The Democrats tried the same thing against Ronald Reagan and it didn't work then either.


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
Back when Ronald Reagan was President, the Democrats knew they couldn't run against him on the issues, so they tried to go after him with scandals. They called him "Teflon Ron". It made them look pathetic. When he ran for re-election, this is what resulted.


Heck, in 1996 the Republicans pinned their hopes on painting Bill Clinton as a sexual degenerate and Clinton won in a landslide 379 to 159 in the Electoral College.

Now, the Democrats are desperately trying to convince the world that Donald Trump is a Russian spy because they can't touch Trump on the issues.
Back when Ronald Reagan was President, the Democrats knew they couldn't run against him on the issues, so they tried to go after him with scandals. They called him "Teflon Ron". It made them look pathetic. When he ran for re-election, this is what resulted.


Heck, in 1996 the Republicans pinned their hopes on painting Bill Clinton as a sexual degenerate and Clinton won in a landslide 379 to 159 in the Electoral College.

Now, the Democrats are desperately trying to convince the world that Donald Trump is a Russian spy because they can't touch Trump on the issues.

Trump has been "touched" on every one of his crackpot issues. He can't get the wall built. His GDP growth is the same as Obama's, and his job creations numbers are way down compared to Obama's. His stock market is stalled.

The only good thing he's done is the Crime Bill, and Jared did that.
They know they have no chance in the upcoming elections so they are trying everything they can. They are talking buying votes with reparations, Medicare for all and all the other garbage that would convenitly be forgotten if they won.
They are calling for the release of the Mueller report and all documentation, not because they don't believe everything the report reported as its findings, they are hoping they have anything they can use. An unpaid parking ticket, or an unfounded rumor of a friendship with the Boston strangler.
They are stuck between a rock and a hard place. If they continue to investigate Trump, if they continue to hound him they hand a landslide to him. If they don't continue to investigate then their base will riot against them. They have to find some way to to retain some small portion of power.

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