The easy Trump re election that probably won't happen

I'm going for a real stretch now bri Tell us how many were unemployed from their jobs in GWB's last year Try not to follow up with your usual BS
Do your own research, shit for brains.
I have #1 Millions and you expected Obama to wave a magic wand and correct all republican mistakes overnight? That's why you're #1
You fooled yourself into believe that Obozo deserves the credit.
Right #1 only credit should be given to trump It was confidence in him that raised employment and lowered unemployment during Obamas presidency
What did Obama do to deserve the credit, massive increases in government regulation? Higher taxes? subsidizing government parasites?
OK so it was magic The thing Obama had that trump will never have is the confidence of America and the outside world Trump is a wild card and it's not good as a leader to be a complete idiot
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Do your own research, shit for brains.
I have #1 Millions and you expected Obama to wave a magic wand and correct all republican mistakes overnight? That's why you're #1
You fooled yourself into believe that Obozo deserves the credit.
Right #1 only credit should be given to trump It was confidence in him that raised employment and lowered unemployment during Obamas presidency
What did Obama do to deserve the credit, massive increases in government regulation? Higher taxes? subsidizing government parasites?
OK so it was magic The thing Obama had that trump will never have is the confidence of America and the outside world Trump is a wild card and it's not good as a leader to be a complete idiot
Was it magic the 30 other times the economy recovered from a recession without government interference? It's normal economic behavior, fuckwad. Obama's only talent was getting elected at the right time in the economic cycle
And you think America could go its merry way after our great recession? It cost ,to get us back on track
History shows that the economy always recovers on its own after a recession. Massive government intervention has resulted in the two longest recessions/depressions in our history.

The odds on leaving the economy to its own resources are far better than the odds of government intervention fixing anything.
Recession didn't last long into Obamas Presidency
Are you kidding? It was the slowest recovery since the Great Depression.

That's because what Obama inherited was the worst situation since the great depression.

And I have never worked for the government. Had I done so, it is not illegal to work a job. Trump has stolen money from people while not paying taxes. I paid taxes my entire adult working life. I started working at age 9, and I bet you didn't. I'm 58 now. Conservative trash like you who amount to nothing, assume way too much. A tax paying American deserves to get back something from the government than watching the newest military expenditure on TV. And as I pay taxes, what I put in the pot is just as important as what you do. So I would rather my money pay for an American to do nothing than to a mf in the middle east because of some war those like you want our young people to fight so you can talk John Wayne bullshit.
No, it was because Obama passed thousands of regulations and meddled in the economy. I already posted the proof that leftwing meddling in the economy only makes recessions worse. The economy was already on the rebound when Obama ascended the throne.

The rest of your posts is the usual leftwing horseshit. It's all lies, of course.

What you say is not how it happened. It doesn't matter how many time you repat it and no matter how many times you call it leftist. Only idiots buy your bullshit about regulations. You want to regulate who can get married, a woman's choice and anything that doesn't allow whites to continue getting advantages.

Obama inherited a dead economy because of conservative policy. That's what happened.

Trump doesn't have to show you people his tax returns, tissue? Why don't you try defeating Trump at the polls in 2020...:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
If the President can be forced to turn over his financial records on mere suspicion, with absolutely no evidence of wrongdoing, then someone needs to stop the Earth. I want to get off.
Wouldn't you like to know he isn't a thief? OR don't you GAF ?
Wouldn't YOU like for Congress to obey the Constitution, instead of going on witch hunts with nothing but vague accusations and no evidence? If they can do it to the President, they can do it to anyone. If that doesn't scare you, it should. Already, they can hold anyone on merely the suspicion of terrorism. They can hold you as long as they like, without access to a lawyer. And you want to give them MORE power?!?
Obey??? Yes obey subpoenas and stop hiding all your filthy dirty laundry

But its okay for Dem's to ignore subpoenas and exercise executive privilege am I right.

Except dems did this after showing up a hundred times and handling over thousands of pages and after each time republicans moved to goalposts.
I have #1 Millions and you expected Obama to wave a magic wand and correct all republican mistakes overnight? That's why you're #1
You fooled yourself into believe that Obozo deserves the credit.
Right #1 only credit should be given to trump It was confidence in him that raised employment and lowered unemployment during Obamas presidency
What did Obama do to deserve the credit, massive increases in government regulation? Higher taxes? subsidizing government parasites?
OK so it was magic The thing Obama had that trump will never have is the confidence of America and the outside world Trump is a wild card and it's not good as a leader to be a complete idiot
Was it magic the 30 other times the economy recovered from a recession without government interference? It's normal economic behavior, fuckwad. Obama's only talent was getting elected at the right time in the economic cycle

The economy has never recovered without government involvement.
How is Obama a multi multi millionaire?
He received a $65 million dollar advance for his book.
lol trump would get a buck
What the fuck is that supposed to means? Trump had bestselling books that didn't depend on a bunch of political bootlickers to buy them.

Books he did not write.
ROFL! So Obama wrote his books?

Seems that he did.
You fooled yourself into believe that Obozo deserves the credit.
Right #1 only credit should be given to trump It was confidence in him that raised employment and lowered unemployment during Obamas presidency
What did Obama do to deserve the credit, massive increases in government regulation? Higher taxes? subsidizing government parasites?
OK so it was magic The thing Obama had that trump will never have is the confidence of America and the outside world Trump is a wild card and it's not good as a leader to be a complete idiot
Was it magic the 30 other times the economy recovered from a recession without government interference? It's normal economic behavior, fuckwad. Obama's only talent was getting elected at the right time in the economic cycle

The economy has never recovered without government involvement.
He received a $65 million dollar advance for his book.
lol trump would get a buck
What the fuck is that supposed to means? Trump had bestselling books that didn't depend on a bunch of political bootlickers to buy them.

Books he did not write.
ROFL! So Obama wrote his books?

Seems that he did.
How so?
What the fuck is that supposed to means? Trump had bestselling books that didn't depend on a bunch of political bootlickers to buy them.

Books he did not write.
ROFL! So Obama wrote his books?

Seems that he did.
How so?

Figure it out idiot. Donald Trump is fake.
Big success ....held together by daddies money ,cheating banks and teams of lawyers

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