The Dems just don't get it!

Spoken like a true commie propagandist. The protest are astrotruf with paid organizers nation wide. They'll be gone by the end of the year, when they see they can't win.
You call everyone you don't like a commie. You'd even call Mother Theresa a commie, if she didn't agree with you.

These protests are far from being astroturf like the "bagger nation" was. These are real Americans, rising up, finding their voice and letting it be heard. And it's people like you we have to thank. Because it took someone so fucked, to get these people to finally speak out against.

And if the Dems don't decide to ride this wave, they're not going to get the votes they need to regain power in this country.

See you at the mid-terms...

I'm sorry you have such a reading comprehension problem. I didn't call anyone anything, I simply did a comparison, do you understand the meaning of the word "like"?

Also there are organized groups calling meetings, getting venues and then inviting congressmen to attend so they can assail them. But if you still think it's just regular people coming to scheduled town-hall meetings, read the link.
1st post
All most no one gets it. Rare are the times that those with the money & power do for the WE of America. while we fight among our self, money and power help them self to all but the dregs.
What the Democrats are most seriously failing top understand is that honest, decent, law-abiding, patriotic Americans will always far outnumber the criminals, perverts, parasites, and other subhuman filth with which the Democrats have chosen to align; and that the votes that the Democrats will gain by pandering to the latter bunch will never come close to making up for the votes that they will lose by alienating the former.
You're proving my point. Why would anyone in their right mind, seek a compromise with people that consider anyone with an opposing view as "subhuman"?

And you're proving mine, by openly defending criminals, perverts, and other who genuinely qualify as subhuman. It's not about merely having an “opposing view”; it is about behavior which is immoral, insane, and destructive to society; and about a political ideology that embraces such behavior.
When will progressive marxist liberals learn that resistance, petitions, protests, anarchy, violence, crocodile tears, and the endless bedwetting is what got Trump elected.......

Never of course.....
Traditional liberals are fine. It's the "progressives" and the Regressive Leftists who have put the party in such a shitty position. Nationally..
It's elected Democrats failing to honor their campaign promises, that is the reason they're in that shitty position.
That is PRECISELY what the Republicans were saying about their OWN people two years ago, and we got Trump.

Maybe the Democrats should find their own Trump and we can humiliate ourselves across both parties.

So sad but so true.

The Democrat party that I knew and respected died some time ago. I don't know the exact date but it was even before they nominated a corrupt, dishonest, war-mongering, incompetent and unstable candidate for President.

The Republican party that I knew and respected died some time ago. I don't know the exact date but it was even before they nominated an unproven, untested loud-mouthed egotistical real estate magnate and entertainer for President.

In the end I voted for Trump because in the overall scheme of things an unproven success is a better risk than a proven failure. Damn, what a fucking choice.

Traditional liberals are fine. It's the "progressives" and the Regressive Leftists who have put the party in such a shitty position. Nationally..
It's elected Democrats failing to honor their campaign promises, that is the reason they're in that shitty position.
That is PRECISELY what the Republicans were saying about their OWN people two years ago, and we got Trump.

Maybe the Democrats should find their own Trump and we can humiliate ourselves across both parties.

So sad but so true.

The Democrat party that I knew and respected died some time. I don't know the exact date but it was even before they nominated a corrupt, dishonest, war-mongering, incompetent and unstable candidate for President.

The Republican party that I knew and respected died some time. I don't know the exact date but it was even before they nominated an unproven, untested and unprepared, loud-mouthed egotistical real estate magnate and entertainer for President.

In the end I voted for Trump because in the overall scheme of things an unproven potential for success is a better risk than a proven failure. Damn, what a fucking choice.
Last edited:
5th post
Traditional liberals are fine. It's the "progressives" and the Regressive Leftists who have put the party in such a shitty position. Nationally..
It's elected Democrats failing to honor their campaign promises, that is the reason they're in that shitty position.
That is PRECISELY what the Republicans were saying about their OWN people two years ago, and we got Trump.

Maybe the Democrats should find their own Trump and we can humiliate ourselves across both parties.

So sad but so true.

The Democrat party that I knew and respected died some time. I don't know the exact date but it was even before they nominated a corrupt, dishonest, war-mongering, incompetent and unstable candidate for President.

The Republican party that I knew and respected died some time. I don't know the exact date but it was even before they nominated an unproven, untested loud-mouthed egotistical real estate magnate and entertainer for President.

In the end I voted for Trump because in the overall scheme of things an unproven success is a better risk than a proven failure. Damn, what a fucking choice.
Traditional liberals are fine. It's the "progressives" and the Regressive Leftists who have put the party in such a shitty position. Nationally..
It's elected Democrats failing to honor their campaign promises, that is the reason they're in that shitty position.
That is PRECISELY what the Republicans were saying about their OWN people two years ago, and we got Trump.

Maybe the Democrats should find their own Trump and we can humiliate ourselves across both parties.

So sad but so true.

The Democrat party that I knew and respected died some time. I don't know the exact date but it was even before they nominated a corrupt, dishonest, war-mongering, incompetent and unstable candidate for President.

The Republican party that I knew and respected died some time. I don't know the exact date but it was even before they nominated an unproven, untested and unprepared, loud-mouthed egotistical real estate magnate and entertainer for President.

In the end I voted for Trump because in the overall scheme of things an unproven potential for success is a better risk than a proven failure. Damn, what a fucking choice.
Yeah, 2016 was just one long horror show.

Here's my wild-ass guess: The future of the Democratic Party could be riding on Trump's performance. If he fucks this up, the Regressive Left will be there to pick up the pieces right away and carry on from where they left off: Nasty, authoritarian, anti-many things about America.

If he does fairly well, it may force the Democrats to wake up and somehow jettison the Regressives. That might lead the party back to the days when it was curious, open, tolerant, focused on the middle class and not skin color and identity, and had some positive things to say about the country.
Go ahead and be cocky .

Truth is that the GOP barley fended off races in red districts . The Dems gained a seat in the senate , and trump is really a 3 party candidate.

Now the left leaning base is pissed off to high hell . There will Be more elections .

In two years.

The democrats have shown themselves to be self destructive and amnesia prone.

If the economy is doing well, you can kiss Senate good-bye for a decade.
10th post
Astounding numbers. The American people are universally rejecting the bat-shit crazy ideology of the hatriots:

"The poll, which was conducted between Feb. 11 through Feb. 13, found that 73% of voters think Democrats should start working with Trump"

New poll suggests Democrats might want to change their anti-Trump strategy
Don't even go there when the republicans just got done doing the last 8 years of absolutely NOTHING!
The American people sent them to Washington D.C. to reverse the course Obama and the Dumbocrats had us on (which was directly into a glacier). Then the American people sent Trump and more Republicans to Washington to fix everything.

The numbers don't lie - the American people are repulsed by everything the Dumbocrats have done over the past decade.
How can you possibly think conservatism is starting to lean left when Trump just got elected?
That's easy. Conservatives thinking pot use as a more moderate view, is an indication that the young cons are becoming more liberal in their views. And if you look at the voting records in the last 2 elections, you will see a very large drop in the numbers of 18-35 voters from the '08 election.

The millennials are liberals (and conservatives becoming more liberal) who have no intention of voting until they see candidates that represent them. The Dems could sieze on this and blow the Reps completely out of government at the next mid-terms (and beyond), but it is going to take someone far more left than Bernie Sanders.
The Dems could sieze on this and blow the Reps completely out of government at the next mid-terms (and beyond), but it is going to take someone far more left than Bernie Sanders.
If someone as radically left as Bernie Sanders couldn't even earn the Dumbocrat nomination - how in the world would that person win the presidency?!? :cuckoo:
That's easy. Conservatives thinking pot use as a more moderate view, is an indication that the young cons are becoming more liberal in their views.
No my friend - that means conservatives are becoming more libertarian in their views. Further right. More freedom. More liberty. More personal choice. Less centralized control.
The American people sent them to Washington D.C. to reverse the course Obama and the Dumbocrats had us on (which was directly into a glacier). Then the American people sent Trump and more Republicans to Washington to fix everything.
The American people are sick of you phony Patriots who are nothing more than kiss-ass minions to the 1%. For 8 years, you didn't do fucking shit in government. Who the fuck wants do nothing Representatives?

The numbers don't lie - the American people are repulsed by everything the Dumbocrats have done over the past decade.
You're god-damn right the numbers don't lie and you're seeing them across the country these days in the protests against the shit things this Administration is trying to shove down our throats. From Cabinet choices to the repeal of the ACA, the entire country is speaking out and the Dems better listen.

You fuckers don't listen to anyone except your own kind. How does that help the country?
Excuse me?
Just a small homage to the folks in the I/P forum. Since I've been back, I've yet to stop in and say hi to my buddies. That had nothing to do with you.

Getting back to this thread, that's another thing the Dems are doing that I don't like.................kissing a little too much Israeli ass!
Ahh, yeah I've left a couple of messages in that forum also. :cool:

I get it now. :spinner:
The American people sent them to Washington D.C. to reverse the course Obama and the Dumbocrats had us on (which was directly into a glacier). Then the American people sent Trump and more Republicans to Washington to fix everything.
The American people are sick of you phony Patriots who are nothing more than kiss-ass minions to the 1%. For 8 years, you didn't do fucking shit in government. Who the fuck wants do nothing Representatives?

The numbers don't lie - the American people are repulsed by everything the Dumbocrats have done over the past decade.
You're god-damn right the numbers don't lie and you're seeing them across the country these days in the protests against the shit things this Administration is trying to shove down our throats. From Cabinet choices to the repeal of the ACA, the entire country is speaking out and the Dems better listen.

You fuckers don't listen to anyone except your own kind. How does that help the country?

So now you and your ilk speak for the entire country now? NOT!!! I see you didn't have the balls to respond to the post where I proved this is just bullshit astorturf. So run along to your ignorant echo chamber, your propaganda is falling on deaf ears.
You're god-damn right the numbers don't lie and you're seeing them across the country these days in the protests against the shit things this Administration is trying to shove down our throats. From Cabinet choices to
What an insanely bizarre comment. Trump is (and I quote) "shoving cabinet choices down your throat"? It's Trump's job to appoint his own cabinet, snowflake. And they in no way affect your life. :banghead:

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