The Democrats Will Block Everything


Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013
Democratic Representative Nita Lowey, who chairs the committee, tweeted that the move to cut aid was "immoral and more likely to deteriorate conditions that push people into the kind of poverty and despair that exacerbates migration."

New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez, the top Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, called Trump's order a "reckless announcement" and urged Democrats and Republicans alike to reject it.

"U.S. foreign assistance is not charity; it advances our strategic interests and funds initiatives that protect American citizens," Menendez said in a statement.

They do not support America. Time for a forceful change.

U.S. ending aid to El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras over migrants
It's about damn time we quit mindlessly handing billions over to hostile nations. Donald Trump has restored COMMON SENSE to the Presidency which IMO is his strongest trait as POTUS.
It's about damn time we quit mindlessly handing billions over to hostile nations. Donald Trump has restored COMMON SENSE to the Presidency which IMO is his strongest trait as POTUS.

Every President has used the Foreign Aid to instigate changes in many 3rd world nations. I just wonder what the devil took Trump so long to start doing it. Once again, you give him a free pass on poor behavior and then praise him when he finally does it the right way. He should have chopped the foreign aid to those countries at the very hint of any large gathering "Caravan". The Caravan does not mass in Mexico. It starts massing in the countries below mexico.
It's BEEN like... here, we'll give you a few BILLION a year to HATE us and FUCK US every which way you know how.

The HELL with that.
Guatemala, El Salvador, Mexico, and Honduras are lucky they have not had the US invade them and take over their reckless, nutjob countries (just to defend ourselves from their modern day imperialism)

There is no doubt that these rogue nations are profiting immensely from remittances$$ sent to them by the people they dump off on us. As well, they profit by getting rid of their most indigent poor, and shipping the welfare burden on to us.

This is treachery. Notice that other Central American countries (Costa Rica, Belize, Nicaragua) are not doing this. They also have widespread poverty, and high crime rates. Belize has an even higher homicide rate than El Salvador and Guatemala.

Murder Rate By Country
Guatemala, El Salvador, Mexico, and Honduras are lucky they have not had the US invade them and take over their reckless, nutjob countries (just to defend ourselves from their modern day imperialism)

There is no doubt that these rogue nations are profiting immensely from remittances$$ sent to them by the people they dump off on us. As well, they profit by getting rid of their most indigent poor, and shipping the welfare burden on to us.

This is treachery. Notice that other Central American countries (Costa Rica, Belize, Nicaragua) are not doing this. They also have widespread poverty, and high crime rates. Belize has an even higher homicide rate than El Salvador and Guatemala.

Murder Rate By Country
Don't the rich retire in Belize?

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