The Devil's Soapdish


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
A strange man began work at a records filing office in Portland, Oregon. His work was menial, but he enjoyed it. At the end of each day, he would walk to the local pub and drink a pint of Guinness before going home. He would sometimes work on Saturdays.

This man one day saw a beautiful woman sitting across from him at the pub. He mustered the courage to approach her and talk to her. She told him that her boyfriend was very cruel to her and that she wished she could somehow get away from him. He became so intrigued by her he asked her how he could help. She told him, “I think you should kill him and we can run away together.”

The man agreed and one day took instructions from the woman and followed her boyfriend home from work one evening, shot him in the forehead with a silencer when he got out of his car, and burned his body in an incinerator.

The man was ready to leave town with the woman, but when she found out the deed was done and her boyfriend was dead and gone, she told him, “I don’t think we would be safe if we were together. Let’s part ways. However, I can give you half of my boyfriend’s money.”

The man took the money and dismayed, returned to his regular life. One day, a detective showed up to his office asking questions about the disappearance of a local laborer. The man grew worried and concerned the cops were looking for him. The man’s boss told him to come into his office where he said to him, “Apparently, the cops think that you have something to do with the disappearance of a local laborer. Apparently, the laborer’s girlfriend, who has left town already, tipped the cops and said that you and her boyfriend were arguing one night outside the pub and that you swore to kill him.”

The man grew pale with sweat and realized the woman had set him up in a diabolical escape scheme with him as the unwitting patsy. Too afraid of the consequences of a continuing investigation, the man left town and went to Mexico where he assumed a new identity and name.

Years later, in Mexico City, the man walked into a burrito restaurant one day and noticed a beautiful woman in the joint. She resembled the woman who betrayed him in Portland, but she had blonde hair. He approached her and asked her if he could sit down next to her, and when she said yes, he realized it was the same woman. “Why did you betray me?” he asked her, and she replied, “I wasn’t sure if we could make it together.”

He told her, “I think we have a chance together down here in Mexico. I can’t believe you would simply give up on a new life with me.” The woman quietly agreed and the two began a relationship. One night while he was at home with her, she told him, “I’m the Devil.”

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