The Dramatic Alternate Reality: A Story of Back-Channels The Democrats Don't Want You To Know


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
Collusion, conspiracy and back-channels of communication; what is the keyword behind all these claims of conspiracy? The word: COULD. Allegations that something COULD mean this, something COULD mean that. But never is any factual evidence brought forth to support any of it! Just more circumstantial incidences that COULD mean most anything for which they choose to assign one meaning. Now the scandal of the back-channels.

What are some real facts here?

The back-channel of concern here was initiated by the Russians as a one-time deal after the election to aid Russia/American relations. It was never actually put through and talk of it was initiated AFTER the election! All of this scandal started with the premise that Trump worked with the Russians to thwart Hillary's election campaign!

* Henry Kissinger had back-channels of communication with both the Russians and the Chinese.

* Hillary Clinton had back-channel communications with the Iranians, an avowed terrorist enemy, leading into the Iranian nuclear deal. Where was the media angst over this?

* Obama had back-channels to both the Cubans and Canada, and with Iran as well before being elected.

As with all the other Trump "scandals," this is just another democratic party/media ploy that puts stories on the front page of newspapers and leading in news reports that has the words: 'Russia' and 'Trump' in the headline, thus making it a "breaking news scandal." They want the unaware public to keep seeing this over and over putting subliminal messages in the back of their minds swaying public opinion against Trump; unfortunately, Trump's supporters are among the most proactively informed.

These manufactured false scandals are willful, coordinated, using selective information that supports their case, are based on half-truths, a lack of context and incorrect information, all aimed at concluding that Trump is a traitor, then after that, they try to back-fill the story with circumstantial info in support of their angle.
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Flashback – Reports: Obama Campaign Opened Back Channel to Iran

TEL AVIV — Amid reports that President Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner allegedly talked with Russia’s envoy to the U.S. about setting up a back channel for communications, it may be instructive to recall that representatives for Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign reportedly established a back channel with Iran.
The Washington Post, which broke the story about Kushner, cited communications from Russian Ambassador Sergei Kislyak to Moscow allegedly intercepted by U.S. intelligence officials. Russian diplomats are known to deliberately place misinformation in communications they believe are being monitored, the Post noted, allowing for the possibility that Kushner never actually asked for a back channel.


Flashback - Reports: Obama Campaign Opened Back Channel to Iran - Breitbart


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