The effects of the storm.


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
New York City
Going back and forth to work has really hit home how bad this is..

Yesterday travel was a 2 hour + commute spent mostly sitting in traffic, followed by a 12 hour day, followed by another 2 hour commute where upon I was greeted by Police blocking the entrance to my buildings garage because a gas station is next to it. Our Jersey City office had no power so I spent the day undoing all the damage to our processing caused by that. Was a real mess.

The heartbreaking stuff was coming from the news reports. Staten Island was really devastated as was Long Island and New Jersey. Hearing stories about kids getting swept out of their mother's arms and found dead later were horrific.

This is the real deal. If you folks are in the New York/New Jersey area and have a little time or funds..please volunteer. Or donate funds if you can't volunteer. This is going to take a great deal of time and effort to set right.
The logistical nightmare of the marathon, if you have a clue about NYC traffic, is best to just let the show go on.
People will complain in this city about everything. You can never win. Let the marathon happen. It's good for the economy, it's good for people's spirit and it's good publicity.
Oh, so it's a bash to point out runners will be pouring water over their heads to cool down while lots of disaster victims don't have any to drink. Duly noted.

I didn't take you for a LOLberal. Apparently i was wrong.
The logistical nightmare of the marathon, if you have a clue about NYC traffic, is best to just let the show go on.
People will complain in this city about everything. You can never win. Let the marathon happen. It's good for the economy, it's good for people's spirit and it's good publicity.

How can it be good for the economy? It's not like anyone not in NYC can get into NYC to see it. The worst effect of the marathon is that all available police are being taken away from areas plagued by looting and violence and sent to cover the marathon.
Yes, non NYC residence can get into NYC to both participate and to spectate. Do you live here?
Yes, non NYC residence can get into NYC to both participate and to spectate. Do you live here?

I have friends and family who live there. I used to live there. The subways remain closed. The tunnels are flooded. Mayor Bloomberg has mandated that all private cars on the road have three or more occupants. The buses aren't even running. Restaurants that used to do a booming business now have nothing to sell. Delivery trucks can't get in.

If it were me, and I lived there, I would move heaven and earth to get to the marathon because that's where all the police will be. The rest of the City is going to turn into a war zone.
Yes, non NYC residence can get into NYC to both participate and to spectate. Do you live here?

I have friends and family who live there. I used to live there. The subways remain closed. The tunnels are flooded. Mayor Bloomberg has mandated that all private cars on the road have three or more occupants. The buses aren't even running. Restaurants that used to do a booming business now have nothing to sell. Delivery trucks can't get in.

If it were me, and I lived there, I would move heaven and earth to get to the marathon because that's where all the police will be. The rest of the City is going to turn into a war zone.

You couldn't possibly be more ill-informed.

Subways have been running in several sectors, albiet limited, since yesterday. Buses since the day before on full schedule with soem re-routing, bridges and tunnels (with the exception of a two) are open.

The city will restore power to lower manhattan by Saturday (and their timetable claims thus far have been accurate) which frees up a ton of serve and protect labor. There will be no diverted labor for the marathon.
The Detroit Free Press reporting on NYC mass transit conditions. :lmao:

The irony is almost beyond grasp.

I rode the subway under the east river this morning to get to the office. Sure, it's messy. But it's moving

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