The difference between a Conservative and a liberal is

The liberal sees a hungry person and gives a fish thus feeding the hungry person for just one day.

The conservative teaches the hungry person how to fish thereby feeding the person for a life time.

I applaud the liberal for compassion to feed the hungry person.. but in doing so all the liberal has done is made the hungry person dependent on the liberal for more fish!

Where as the compassionate conservative wants the hungry person to be able to fish thereby feeding for a lifetime.

This is best illustrated by the "Three Bitter Years" Or "The Great Leap Forward".. in China.
Chinese journalist Yang Jisheng concluded there were 36 million deaths due to starvation, while another 40 million others failed to be born, so that "China's total population loss during the Great Famine then comes to 76 million."
The phrase "Three Bitter Years" is often used by Chinese peasants to describe this period.
The great Chinese famine was caused by social pressure, economic mismanagement, and radical changes in agriculture.
Mao Zedong, chairman of the Chinese communist party, introduced drastic changes in farming which prohibited farm ownership.

In a similar manner to the massive Soviet-created famine in Ukraine (the Holodomor), doctors were prohibited from listing "starvation" as a cause of death on death certificates. This kind of deception was far from uncommon; ....

Great Chinese Famine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Conclusion is the "Great Leap Forward" official Chinese recognition of the importance of policy mistakes in causing the disaster,
claiming that the disaster was 30% due to natural causes and 70% by mismanagement.
"Central planning".. "Cubicle Command"...

And so because the liberal thinks the central planning is superior truly inhumane activities such as these are considered by liberals as necessary:

Dikötter claims that at least 2.5 million of the victims were beaten or tortured to death.
He provides a graphic example of what happened to a family after one member was caught stealing some food:
Liu Desheng, guilty of poaching a sweet potato, was covered in urine ... He, his wife, and his son were also forced into a heap of excrement.
Then tongs were used to pry his mouth open after he refused to swallow excrement. He died three weeks later..
Great Chinese Famine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But of course no liberal would have do that... only conservatives do water boarding!!!

Conservatives don't "teach". They indoctrinate. Conservatives believe education is for snobs and want the message to be learned at an early age. It's why they cut daycare and school lunches.
Republicans Debate How Much To Cut Education

Republicans have been internally debating just how much to cut federal spending on education, but their platform unveiled this week at their convention in Tampa Bay does little to clarify their vision beyond referencing that no new investments will be made. While the Romney campaign works out the details of the education funding conundrum (or simply figures out the PR spin), Tea Party conservatives are loudly voicing their opinions to end federal spending on education entirely.

Republicans Debate How Much To Cut Education While China And India Invest More | ThinkProgress

I assume you were speaking metaphorically.

You mean where the INCREASE in food stamp payments was reduced "cut in federal spending"?
Or where responsible people asked.."why are lottery winners allowed to receive food stamps "cut in federal spending"?
Or may why not each year have each federal agency start with fresh budget and not just add xx% to last year's budget.."cut in federal spending"?

Those kind of mean spirited cuts?

Oh by the way maybe they were describing this liberals expenditures..."cut in federal spending"??

CNN: Michelle O's dress 'cost around $12,000'...

The liberal sees a hungry person and gives a fish thus feeding the hungry person for just one day.

The conservative teaches the hungry person how to fish thereby feeding the person for a life time.

I applaud the liberal for compassion to feed the hungry person.. but in doing so all the liberal has done is made the hungry person dependent on the liberal for more fish!

Where as the compassionate conservative wants the hungry person to be able to fish thereby feeding for a lifetime.

This is best illustrated by the "Three Bitter Years" Or "The Great Leap Forward".. in China.
Chinese journalist Yang Jisheng concluded there were 36 million deaths due to starvation, while another 40 million others failed to be born, so that "China's total population loss during the Great Famine then comes to 76 million."
The phrase "Three Bitter Years" is often used by Chinese peasants to describe this period.
The great Chinese famine was caused by social pressure, economic mismanagement, and radical changes in agriculture.
Mao Zedong, chairman of the Chinese communist party, introduced drastic changes in farming which prohibited farm ownership.

In a similar manner to the massive Soviet-created famine in Ukraine (the Holodomor), doctors were prohibited from listing "starvation" as a cause of death on death certificates. This kind of deception was far from uncommon; ....

Great Chinese Famine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Conclusion is the "Great Leap Forward" official Chinese recognition of the importance of policy mistakes in causing the disaster,
claiming that the disaster was 30% due to natural causes and 70% by mismanagement.
"Central planning".. "Cubicle Command"...

And so because the liberal thinks the central planning is superior truly inhumane activities such as these are considered by liberals as necessary:

Dikötter claims that at least 2.5 million of the victims were beaten or tortured to death.
He provides a graphic example of what happened to a family after one member was caught stealing some food:
Liu Desheng, guilty of poaching a sweet potato, was covered in urine ... He, his wife, and his son were also forced into a heap of excrement.
Then tongs were used to pry his mouth open after he refused to swallow excrement. He died three weeks later..
Great Chinese Famine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But of course no liberal would have do that... only conservatives do water boarding!!!

Liberals are evil, conservatives are good. That is the fundamentally difference.
The difference between a Conservative and a liberal is:

liberals FEEEEEL, they have no sense of thought, just listen to what they say and read what they type, they very rarely ever use the words THINK or BELIEVE. :up: they also are control freaks who feeeeel they can change things by making up another law.., e.g., "GUN CONTROL LAWS", they never make a law that will restrict the actions of thugs and criminals, their "laws" only restrict the actions of honest law abiding citizens, they want to kill babies but save the life of a mass murderer on death row. they hate drilling for oil but drive their gas guzzling SUVs and mini vans, they do not want to cut trees, yet live in houses built with wood, i could fill this page and 9 more about our enemies the LIBERALS...., YES !! ...., enemies, their sole concern is destruction of America and our Constitution and Bill of Rights.., the proof of this can readily be seen in the criminal actions of their messiah who has violated the oath of office. :up:

Conservatives: one word describes them....., FREEDOM !!
Republicans Debate How Much To Cut Education

Republicans have been internally debating just how much to cut federal spending on education, but their platform unveiled this week at their convention in Tampa Bay does little to clarify their vision beyond referencing that no new investments will be made. While the Romney campaign works out the details of the education funding conundrum (or simply figures out the PR spin), Tea Party conservatives are loudly voicing their opinions to end federal spending on education entirely.

Republicans Debate How Much To Cut Education While China And India Invest More | ThinkProgress

I assume you were speaking metaphorically.

You mean where the INCREASE in food stamp payments was reduced "cut in federal spending"?
Or where responsible people asked.."why are lottery winners allowed to receive food stamps "cut in federal spending"?
Or may why not each year have each federal agency start with fresh budget and not just add xx% to last year's budget.."cut in federal spending"?

Those kind of mean spirited cuts?

Oh by the way maybe they were describing this liberals expenditures..."cut in federal spending"??

CNN: Michelle O's dress 'cost around $12,000'...

View attachment 29304

Who cares how much her dress costs? It's her dress. Republicans only want to protect the rich. The Obama's are rich.
The difference between a Conservative and a liberal is:

liberals FEEEEEL, they have no sense of thought, just listen to what they say and read what they type, they very rarely ever use the words THINK or BELIEVE. :up: they also are control freaks who feeeeel they can change things by making up another law.., e.g., "GUN CONTROL LAWS", they never make a law that will restrict the actions of thugs and criminals, their "laws" only restrict the actions of honest law abiding citizens, they want to kill babies but save the life of a mass murderer on death row. they hate drilling for oil but drive their gas guzzling SUVs and mini vans, they do not want to cut trees, yet live in houses built with wood, i could fill this page and 9 more about our enemies the LIBERALS...., YES !! ...., enemies, their sole concern is destruction of America and our Constitution and Bill of Rights.., the proof of this can readily be seen in the criminal actions of their messiah who has violated the oath of office. :up:

Conservatives: one word describes them....., FREEDOM !!

Freedom to hate gays and minorities and women's rights and atheists and the educated. Yet, they sure do love freedom.
Conservatives think liberals are wrong.
Liberals think conservatives are evil.

Conservatives welcome fellow conservatives who happen to be black.
Liberals treat conservatives who happen to be black as Uncle Tom's, traitors and ventriloquist dummies.
the main difference is in the mindset. leftards are collectivists and as such they do not think for themselves but look for the "leaders" to give them talking points.

Conservatives are individualists and reject the collective brainwash.
To the Right you are only an individual if you absolutely conform to CON$ervative doctrine. Deviate only slightly and you are branded a Liberal. To the Right there is no such thing as an individual, if you are not CON$ervative you are Liberal. There is nothing in between.

O'Sullivan's First LawAll organizations that are not actually right-wing will over time become left-wing.

May 12, 2008
RUSH: I maintain that moderates and independents are Democrats. Because, by definition, if someone or some organization is not conservative, it's by definition going to be liberal, not moderate, not independent, it's going to be liberal

The leader of genius must have the ability to make different opponents appear as if they belonged to one category.
Adolf Hitler

and what does this incoherent blabber have to do with my statement?

Hitler was a classic LEFTARD, BTW. Typical.
Conservatives think liberals are wrong.
Liberals think conservatives are evil.

Conservatives welcome fellow conservatives who happen to be black.
Liberals treat conservatives who happen to be black as Uncle Tom's, traitors and ventriloquist dummies.
Liberals welcome fellow Liberals who happen to be Black.
CON$ervatives treat Liberals who happen to be Black as stupid and ignorant.

May 1, 2008
RUSH: Democrats continued to get the votes of the majority of black voters.

October 8, 2008
RUSH: I want you to be prepared. There are plenty of stupid people, and they are going to vote for Obama.

December 5, 2007
RUSH: It's ignorance, and we pay a huge price for this. The biggest price we pay for ignorance is electing so damn many Democrats, which is one of the biggest obstacles to progress and success in this country for the individual human being that I have ever encountered. It is ignorance. Devotion to ignorance, bliss, blissful ignorance, is the only explanation for the election of Democrats.
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Liberals do not have faith in the humanity of their fellow Americans. They believe people are greedy and in it for themselves so therefore the government must take over and care for those that need assistance.

Conservatives believe government is not the answer, but instead, caring for those that need will come from the people around them.

Ironically.....I was watching our President speak after a natural disaster (tornado) hit a town in the alley. He said (paraphrased)...

'this town is an example of Americans at their best. All got together...from communities near and help these people get their lives together. Companies donated goods and services. People donated their time and money. We should be proud of Americans.'

Saws on facebook a story of a police officer in Texas (I believe) who was dispatched to arrest a shoplifter. It was a single mom stealing food for her children. The officer did not arrest her, but instead bought her 100 dollars in food. Within a day, the woman received 700 in donations. Within 2 days, she got a call from a local company who gave her a job interview and hired her on the spot....

Liberals don't get it. We will always help our needy. We don't need government to take our money to do it and then take credit for doing it.
the main difference is in the mindset. leftards are collectivists and as such they do not think for themselves but look for the "leaders" to give them talking points.

Conservatives are individualists and reject the collective brainwash.
To the Right you are only an individual if you absolutely conform to CON$ervative doctrine. Deviate only slightly and you are branded a Liberal. To the Right there is no such thing as an individual, if you are not CON$ervative you are Liberal. There is nothing in between.

O'Sullivan's First LawAll organizations that are not actually right-wing will over time become left-wing.

May 12, 2008
RUSH: I maintain that moderates and independents are Democrats. Because, by definition, if someone or some organization is not conservative, it's by definition going to be liberal, not moderate, not independent, it's going to be liberal

The leader of genius must have the ability to make different opponents appear as if they belonged to one category.
Adolf Hitler

and what does this incoherent blabber have to do with my statement?

Hitler was a classic LEFTARD, BTW. Typical.

Hitler was the archetypical Liberal-hating CON$ervative Christian.

"Both in theory and practice, National Socialism opposes liberalism."
Joseph Goebbels

"The national government will maintain and defend the foundations on which the power of our nation rests. It will offer strong protection to Christianity as the very basis of our collective morality.
Today Christians stand at the head of our country.
We want to fill our culture again with the Christian spirit.

We want to burn out all the recent immoral developments in literature, in the theatre, and in the press-- in short, we want to burn out the poison of immorality which has entered into our whole life and culture as a result of LIBERAL excess during the past years."
[The Speeches of Adolph Hitler, 1922-1939, Vol. 1 (London, Oxford University Press, 1942), pg. 871-872]
A glaring difference between Conservatives and Liberals is this:
Conservatives are elected to serve.
Liberals are elected to Rule.

Another difference: Conservatives Honor the Constitution, Liberals use it for toilet paper.
Conservatives think liberals are wrong.
Liberals think conservatives are evil.

Conservatives welcome fellow conservatives who happen to be black.
Liberals treat conservatives who happen to be black as Uncle Tom's, traitors and ventriloquist dummies.
Liberals welcome fellow Liberals who happen to be Black.
CON$ervatives treat Liberals who happen to be Black as stupid and ignorant.

May 1, 2008
RUSH: Democrats continued to get the votes of the majority of black voters.

October 8, 2008
RUSH: I want you to be prepared. There are plenty of stupid people, and they are going to vote for Obama.

December 5, 2007
RUSH: It's ignorance, and we pay a huge price for this. The biggest price we pay for ignorance is electing so damn many Democrats, which is one of the biggest obstacles to progress and success in this country for the individual human being that I have ever encountered. It is ignorance. Devotion to ignorance, bliss, blissful ignorance, is the only explanation for the election of Democrats.

Those who vote 90% for a person because of skin color, promise of a free phone, and getting life long support from that person's 'stash', are stupid.

Not to mention those who think that an island in the Pacific will tip over if more people land on it.

Or those who claim that 200 million dead slaves were dumped into the Atlantic Ocean on the way to America.

Or those who think that Lincoln was a Democrat. Or those who vote for mayors to ruin their cities.

My compliments to you for being real witty using "CON$".
The difference between a Conservative and a liberal is
Liberals are pragmatists who predicate their policy positions on objective facts and evidence.

Conservatives are ideologues who predicate their policy positions on subjective and errant partisan dogma.

Liberals accurately understand the world to be complex and multifaceted, where there are no simple explanations or easy solution to the problems we face.

Conservatives incorrectly perceive the world in a simplistic black and white context, and advocate equally simplistic and failed ‘solutions’ to complex problems.

Liberals embrace change, diversity, and expressions of individual liberty.

Conservatives fear change, diversity, and expressions of individual liberty.

Conservative dogma is in essence a reactionary anachronism, a destructive, counterproductive effort to return to an idealized American past that never actually existed to begin with, a past that was in fact detrimental to millions of Americans.
Were you planning on posting anything that even remotely looks like reality today? Because this as an utter failure.
Liberals look to help the criminal of a crime more then the victim
You people are filled with hate for those that think differently than you do.

You should be ashamed of yourselves.

But, of course, you aren't.

Me? I understand and respect the liberal ideology.

But I simply disagree with it.

As I said earlier....

Liberals want what is good for all but believe people wont do it on their own so government needs to step in and do it for them.

Conservatives disagree and believe we will do it on our own.

And I see proof for both sides of the argument.

Enough with spinning the intent of the other side and start to respect it. Both are right...neither is wrong.
Liberals believe everyday is day is April 15 th

Conservatives believe every day is the 4 th of July~ Ronald Reagan
The liberal sees a hungry person and gives a fish thus feeding the hungry person for just one day.

The conservative teaches the hungry person how to fish thereby feeding the person for a life time.

I applaud the liberal for compassion to feed the hungry person.. but in doing so all the liberal has done is made the hungry person dependent on the liberal for more fish!

Where as the compassionate conservative wants the hungry person to be able to fish thereby feeding for a lifetime.

This is best illustrated by the "Three Bitter Years" Or "The Great Leap Forward".. in China.
Chinese journalist Yang Jisheng concluded there were 36 million deaths due to starvation, while another 40 million others failed to be born, so that "China's total population loss during the Great Famine then comes to 76 million."
The phrase "Three Bitter Years" is often used by Chinese peasants to describe this period.
The great Chinese famine was caused by social pressure, economic mismanagement, and radical changes in agriculture.
Mao Zedong, chairman of the Chinese communist party, introduced drastic changes in farming which prohibited farm ownership.

In a similar manner to the massive Soviet-created famine in Ukraine (the Holodomor), doctors were prohibited from listing "starvation" as a cause of death on death certificates. This kind of deception was far from uncommon; ....

Great Chinese Famine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Conclusion is the "Great Leap Forward" official Chinese recognition of the importance of policy mistakes in causing the disaster,
claiming that the disaster was 30% due to natural causes and 70% by mismanagement.
"Central planning".. "Cubicle Command"...

And so because the liberal thinks the central planning is superior truly inhumane activities such as these are considered by liberals as necessary:

Dikötter claims that at least 2.5 million of the victims were beaten or tortured to death.
He provides a graphic example of what happened to a family after one member was caught stealing some food:
Liu Desheng, guilty of poaching a sweet potato, was covered in urine ... He, his wife, and his son were also forced into a heap of excrement.
Then tongs were used to pry his mouth open after he refused to swallow excrement. He died three weeks later..
Great Chinese Famine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But of course no liberal would have do that... only conservatives do water boarding!!!

coming from the party of surrender monkeys I guess you have to try your best huh!!! do what the rest of your party does ... surrender !!! cause you're wrong here too ...

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