The Dilemma of History


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
The dilemma of history is that an unbiased account is usually not available until it is too far removed to influence current thinking. For example, we now know that the "Cuban Missile Crisis" of 1962 was a huge foreign policy victory for the USSR by forcing the US to remove its nuclear missiles from Turkey. (In return, JFK got a secret agreement to hide this fact for 50 years.) Ten years before that, the Rosenbergs were portrayed as innocent victims of "McCarthyism" until, decades later, KGB files confirming they were spies were released after the fall of the Soviet Union.

Even today, these historical events are being treated as irrelevant old news. Will we we ever learn to be skeptical of "current" history?
The dilemma of history is that an unbiased account is usually not available until it is too far removed to influence current thinking. For example, we now know that the "Cuban Missile Crisis" of 1962 was a huge foreign policy victory for the USSR by forcing the US to remove its nuclear missiles from Turkey. (In return, JFK got a secret agreement to hide this fact for 50 years.) Ten years before that, the Rosenbergs were portrayed as innocent victims of "McCarthyism" until, decades later, KGB files confirming they were spies were released after the fall of the Soviet Union.

Even today, these historical events are being treated as irrelevant old news. Will we we ever learn to be skeptical of "current" history?

Being skeptical doesn't include rejecting all of it and then claiming that you can then make up your own narratives. It still requires proof to the contrary for real revisionism.

What changes 50 years later when that info comes out? Kennedy is still dead, so is Khrushchev and Brezhnev and Gorbachev. Look at how many people still buy the Lincoln Myth after over 150 years, never mind most people during his Presidency knew it was a load of bullshit. Its only use is as silly narratives that play zero part in today's issues, it's just some sort of weird guilt by association ruse invented by propagandists, just gossip.
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The truth is out there but often you have to look for it. Pop history is written by the media and the media is often biased. Therefore history as we commonly know it is often biased.
The dilemma of history is that an unbiased account is usually not available until it is too far removed to influence current thinking. For example, we now know that the "Cuban Missile Crisis" of 1962 was a huge foreign policy victory for the USSR by forcing the US to remove its nuclear missiles from Turkey. (In return, JFK got a secret agreement to hide this fact for 50 years.)
The crisis was yet another coup by the Eurocentrist left. It happened due to the fact that European bastards came to power in the USA, and the USSR became simply an appendage of the USA, where power passed into the hands of the Jewish KGB.
The crisis was yet another coup by the Eurocentrist left. It happened due to the fact that European bastards came to power in the USA, and the USSR became simply an appendage of the USA, where power passed into the hands of the Jewish KGB.

This is partly true. Foucault, a French faggot, was a big influence on ruining modern professional history and turning it into a subjective joke. He was a deviant and died of AIDS, which made him popular with the 1960's leftists who took over academia.
This is partly true. Foucault, a French faggot, was a big influence on ruining modern professional history and turning it into a subjective joke. He was a deviant and died of AIDS, which made him popular with the 1960's leftists who took over academia.
This is not partial, but absolute truth. Another leftist scam began in the USA with the arrival of Kennedy, in the USA at that time there was also a hippie decline, in the USSR the KGB Jews came to power, widespread drunkenness began, and so on
The missiles in Turkey deal was on the News back then. Rosenbergs being spies was also news but it was a while before it was confirmed.
The secret agreement to remove our missiles from Turkey (and not invade Cuba) was not declassified until 2012.
History is written by the victors. Except for that bit between 1939 and 1945; it's totally true.
Everything else about history is false? Everything? And not one person who lost was ever able to write?

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn?
Oh they write, eventually. Long after the victor has established the narrative.
The secret agreement to remove our missiles from Turkey (and not invade Cuba) was not declassified until 2012.

“Thirteen Days: A Memoir of the Cuban Missile Crisis” is a book written by Robert F. Kennedy, which describes the meetings held by the Executive Committee (ExComm) during the Cuban Missile Crisis of 19621. The book was released in 1969, the year after his assassination1. It is published by W. W. Norton1.

This book released in 1969 covers the Turkey Missle deal made during the Cuban Missle Crises. I also remember it being reported on the Television News but I can't find it. It took me a while to dig it up. But it was out to the public earlier than 2010.

I do recommend the book mentioned above. Robert Kennedy's account makes one feel the stress and anxiety that was happening among those involved. :) 👍
This is partly true. Foucault, a French faggot, was a big influence on ruining modern professional history and turning it into a subjective joke. He was a deviant and died of AIDS, which made him popular with the 1960's leftists who took over academia.
French-Fried Brains

That degenerate was so into himself that he actually passed on his AIDS just to see what it was like to murder someone.
The dilemma of history is that an unbiased account is usually not available until it is too far removed to influence current thinking. For example, we now know that the "Cuban Missile Crisis" of 1962 was a huge foreign policy victory for the USSR by forcing the US to remove its nuclear missiles from Turkey. (In return, JFK got a secret agreement to hide this fact for 50 years.) Ten years before that, the Rosenbergs were portrayed as innocent victims of "McCarthyism" until, decades later, KGB files confirming they were spies were released after the fall of the Soviet Union.

Even today, these historical events are being treated as irrelevant old news. Will we we ever learn to be skeptical of "current" history?
It is always wise to be doubtful of government reporting in the media. There is no government anywhere that doesn't release or create stories without a political purpose.

Itis also wise to be wary of stories appearing in multiple sources with a single original source.
“Thirteen Days: A Memoir of the Cuban Missile Crisis” is a book written by Robert F. Kennedy, which describes the meetings held by the Executive Committee (ExComm) during the Cuban Missile Crisis of 19621. The book was released in 1969, the year after his assassination1. It is published by W. W. Norton1.

This book released in 1969 covers the Turkey Missle deal made during the Cuban Missle Crises. I also remember it being reported on the Television News but I can't find it. It took me a while to dig it up. But it was out to the public earlier than 2010.

I do recommend the book mentioned above. Robert Kennedy's account makes one feel the stress and anxiety that was happening among those involved. :) 👍
The book did not acknowledge that there was a secret deal to remove our nuclear missiles from Turkey (and Italy). However, rumors of the deal started swirling after 1970 when Soviet and Turkish officials alluded to it. It was officially denied by the US government until 2012, when it was declassified.
He don't support my position? You mean he is not a user here that has liked my comments?

You're using him as an example for your position. He's not a good example.

Yes, One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich. He wrote several others. The Gulag Archipelgo wasn't published until 1973.


Go back to sleep

Stalin was the dictator of the Soviet Union from 1922 to 1952. You may have hear of him. Solzhenitsyn was thrown into the gulag for criticizing him.

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