CDZ The Economic System of the Future; My Best Guess on a Coming Synthesis of Capitalism and Socialism


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Principles of Pragmatic Community Capitalism (Democratic Socialism light)

There are problems with both unfettered and unregulated capitalism as well as government heavy Socialism. This is my best effort at applying a moderate 'Nordic Light' Socialism on the US economic and political system.

This is more explanatory in nature for my own political opinion than it is a serious ideology; a set of principles bounded only by law and pragmatic concerns for the community as a whole.

1. We must respect private property. If any property is to be seized by the government for the use of the community, it must be compensated based at a rate equivalent to its value prior to the determination it is necessary.

2. Capitalism should not be conducted for purely profit goals. Businesses use public resources provided by tax payers and so owe a debt to the community as a whole to conduct themselves respectfully and with a goal of respecting the dignity and welfare of the community as well as the profit motive of that business. At the same time it must be recognized that capitalism will never disappear as long as people can barter for commodities in an organized fashion intrinsic to a democratic society.

3. Our nation is a community of communities. We must respect each other and learn to tolerate each other no matter our race, religion or ethnicity. As a local community we must often times subject some of our community goals or interests in the service of the broader interests of the whole national community. This must be done on equal terms without respect to any other consideration than an equal legal standing before the law.

4. We cannot allow our poorest and most unfortunate to languish in misery. Our welfare system should prevent suffering if one is willing to work and to guarantee a willingness to work, all welfare recipients must perform 20 hours of community service each week. No one should lose their home or have their children go without decent living standards due to conditions beyond their control.

5. All drugs should be made legal to use, but distribution and sale of controlled substances without proper licensing and taxes would be the only legal standard. Addicts would receive counseling in minimal Spartan living conditions to recover and return to society as soon as possible. All drug related crimes, other than failure to pay taxes, would be amnestied.

6. Medical care is a human right, and the competitive insurance market is the most efficient means to provide such coverage. In order to provide a 'floor' for insurance markets, Medicare would be offered to anyone willing to pay for it on a sliding poverty scale of premium cost. The poorest would receive it for free while anyone can buy it paying more for premiums based on their annual family income. There would be no restrictions by state or territory, and all states can set minimal conditions for sale of insurance in their state. So, for example, anyone in Maryland can buy a medical coverage that meets the states minimums, and the premium would be higher in that state.

7. The principle of subsidiarity would be the guide for all policies. Handle what can be handled at the county or municipal level first, then at the state level and then at the Federal level as a last resort.

8. A robotics tax would be implemented with labor costs of the previous year as a base line from the time the tax is implemented. This tax would replace the taxes lost due to the human employment no longer being a tax source. The government as the community controlled institution working on behalf of the greater community, cannot be allowed to lose funding due to technological change.

9. For-profit corporations would not be considered persons for the purpose of free speech and political representation. They may not participate in political process directly or indirectly. All such participation would be subject to RICO laws and compel confiscation of all assets and property.

10. All public officials or candidates for public office must have their tax returns made available to the public for scrutiny going back ten years prior to their run for office.

11. Elections would be free of advertising other than a specially designated series of cable channels and URLs for podcasting for each party or ideology provided for free to the public for informational purposes.

12. Every 50 years a states Constitutional Amendment convention will be called and amendments considered for review and approval by the states, being accepted only when passed by two thirds of all states. The first such convention would be summoned on the next year of a public census, i.e a year ending in the number '0'.

13. Employees would be represented by unions, and there would be no monopolistic monolithic union. Each union would be in competition with other unions for providing the best service to the workers of a company. Dues would be entirely voluntary, and the unions can provide representative services for its members under contract with that business. Unions would not be allowed to help or assist any candidate in any election, but only advocate their interests in broad terms related to a specific topic.

14. Publicly owned educational institutions should have free tuition and open to anyone who can maintain passing grade averages. A voucher system for all public schools would be the means by which this is paid for. At the college level, these funds would be available for room and board and books.

15. The long term goal of public economic policy domestically is to have most services paid for by vouchers and the service provided by strong AI algorithm businesses, much like say Amazon or Ebay today, by which people can find jobs, government service providers and social networking. These will be block chain programs that will not be subject to censorship or control at the government level, but only filtered and regulated by government oversight.

16. These principles are not absolutes. Each of them can be adapted to the particular circumstances that are encountered and applied in.
Is this where danielpalos gets his pablum to spew?
Ellis Island to Texas or bust.
Who is danielpalos?

Not sure what you mean.

But libertarian style, for profit only business practices are coming to an end dude.

There is too much at stake with high tech mercurial change these days.
Principles of Pragmatic Community Capitalism (Democratic Socialism light)

There are problems with both unfettered and unregulated capitalism as well as government heavy Socialism. This is my best effort at applying a moderate 'Nordic Light' Socialism on the US economic and political system.

This is more explanatory in nature for my own political opinion than it is a serious ideology; a set of principles bounded only by law and pragmatic concerns for the community as a whole.

1. We must respect private property. If any property is to be seized by the government for the use of the community, it must be compensated based at a rate equivalent to its value prior to the determination it is necessary.

2. Capitalism should not be conducted for purely profit goals. Businesses use public resources provided by tax payers and so owe a debt to the community as a whole to conduct themselves respectfully and with a goal of respecting the dignity and welfare of the community as well as the profit motive of that business. At the same time it must be recognized that capitalism will never disappear as long as people can barter for commodities in an organized fashion intrinsic to a democratic society.

3. Our nation is a community of communities. We must respect each other and learn to tolerate each other no matter our race, religion or ethnicity. As a local community we must often times subject some of our community goals or interests in the service of the broader interests of the whole national community. This must be done on equal terms without respect to any other consideration than an equal legal standing before the law.

4. We cannot allow our poorest and most unfortunate to languish in misery. Our welfare system should prevent suffering if one is willing to work and to guarantee a willingness to work, all welfare recipients must perform 20 hours of community service each week. No one should lose their home or have their children go without decent living standards due to conditions beyond their control.

5. All drugs should be made legal to use, but distribution and sale of controlled substances without proper licensing and taxes would be the only legal standard. Addicts would receive counseling in minimal Spartan living conditions to recover and return to society as soon as possible. All drug related crimes, other than failure to pay taxes, would be amnestied.

6. Medical care is a human right, and the competitive insurance market is the most efficient means to provide such coverage. In order to provide a 'floor' for insurance markets, Medicare would be offered to anyone willing to pay for it on a sliding poverty scale of premium cost. The poorest would receive it for free while anyone can buy it paying more for premiums based on their annual family income. There would be no restrictions by state or territory, and all states can set minimal conditions for sale of insurance in their state. So, for example, anyone in Maryland can buy a medical coverage that meets the states minimums, and the premium would be higher in that state.

7. The principle of subsidiarity would be the guide for all policies. Handle what can be handled at the county or municipal level first, then at the state level and then at the Federal level as a last resort.

8. A robotics tax would be implemented with labor costs of the previous year as a base line from the time the tax is implemented. This tax would replace the taxes lost due to the human employment no longer being a tax source. The government as the community controlled institution working on behalf of the greater community, cannot be allowed to lose funding due to technological change.

9. For-profit corporations would not be considered persons for the purpose of free speech and political representation. They may not participate in political process directly or indirectly. All such participation would be subject to RICO laws and compel confiscation of all assets and property.

10. All public officials or candidates for public office must have their tax returns made available to the public for scrutiny going back ten years prior to their run for office.

11. Elections would be free of advertising other than a specially designated series of cable channels and URLs for podcasting for each party or ideology provided for free to the public for informational purposes.

12. Every 50 years a states Constitutional Amendment convention will be called and amendments considered for review and approval by the states, being accepted only when passed by two thirds of all states. The first such convention would be summoned on the next year of a public census, i.e a year ending in the number '0'.

13. Employees would be represented by unions, and there would be no monopolistic monolithic union. Each union would be in competition with other unions for providing the best service to the workers of a company. Dues would be entirely voluntary, and the unions can provide representative services for its members under contract with that business. Unions would not be allowed to help or assist any candidate in any election, but only advocate their interests in broad terms related to a specific topic.

14. Publicly owned educational institutions should have free tuition and open to anyone who can maintain passing grade averages. A voucher system for all public schools would be the means by which this is paid for. At the college level, these funds would be available for room and board and books.

15. The long term goal of public economic policy domestically is to have most services paid for by vouchers and the service provided by strong AI algorithm businesses, much like say Amazon or Ebay today, by which people can find jobs, government service providers and social networking. These will be block chain programs that will not be subject to censorship or control at the government level, but only filtered and regulated by government oversight.

16. These principles are not absolutes. Each of them can be adapted to the particular circumstances that are encountered and applied in.

How is that working out in Europe?
Principles of Pragmatic Community Capitalism (Democratic Socialism light)

There are problems with both unfettered and unregulated capitalism as well as government heavy Socialism. This is my best effort at applying a moderate 'Nordic Light' Socialism on the US economic and political system.

This is more explanatory in nature for my own political opinion than it is a serious ideology; a set of principles bounded only by law and pragmatic concerns for the community as a whole.

1. We must respect private property. If any property is to be seized by the government for the use of the community, it must be compensated based at a rate equivalent to its value prior to the determination it is necessary.

2. Capitalism should not be conducted for purely profit goals. Businesses use public resources provided by tax payers and so owe a debt to the community as a whole to conduct themselves respectfully and with a goal of respecting the dignity and welfare of the community as well as the profit motive of that business. At the same time it must be recognized that capitalism will never disappear as long as people can barter for commodities in an organized fashion intrinsic to a democratic society.

3. Our nation is a community of communities. We must respect each other and learn to tolerate each other no matter our race, religion or ethnicity. As a local community we must often times subject some of our community goals or interests in the service of the broader interests of the whole national community. This must be done on equal terms without respect to any other consideration than an equal legal standing before the law.

4. We cannot allow our poorest and most unfortunate to languish in misery. Our welfare system should prevent suffering if one is willing to work and to guarantee a willingness to work, all welfare recipients must perform 20 hours of community service each week. No one should lose their home or have their children go without decent living standards due to conditions beyond their control.

5. All drugs should be made legal to use, but distribution and sale of controlled substances without proper licensing and taxes would be the only legal standard. Addicts would receive counseling in minimal Spartan living conditions to recover and return to society as soon as possible. All drug related crimes, other than failure to pay taxes, would be amnestied.

6. Medical care is a human right, and the competitive insurance market is the most efficient means to provide such coverage. In order to provide a 'floor' for insurance markets, Medicare would be offered to anyone willing to pay for it on a sliding poverty scale of premium cost. The poorest would receive it for free while anyone can buy it paying more for premiums based on their annual family income. There would be no restrictions by state or territory, and all states can set minimal conditions for sale of insurance in their state. So, for example, anyone in Maryland can buy a medical coverage that meets the states minimums, and the premium would be higher in that state.

7. The principle of subsidiarity would be the guide for all policies. Handle what can be handled at the county or municipal level first, then at the state level and then at the Federal level as a last resort.

8. A robotics tax would be implemented with labor costs of the previous year as a base line from the time the tax is implemented. This tax would replace the taxes lost due to the human employment no longer being a tax source. The government as the community controlled institution working on behalf of the greater community, cannot be allowed to lose funding due to technological change.

9. For-profit corporations would not be considered persons for the purpose of free speech and political representation. They may not participate in political process directly or indirectly. All such participation would be subject to RICO laws and compel confiscation of all assets and property.

10. All public officials or candidates for public office must have their tax returns made available to the public for scrutiny going back ten years prior to their run for office.

11. Elections would be free of advertising other than a specially designated series of cable channels and URLs for podcasting for each party or ideology provided for free to the public for informational purposes.

12. Every 50 years a states Constitutional Amendment convention will be called and amendments considered for review and approval by the states, being accepted only when passed by two thirds of all states. The first such convention would be summoned on the next year of a public census, i.e a year ending in the number '0'.

13. Employees would be represented by unions, and there would be no monopolistic monolithic union. Each union would be in competition with other unions for providing the best service to the workers of a company. Dues would be entirely voluntary, and the unions can provide representative services for its members under contract with that business. Unions would not be allowed to help or assist any candidate in any election, but only advocate their interests in broad terms related to a specific topic.

14. Publicly owned educational institutions should have free tuition and open to anyone who can maintain passing grade averages. A voucher system for all public schools would be the means by which this is paid for. At the college level, these funds would be available for room and board and books.

15. The long term goal of public economic policy domestically is to have most services paid for by vouchers and the service provided by strong AI algorithm businesses, much like say Amazon or Ebay today, by which people can find jobs, government service providers and social networking. These will be block chain programs that will not be subject to censorship or control at the government level, but only filtered and regulated by government oversight.

16. These principles are not absolutes. Each of them can be adapted to the particular circumstances that are encountered and applied in.

Pretty good proposal, especially #9. AOC, like her or not, tells where new members of congress were getting their first intro not by pelosi, but by a corporate lobbyist. There should be a move to eliminate corporations' corporate personhood status anyway since they can now legally bribe politicians.

Here’s Who Spoke at Harvard’s Controversial Orientation for New Members of Congress
Principles of Pragmatic Community Capitalism (Democratic Socialism light)

There are problems with both unfettered and unregulated capitalism as well as government heavy Socialism. This is my best effort at applying a moderate 'Nordic Light' Socialism on the US economic and political system.

This is more explanatory in nature for my own political opinion than it is a serious ideology; a set of principles bounded only by law and pragmatic concerns for the community as a whole.

1. We must respect private property. If any property is to be seized by the government for the use of the community, it must be compensated based at a rate equivalent to its value prior to the determination it is necessary.

2. Capitalism should not be conducted for purely profit goals. Businesses use public resources provided by tax payers and so owe a debt to the community as a whole to conduct themselves respectfully and with a goal of respecting the dignity and welfare of the community as well as the profit motive of that business. At the same time it must be recognized that capitalism will never disappear as long as people can barter for commodities in an organized fashion intrinsic to a democratic society.

3. Our nation is a community of communities. We must respect each other and learn to tolerate each other no matter our race, religion or ethnicity. As a local community we must often times subject some of our community goals or interests in the service of the broader interests of the whole national community. This must be done on equal terms without respect to any other consideration than an equal legal standing before the law.

4. We cannot allow our poorest and most unfortunate to languish in misery. Our welfare system should prevent suffering if one is willing to work and to guarantee a willingness to work, all welfare recipients must perform 20 hours of community service each week. No one should lose their home or have their children go without decent living standards due to conditions beyond their control.

5. All drugs should be made legal to use, but distribution and sale of controlled substances without proper licensing and taxes would be the only legal standard. Addicts would receive counseling in minimal Spartan living conditions to recover and return to society as soon as possible. All drug related crimes, other than failure to pay taxes, would be amnestied.

6. Medical care is a human right, and the competitive insurance market is the most efficient means to provide such coverage. In order to provide a 'floor' for insurance markets, Medicare would be offered to anyone willing to pay for it on a sliding poverty scale of premium cost. The poorest would receive it for free while anyone can buy it paying more for premiums based on their annual family income. There would be no restrictions by state or territory, and all states can set minimal conditions for sale of insurance in their state. So, for example, anyone in Maryland can buy a medical coverage that meets the states minimums, and the premium would be higher in that state.

7. The principle of subsidiarity would be the guide for all policies. Handle what can be handled at the county or municipal level first, then at the state level and then at the Federal level as a last resort.

8. A robotics tax would be implemented with labor costs of the previous year as a base line from the time the tax is implemented. This tax would replace the taxes lost due to the human employment no longer being a tax source. The government as the community controlled institution working on behalf of the greater community, cannot be allowed to lose funding due to technological change.

9. For-profit corporations would not be considered persons for the purpose of free speech and political representation. They may not participate in political process directly or indirectly. All such participation would be subject to RICO laws and compel confiscation of all assets and property.

10. All public officials or candidates for public office must have their tax returns made available to the public for scrutiny going back ten years prior to their run for office.

11. Elections would be free of advertising other than a specially designated series of cable channels and URLs for podcasting for each party or ideology provided for free to the public for informational purposes.

12. Every 50 years a states Constitutional Amendment convention will be called and amendments considered for review and approval by the states, being accepted only when passed by two thirds of all states. The first such convention would be summoned on the next year of a public census, i.e a year ending in the number '0'.

13. Employees would be represented by unions, and there would be no monopolistic monolithic union. Each union would be in competition with other unions for providing the best service to the workers of a company. Dues would be entirely voluntary, and the unions can provide representative services for its members under contract with that business. Unions would not be allowed to help or assist any candidate in any election, but only advocate their interests in broad terms related to a specific topic.

14. Publicly owned educational institutions should have free tuition and open to anyone who can maintain passing grade averages. A voucher system for all public schools would be the means by which this is paid for. At the college level, these funds would be available for room and board and books.

15. The long term goal of public economic policy domestically is to have most services paid for by vouchers and the service provided by strong AI algorithm businesses, much like say Amazon or Ebay today, by which people can find jobs, government service providers and social networking. These will be block chain programs that will not be subject to censorship or control at the government level, but only filtered and regulated by government oversight.

16. These principles are not absolutes. Each of them can be adapted to the particular circumstances that are encountered and applied in.

Pretty good proposal, especially #9. AOC, like her or not, tells where new members of congress were getting their first intro not by pelosi, but by a corporate lobbyist. There should be a move to eliminate corporations' corporate personhood status anyway since they can now legally bribe politicians.

Here’s Who Spoke at Harvard’s Controversial Orientation for New Members of Congress

The Corporate Crony Network has devoured our democratic system and turned it into a sham.

DC needs a serious harsh purgative-laxative combo.
Capitalism isn't going anywhere. Socialism today is basically Neo-mercantilism.
Capitalism, freedom to choose, does not and will not exist in a socialist environment. Cronyism exists in both capitalist and socialist governments, thinking otherwise is ludacris and delusional. Simply put socialist or capitalist policies are not transferable, destined to fail, when adopted outside of their political ideologies. Case in point, the United States today.
It'll be as Jim describes, Pragmatic Community Capitalism. Good.

There's one caveat: The longer the American Right refuses to give an inch on this, the longer it remains incapable of reason, collaboration and pragmatism, the more pronounced the change will be; the further Left we'll move, at least early on.

Holding your breath until you turn blue is neither pragmatism nor reason. It's just holding your breath until you turn blue.
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Capitalism, freedom to choose, does not and will not exist in a socialist environment. Cronyism exists in both capitalist and socialist governments, thinking otherwise is ludacris and delusional. Simply put socialist or capitalist policies are not transferable, destined to fail, when adopted outside of their political ideologies. Case in point, the United States today.
The size, scope, depth and cost of government exists along a continuum. It's not one or the other.

The task, then, is to identify a point of equilibrium at which we can all exist comfortably.

There are some who insist on having it all their way, like children on a playground. They'll just be marginalized.
When you draw your apparatniks and technocrats from a population that is itself corrupt and ignorant, don't expect such grandiose plans to work; you will end up with the same solutions 'rationalist' technocrats always end up falling back on: mass killings of 'superfluous populations'. See Stalin ,Mao, Hitler, and many other smaller examples of 'rational' states.

Fist things first: Raise the general morality and principles level of your country's population first. A country that has actually seen severely mentally ill people over ride most of the rest of the population's desire not to see sickos into extreme sexual mutilation now being 'normalized' is clearly not going to go anywhere but steadily down, no matter what nice sloganeering its media puts out, certainly it isn't going to see any success at 'rationalizing' anything like a stable political economy.

Of course, you also need the incorruptible judges and police officials that can stand their ground as well. Don't see many un-corruptible lawyers around any more, and few sane people will apply to become police officers in today's climate of a major political Party endorsing police assassinations, violent racist hate crimes, and hiring thugs from Craig's List ads to disrupt other Party's election rallies, and having such key agencies as the FBI actually helping them bury the evidence of their criminal acts, along with open treason and giving away billions in untraceable cash to terrorist governments who have openly vowed to destroy your country

Prevention of Corruption Act | Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau

But, Americans love corruption and wouldn't dream of interfering with it; they just don't like 'that other guy's crooked stuff', is all. Corruption is just so 'sophisticated and progressive n stuff', and unrestrained, mindless self-indulgence is the only thing valued by both left and right wingers.
Fist things first: Raise the general morality and principles level of your country's population first.
I aghree, but that is not the responsibility of the government.

That is for the churches to handle.
Fist things first: Raise the general morality and principles level of your country's population first.
I aghree, but that is not the responsibility of the government.

That is for the churches to handle.

It has to be implemented by government. Churches can't set up Federal Courts, make laws, etc. Congress has to do it.
Church leadership raises moral being of population => people elect moral leadership => moral congress passes moral laws and sees they are enforced.
SO your saying churches should run the government? is that the bottom line for a large percentage of Republican voters?
Principles of Pragmatic Community Capitalism (Democratic Socialism light)

There are problems with both unfettered and unregulated capitalism as well as government heavy Socialism. This is my best effort at applying a moderate 'Nordic Light' Socialism on the US economic and political system.

This is more explanatory in nature for my own political opinion than it is a serious ideology; a set of principles bounded only by law and pragmatic concerns for the community as a whole.

1. We must respect private property. If any property is to be seized by the government for the use of the community, it must be compensated based at a rate equivalent to its value prior to the determination it is necessary.

2. Capitalism should not be conducted for purely profit goals. Businesses use public resources provided by tax payers and so owe a debt to the community as a whole to conduct themselves respectfully and with a goal of respecting the dignity and welfare of the community as well as the profit motive of that business. At the same time it must be recognized that capitalism will never disappear as long as people can barter for commodities in an organized fashion intrinsic to a democratic society.

3. Our nation is a community of communities. We must respect each other and learn to tolerate each other no matter our race, religion or ethnicity. As a local community we must often times subject some of our community goals or interests in the service of the broader interests of the whole national community. This must be done on equal terms without respect to any other consideration than an equal legal standing before the law.

4. We cannot allow our poorest and most unfortunate to languish in misery. Our welfare system should prevent suffering if one is willing to work and to guarantee a willingness to work, all welfare recipients must perform 20 hours of community service each week. No one should lose their home or have their children go without decent living standards due to conditions beyond their control.

5. All drugs should be made legal to use, but distribution and sale of controlled substances without proper licensing and taxes would be the only legal standard. Addicts would receive counseling in minimal Spartan living conditions to recover and return to society as soon as possible. All drug related crimes, other than failure to pay taxes, would be amnestied.

6. Medical care is a human right, and the competitive insurance market is the most efficient means to provide such coverage. In order to provide a 'floor' for insurance markets, Medicare would be offered to anyone willing to pay for it on a sliding poverty scale of premium cost. The poorest would receive it for free while anyone can buy it paying more for premiums based on their annual family income. There would be no restrictions by state or territory, and all states can set minimal conditions for sale of insurance in their state. So, for example, anyone in Maryland can buy a medical coverage that meets the states minimums, and the premium would be higher in that state.

7. The principle of subsidiarity would be the guide for all policies. Handle what can be handled at the county or municipal level first, then at the state level and then at the Federal level as a last resort.

8. A robotics tax would be implemented with labor costs of the previous year as a base line from the time the tax is implemented. This tax would replace the taxes lost due to the human employment no longer being a tax source. The government as the community controlled institution working on behalf of the greater community, cannot be allowed to lose funding due to technological change.

9. For-profit corporations would not be considered persons for the purpose of free speech and political representation. They may not participate in political process directly or indirectly. All such participation would be subject to RICO laws and compel confiscation of all assets and property.

10. All public officials or candidates for public office must have their tax returns made available to the public for scrutiny going back ten years prior to their run for office.

11. Elections would be free of advertising other than a specially designated series of cable channels and URLs for podcasting for each party or ideology provided for free to the public for informational purposes.

12. Every 50 years a states Constitutional Amendment convention will be called and amendments considered for review and approval by the states, being accepted only when passed by two thirds of all states. The first such convention would be summoned on the next year of a public census, i.e a year ending in the number '0'.

13. Employees would be represented by unions, and there would be no monopolistic monolithic union. Each union would be in competition with other unions for providing the best service to the workers of a company. Dues would be entirely voluntary, and the unions can provide representative services for its members under contract with that business. Unions would not be allowed to help or assist any candidate in any election, but only advocate their interests in broad terms related to a specific topic.

14. Publicly owned educational institutions should have free tuition and open to anyone who can maintain passing grade averages. A voucher system for all public schools would be the means by which this is paid for. At the college level, these funds would be available for room and board and books.

15. The long term goal of public economic policy domestically is to have most services paid for by vouchers and the service provided by strong AI algorithm businesses, much like say Amazon or Ebay today, by which people can find jobs, government service providers and social networking. These will be block chain programs that will not be subject to censorship or control at the government level, but only filtered and regulated by government oversight.

16. These principles are not absolutes. Each of them can be adapted to the particular circumstances that are encountered and applied in.
If we continue to allow the Fed to conduct buisness the way it is, our economy is going to be based upon barter of rocks for essentials.
Principles of Pragmatic Community Capitalism (Democratic Socialism light)

There are problems with both unfettered and unregulated capitalism as well as government heavy Socialism. This is my best effort at applying a moderate 'Nordic Light' Socialism on the US economic and political system.

This is more explanatory in nature for my own political opinion than it is a serious ideology; a set of principles bounded only by law and pragmatic concerns for the community as a whole.

1. We must respect private property. If any property is to be seized by the government for the use of the community, it must be compensated based at a rate equivalent to its value prior to the determination it is necessary.

2. Capitalism should not be conducted for purely profit goals. Businesses use public resources provided by tax payers and so owe a debt to the community as a whole to conduct themselves respectfully and with a goal of respecting the dignity and welfare of the community as well as the profit motive of that business. At the same time it must be recognized that capitalism will never disappear as long as people can barter for commodities in an organized fashion intrinsic to a democratic society.

3. Our nation is a community of communities. We must respect each other and learn to tolerate each other no matter our race, religion or ethnicity. As a local community we must often times subject some of our community goals or interests in the service of the broader interests of the whole national community. This must be done on equal terms without respect to any other consideration than an equal legal standing before the law.

4. We cannot allow our poorest and most unfortunate to languish in misery. Our welfare system should prevent suffering if one is willing to work and to guarantee a willingness to work, all welfare recipients must perform 20 hours of community service each week. No one should lose their home or have their children go without decent living standards due to conditions beyond their control.

5. All drugs should be made legal to use, but distribution and sale of controlled substances without proper licensing and taxes would be the only legal standard. Addicts would receive counseling in minimal Spartan living conditions to recover and return to society as soon as possible. All drug related crimes, other than failure to pay taxes, would be amnestied.

6. Medical care is a human right, and the competitive insurance market is the most efficient means to provide such coverage. In order to provide a 'floor' for insurance markets, Medicare would be offered to anyone willing to pay for it on a sliding poverty scale of premium cost. The poorest would receive it for free while anyone can buy it paying more for premiums based on their annual family income. There would be no restrictions by state or territory, and all states can set minimal conditions for sale of insurance in their state. So, for example, anyone in Maryland can buy a medical coverage that meets the states minimums, and the premium would be higher in that state.

7. The principle of subsidiarity would be the guide for all policies. Handle what can be handled at the county or municipal level first, then at the state level and then at the Federal level as a last resort.

8. A robotics tax would be implemented with labor costs of the previous year as a base line from the time the tax is implemented. This tax would replace the taxes lost due to the human employment no longer being a tax source. The government as the community controlled institution working on behalf of the greater community, cannot be allowed to lose funding due to technological change.

9. For-profit corporations would not be considered persons for the purpose of free speech and political representation. They may not participate in political process directly or indirectly. All such participation would be subject to RICO laws and compel confiscation of all assets and property.

10. All public officials or candidates for public office must have their tax returns made available to the public for scrutiny going back ten years prior to their run for office.

11. Elections would be free of advertising other than a specially designated series of cable channels and URLs for podcasting for each party or ideology provided for free to the public for informational purposes.

12. Every 50 years a states Constitutional Amendment convention will be called and amendments considered for review and approval by the states, being accepted only when passed by two thirds of all states. The first such convention would be summoned on the next year of a public census, i.e a year ending in the number '0'.

13. Employees would be represented by unions, and there would be no monopolistic monolithic union. Each union would be in competition with other unions for providing the best service to the workers of a company. Dues would be entirely voluntary, and the unions can provide representative services for its members under contract with that business. Unions would not be allowed to help or assist any candidate in any election, but only advocate their interests in broad terms related to a specific topic.

14. Publicly owned educational institutions should have free tuition and open to anyone who can maintain passing grade averages. A voucher system for all public schools would be the means by which this is paid for. At the college level, these funds would be available for room and board and books.

15. The long term goal of public economic policy domestically is to have most services paid for by vouchers and the service provided by strong AI algorithm businesses, much like say Amazon or Ebay today, by which people can find jobs, government service providers and social networking. These will be block chain programs that will not be subject to censorship or control at the government level, but only filtered and regulated by government oversight.

16. These principles are not absolutes. Each of them can be adapted to the particular circumstances that are encountered and applied in.
Sounds like communism with a whole bunch of extra steps.
Regardless of how one paints it socialism is socialism, or one could call it for what it is pure unadulterated communism. Rulled by the ordained elitist class, one party, with an iron fist, for the supposed betterment of the ignorant proletariat. Sad to think people actually give this glorious concept the time of day, yet ignorance apparently has the upper hand in today’s mindset.
History will repeat itself when one fails to embrace the lessons of history.
Principles of Pragmatic Community Capitalism (Democratic Socialism light)

There are problems with both unfettered and unregulated capitalism as well as government heavy Socialism. This is my best effort at applying a moderate 'Nordic Light' Socialism on the US economic and political system.

This is more explanatory in nature for my own political opinion than it is a serious ideology; a set of principles bounded only by law and pragmatic concerns for the community as a whole.

1. We must respect private property. If any property is to be seized by the government for the use of the community, it must be compensated based at a rate equivalent to its value prior to the determination it is necessary.

2. Capitalism should not be conducted for purely profit goals. Businesses use public resources provided by tax payers and so owe a debt to the community as a whole to conduct themselves respectfully and with a goal of respecting the dignity and welfare of the community as well as the profit motive of that business. At the same time it must be recognized that capitalism will never disappear as long as people can barter for commodities in an organized fashion intrinsic to a democratic society.

3. Our nation is a community of communities. We must respect each other and learn to tolerate each other no matter our race, religion or ethnicity. As a local community we must often times subject some of our community goals or interests in the service of the broader interests of the whole national community. This must be done on equal terms without respect to any other consideration than an equal legal standing before the law.

4. We cannot allow our poorest and most unfortunate to languish in misery. Our welfare system should prevent suffering if one is willing to work and to guarantee a willingness to work, all welfare recipients must perform 20 hours of community service each week. No one should lose their home or have their children go without decent living standards due to conditions beyond their control.

5. All drugs should be made legal to use, but distribution and sale of controlled substances without proper licensing and taxes would be the only legal standard. Addicts would receive counseling in minimal Spartan living conditions to recover and return to society as soon as possible. All drug related crimes, other than failure to pay taxes, would be amnestied.

6. Medical care is a human right, and the competitive insurance market is the most efficient means to provide such coverage. In order to provide a 'floor' for insurance markets, Medicare would be offered to anyone willing to pay for it on a sliding poverty scale of premium cost. The poorest would receive it for free while anyone can buy it paying more for premiums based on their annual family income. There would be no restrictions by state or territory, and all states can set minimal conditions for sale of insurance in their state. So, for example, anyone in Maryland can buy a medical coverage that meets the states minimums, and the premium would be higher in that state.

7. The principle of subsidiarity would be the guide for all policies. Handle what can be handled at the county or municipal level first, then at the state level and then at the Federal level as a last resort.

8. A robotics tax would be implemented with labor costs of the previous year as a base line from the time the tax is implemented. This tax would replace the taxes lost due to the human employment no longer being a tax source. The government as the community controlled institution working on behalf of the greater community, cannot be allowed to lose funding due to technological change.

9. For-profit corporations would not be considered persons for the purpose of free speech and political representation. They may not participate in political process directly or indirectly. All such participation would be subject to RICO laws and compel confiscation of all assets and property.

10. All public officials or candidates for public office must have their tax returns made available to the public for scrutiny going back ten years prior to their run for office.

11. Elections would be free of advertising other than a specially designated series of cable channels and URLs for podcasting for each party or ideology provided for free to the public for informational purposes.

12. Every 50 years a states Constitutional Amendment convention will be called and amendments considered for review and approval by the states, being accepted only when passed by two thirds of all states. The first such convention would be summoned on the next year of a public census, i.e a year ending in the number '0'.

13. Employees would be represented by unions, and there would be no monopolistic monolithic union. Each union would be in competition with other unions for providing the best service to the workers of a company. Dues would be entirely voluntary, and the unions can provide representative services for its members under contract with that business. Unions would not be allowed to help or assist any candidate in any election, but only advocate their interests in broad terms related to a specific topic.

14. Publicly owned educational institutions should have free tuition and open to anyone who can maintain passing grade averages. A voucher system for all public schools would be the means by which this is paid for. At the college level, these funds would be available for room and board and books.

15. The long term goal of public economic policy domestically is to have most services paid for by vouchers and the service provided by strong AI algorithm businesses, much like say Amazon or Ebay today, by which people can find jobs, government service providers and social networking. These will be block chain programs that will not be subject to censorship or control at the government level, but only filtered and regulated by government oversight.

16. These principles are not absolutes. Each of them can be adapted to the particular circumstances that are encountered and applied in.
Actual thinking, cool.

When 90% of our goods and services, for example, are produced by robotics/computers how would necessary goods and services be provides to the masses of unemployed?
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