he ever got baptized, it was on his death bed so he couldn't have been too devout a Christian.
Constantine continued to worship the pagan gods after adopting the Christian faith as his own, at least, publicly embracing Christianity.

The man murdered his son and wife for political reasons, so he is about as good as a Christian as abortion loving Biden and his cocaine son.

Politics is man as his lowest level of moral depravity. As such, mixing God into it is absurd since politics is all about fighting for worldly power. This has nothing to do with Christianity and is more of a Islamic type of mentality since Mohammad was nothing but a warlord himself and converted with the sword.

And the subsequent creation of a Catholic church that was a worldly political and military power thanks to Constantine only gave Christianity a black eye. To this day, Muslims in the Middle East refer to Christians as Crusaders.

In reality, the Crusades were nothing more than a murderous looting campaign that enriched warlords in Europe.
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Someone disagrees with me but won't say why?


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