Bribery Democrats Effort To Throw Everything Against The Wall In Hope Something Sticks!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
Democrat House members and especially Speaker Nancy Pelosi just keep ruining their reputation to an ever greater degree as time goes by with this impeachment campaign against President Donald Trump. Their current course correction is now to claim that President Trump committed bribery with his effort to condition release of the military assistance for Ukraine for the Ukrainian government agreeing to investigate interference in the U.S. 2016 presidential election vis-à-vis this Ukrainian computer company and investigate the Biden family for corruption in the removal of a Ukrainian prosecutor when there was an open criminal investigation of a natural gas company where Hunter Biden was a member of the Board of Directors. The Democrats reasoning is that these investigations are things of value so if President Trump is asking to receive these things of value for government action he is soliciting a bribe, a crime!

U.S. President's condition foreign countries receiving U.S. foreign aid to taking specific actions which if the actions are taken help that President politically on numerous occasions in America's past and America hasn't tried to label that as seeking a bribe; Democrats are acting irrational here! President Bush and/or President Obama conditioned financial aid to Pakistan on Pakistan making a great effort to crack down on the Haqqani network, an Islamist group allied with the Taliban whose base is in the western mountains of Pakistan, which has been trying to bring down the Afghanistan government. U.S. Presidents have conditioned foreign governments fighting illegal immigration to the U.S., fighting drug trafficking to the U.S., repatriating their deported citizens from the U.S. to receiving foreign aid and it has never been considered bribery. Bribery entails the giving of something of monetary value or like monetary value not common government actions. Following the Democrat's logic here could lead to absurd results this logic being that common government actions can be considered equivalent to something of monetary value. Take for instance regularly across America in races for elected office the American people hear one candidate say their investigation or knowledge of another candidates reveals facts about the other candidate indicating the other candidate committed a crime and the respective prosecutors office should bring charges against the opposing candidate. Well based on the House Democrats logic if that local Prosecutor begins an investigation the requesting candidate has received a campaign contribution and should report that pursuant to the campaign contribution laws because per the House Democrats criminal investigations are things of value. Everyone should see the absurdity of this logic asking that criminal laws be enforced isn't a crime or soliciting something of value actually it's the exercise of a civil right!

This whole impeachment drama going on in the House is completely and utterly wrong it is a wasteful use of the country's resources that should be spent on focusing on the country's many economic, social and security problems if not at minimum trying to understand them better for the American people if not trying to solve them if it is politically possible. This disgrace that is going on in Washington seems to warrant the extreme characterization that on rare occasions one hears in the military to describe disasters that are extreme they call it a Cluster Firk; what we have here is a King Kong Size Totally Unbelievable Cluster Firk! Maybe the House Democrat leadership can extricate themselves from this disaster by holding hearings in the House Judiciary Committee where one can try to resolve the issue of whether or not soliciting a foreign country to conduct a criminal investigation based on the remotest and barest suspicion of criminal wrongdoing in order to receive foreign aid is soliciting a bribe and this committee can get some law professors that don't live in the real world to say this behavior is bribery. Then Speaker Pelosi can come out and say the Democrat Leadership is indefinitely suspending the impeachment evidentiary hearing because although in our heart of hearts the Democrats believe the crime of bribery was committed by President Trump in this Ukraine matter a large portion of the American people don't think the behavior although appalling rises to the level of this crime and because the act of impeachment is so extreme voiding a Presidential election a critical element in our Democrat form of government we Democrats believe that when this extreme step is taken there should not be widespread division in the country over such a step so to avoid this trauma to our form of government we are indefinitely suspending this effort!

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