The Dems & the GOP - Peas in a pod, again


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.
It's always fun to point out how similar our two "major" parties can be in their behaviors. No, not issues, behaviors (I put that in bold there).

And, as if to illustrate the point yet again, the Democrats are jumping in by essentially splitting into two pieces for our amusement.

Remember about four and eight years ago, when the the Tea Party Republicans were running around, threatening to "primary" anyone who wasn't pure and obedient? And remember about four years ago, when those same Republicans were shit-canning people like Jeb Bush and Paul Ryan and John Kasich because the party had passed them by?

We'll here we go again, from the kids on the the other side!

Democrats threatening to primary each other:
Nancy Pelosi Doesn’t Know Who The Democratic Party Is Anymore

Democrat leaders losing tough with their new whacked-out base:
'Members are looking over their shoulders': Democrats spooked by new primary threats

Seriously, this is almost unfair, it's so easy. The two ends of the spectrum can be so damn similar in their behaviors!

Sounds like both parties have gotten sick of their "Me Too" establishments.

You vote for these establishment types, the problems don't get solved, and you wonder why they take a flyer on the loudest guy in the room?
It's always fun to point out how similar our two "major" parties can be in their behaviors. No, not issues, behaviors (I put that in bold there).

And, as if to illustrate the point yet again, the Democrats are jumping in by essentially splitting into two pieces for our amusement.

Remember about four and eight years ago, when the the Tea Party Republicans were running around, threatening to "primary" anyone who wasn't pure and obedient? And remember about four years ago, when those same Republicans were shit-canning people like Jeb Bush and Paul Ryan and John Kasich because the party had passed them by?

We'll here we go again, from the kids on the the other side!

Democrats threatening to primary each other:
Nancy Pelosi Doesn’t Know Who The Democratic Party Is Anymore

Democrat leaders losing tough with their new whacked-out base:
'Members are looking over their shoulders': Democrats spooked by new primary threats

Seriously, this is almost unfair, it's so easy. The two ends of the spectrum can be so damn similar in their behaviors!


I have never known an adult who talks more about BEHAVIOR than you do, Mac. Except special education teachers. Oh, and the Church Lady.
It's always fun to point out how similar our two "major" parties can be in their behaviors. No, not issues, behaviors (I put that in bold there).

And, as if to illustrate the point yet again, the Democrats are jumping in by essentially splitting into two pieces for our amusement.

Remember about four and eight years ago, when the the Tea Party Republicans were running around, threatening to "primary" anyone who wasn't pure and obedient? And remember about four years ago, when those same Republicans were shit-canning people like Jeb Bush and Paul Ryan and John Kasich because the party had passed them by?

We'll here we go again, from the kids on the the other side!

Democrats threatening to primary each other:
Nancy Pelosi Doesn’t Know Who The Democratic Party Is Anymore

Democrat leaders losing tough with their new whacked-out base:
'Members are looking over their shoulders': Democrats spooked by new primary threats

Seriously, this is almost unfair, it's so easy. The two ends of the spectrum can be so damn similar in their behaviors!


I have never known an adult who talks more about BEHAVIOR than you do, Mac. Except special education teachers. Oh, and the Church Lady.
Thanks! Behaviors and motivations are fascinating to me. Who knows why.

Pointing them out sure can make people whine, though. Weird!
Yawn! There are major differences between these parties. The rules for elections are the same for everyone.
It's always fun to point out how similar our two "major" parties can be in their behaviors. No, not issues, behaviors (I put that in bold there).

And, as if to illustrate the point yet again, the Democrats are jumping in by essentially splitting into two pieces for our amusement.

Remember about four and eight years ago, when the the Tea Party Republicans were running around, threatening to "primary" anyone who wasn't pure and obedient? And remember about four years ago, when those same Republicans were shit-canning people like Jeb Bush and Paul Ryan and John Kasich because the party had passed them by?

We'll here we go again, from the kids on the the other side!

Democrats threatening to primary each other:
Nancy Pelosi Doesn’t Know Who The Democratic Party Is Anymore

Democrat leaders losing tough with their new whacked-out base:
'Members are looking over their shoulders': Democrats spooked by new primary threats

Seriously, this is almost unfair, it's so easy. The two ends of the spectrum can be so damn similar in their behaviors!

Well, true....we're from the same planet....but that's as far as it goes.
This is a typical libertarian thread.
Tries to compare Democrats with Republican while ignoring the obvious differences.
Yawn! There are major differences between these parties. The rules for elections are the same for everyone.
What are the major differences?

Well they're hard to see when you're looking down your nose at everyone, sitting high atop a mountain and suffering from high altitude sickness and obviously swelling of the brain
Here we go again.

Were you planning on actually addressing the point of the thread, or are you going to (once again) transparently avoid the point by trying to make it all about me?

Come on! You can do it!
Yawn! There are major differences between these parties. The rules for elections are the same for everyone.
What are the major differences?
Maybe you start with a look at domestic policy.
Maybe you should read the VERY FIRST LINE of the OP again. Where I said, "No, not issues, behaviors (I put that in bold there)."

Generally, the use of both bold and italics indicates the author is attempting to highlight a point. To make it as obvious as possible.
It's always fun to point out how similar our two "major" parties can be in their behaviors. No, not issues, behaviors (I put that in bold there).

And, as if to illustrate the point yet again, the Democrats are jumping in by essentially splitting into two pieces for our amusement.

Remember about four and eight years ago, when the the Tea Party Republicans were running around, threatening to "primary" anyone who wasn't pure and obedient? And remember about four years ago, when those same Republicans were shit-canning people like Jeb Bush and Paul Ryan and John Kasich because the party had passed them by?

We'll here we go again, from the kids on the the other side!

Democrats threatening to primary each other:
Nancy Pelosi Doesn’t Know Who The Democratic Party Is Anymore

Democrat leaders losing tough with their new whacked-out base:
'Members are looking over their shoulders': Democrats spooked by new primary threats

Seriously, this is almost unfair, it's so easy. The two ends of the spectrum can be so damn similar in their behaviors!

There’s been an effort to purge Deep State from the GOP going back to the Tea Party. Democrats have just openly embraced their old friend Communism. Pelosi is playing you, she loves the direction of the Dem party, she gave all the extremists the best appointments in DC.
Challenging an incumbent in a primary because he isn't uncaring, inhumane, racist, ideologically deluded, hate-filled and retarded enough is the exact same "behavior" as challenging an incumbent in case he does not stand up with sufficient vigor against those who are uncaring, inhumane, racist, ideologically deluded, hate-filled and retarded.

Turns out, Congress does have term limits. They're called "elections", including primary elections, and those who wouldn't represent the best interests of their electorate are being asked to go. That is how it should be, and always was supposed to be. Incumbents are supposed to look over their shoulder. That's what keeps them at least semi-honest, and there is noting wrong with that.

The single- and simple-minded focus on mere behavior - again - misses the point. By light years, in this instance.
It's always fun to point out how similar our two "major" parties can be in their behaviors. No, not issues, behaviors (I put that in bold there).

And, as if to illustrate the point yet again, the Democrats are jumping in by essentially splitting into two pieces for our amusement.

Remember about four and eight years ago, when the the Tea Party Republicans were running around, threatening to "primary" anyone who wasn't pure and obedient? And remember about four years ago, when those same Republicans were shit-canning people like Jeb Bush and Paul Ryan and John Kasich because the party had passed them by?

We'll here we go again, from the kids on the the other side!

Democrats threatening to primary each other:
Nancy Pelosi Doesn’t Know Who The Democratic Party Is Anymore

Democrat leaders losing tough with their new whacked-out base:
'Members are looking over their shoulders': Democrats spooked by new primary threats

Seriously, this is almost unfair, it's so easy. The two ends of the spectrum can be so damn similar in their behaviors!

The Tea Party guys seem to want their fellow Repubs to do what they promise: cut WashDC spending, taxes, and to stop usurping individual states' rights over domestic issues.

The Democrat Socialists want more big, greasy central gov't control over our lives, big new giveaways, and lots of new taxes.

The obvious question is: which works best?
It's always fun to point out how similar our two "major" parties can be in their behaviors. No, not issues, behaviors (I put that in bold there).

And, as if to illustrate the point yet again, the Democrats are jumping in by essentially splitting into two pieces for our amusement.

Remember about four and eight years ago, when the the Tea Party Republicans were running around, threatening to "primary" anyone who wasn't pure and obedient? And remember about four years ago, when those same Republicans were shit-canning people like Jeb Bush and Paul Ryan and John Kasich because the party had passed them by?

We'll here we go again, from the kids on the the other side!

Democrats threatening to primary each other:
Nancy Pelosi Doesn’t Know Who The Democratic Party Is Anymore

Democrat leaders losing tough with their new whacked-out base:
'Members are looking over their shoulders': Democrats spooked by new primary threats

Seriously, this is almost unfair, it's so easy. The two ends of the spectrum can be so damn similar in their behaviors!


I have never known an adult who talks more about BEHAVIOR than you do, Mac. Except special education teachers. Oh, and the Church Lady.
Because he gets insecure when people have different opinions than his. His whole schtick is "look how THOSE PEOPLE act!."
Democrat leaders losing tough with their new whacked-out base:

Mac can always be counted on to dutifully parrot whatever GOP spin that TheParty feeds him. The ironic thing is how his favorite parrot line is about how Democrats can't think.

In this case, TheParty is afraid because a majority of Americans agree with that Democratic base, which makes Mac and TheParty the whacked-out fringe minority.

The two parties obviously differ wildly on issues, and on corruption. Republican politicians are almost universally corrupt scum, Democrats aren't. Pretending the two parties are alike is deliberately running interference for that Republican corruption. But hey, that's what Mac sees as his job.

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