The Democrats Get a Taste of Their Own Medicine


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
The Democrats Get a Taste of Their Own Medicine

The Democrats Get a Taste of Their Own Medicine
24 April 2019 ~ By Conrad Black
It is not now clear whether the Democrats’ pathological attachment to the fantasy that they have some chance of destroying the Trump presidency legally is based on continuing hysteria …, or addiction to continued harassment of the president even as the credibility of doing so plummets, or is an attempt to forestall the investigation and exposure of … the Obama administration and the Clinton campaign in producing the fraud of Trump–Russian collusion. … there is no chance of removing this president from office by impeachment. It requires considerable perseverance … in canvassing the American media to elicit this fact, but the special counsel, Robert Mueller, despite his glaring anti-Trump biases and obscenely partisan group of investigators, found the president (and all other Americans) to be blameless… It will not be long before we hear the still familiar words, in reference to President Obama: “What did the president know and when did he know it?”
What is occurring now is an unprecedented and almost unbelievable episode of political theatrics. The failure of elected officials, and of the journalists and commentators upon whom the nation has a right to rely for serious and fair reporting and analysis of important political events, will weigh very heavily upon them. The Democrats will pay for their dishonesty at the polls in 2020. And the national political media will require a very long time to recover the confidence of the American people that they have so energetically squandered.

This investigation needs to be stepped up. The Trump administration must be on full offense. With less than two years -- and no guarantee that Trump will be reelected -- there's not much time to bring the conspirators and plotters to justice.
The actions of Nadler, Cummings et al., is an attempt to forestall the criminal investigation and exposure of the Obama administration and the Clinton campaign.
I am of the opinion that many Americans want to see is Hillary prosecuted for the crimes she has committed and Obama nailed for his weaponizing of the DOJ and the FBI using Operation Crossfire Hurricane. I think a lot of us would also feel better if Comey and Holder served jail time for their part in the crime.
The Democrats Get a Taste of Their Own Medicine

The Democrats Get a Taste of Their Own Medicine
24 April 2019 ~ By Conrad Black
It is not now clear whether the Democrats’ pathological attachment to the fantasy that they have some chance of destroying the Trump presidency legally is based on continuing hysteria …, or addiction to continued harassment of the president even as the credibility of doing so plummets, or is an attempt to forestall the investigation and exposure of … the Obama administration and the Clinton campaign in producing the fraud of Trump–Russian collusion. … there is no chance of removing this president from office by impeachment. It requires considerable perseverance … in canvassing the American media to elicit this fact, but the special counsel, Robert Mueller, despite his glaring anti-Trump biases and obscenely partisan group of investigators, found the president (and all other Americans) to be blameless… It will not be long before we hear the still familiar words, in reference to President Obama: “What did the president know and when did he know it?”
What is occurring now is an unprecedented and almost unbelievable episode of political theatrics. The failure of elected officials, and of the journalists and commentators upon whom the nation has a right to rely for serious and fair reporting and analysis of important political events, will weigh very heavily upon them. The Democrats will pay for their dishonesty at the polls in 2020. And the national political media will require a very long time to recover the confidence of the American people that they have so energetically squandered.

This investigation needs to be stepped up. The Trump administration must be on full offense. With less than two years -- and no guarantee that Trump will be reelected -- there's not much time to bring the conspirators and plotters to justice.
The actions of Nadler, Cummings et al., is an attempt to forestall the criminal investigation and exposure of the Obama administration and the Clinton campaign.
I am of the opinion that many Americans want to see is Hillary prosecuted for the crimes she has committed and Obama nailed for his weaponizing of the DOJ and the FBI using Operation Crossfire Hurricane. I think a lot of us would also feel better if Comey and Holder served jail time for their part in the crime.
I would feel much better if the French Revolution took place and the liberals were marched up to the guillotine and executed for treason against this country. I think that would put an end to so much corruption in the government...
We the people have to keep the pressure up for justice....if we don't the swamp will roll over and cover their shit up like a cat in a litter box.....write call email whatever you have to do....whomever you need to contact to make sure these seditious offenders are brought to justice....Hillary and the entire Obama deep state of treasonous criminals must go to prison for what they did and are still trying to do......

Just think of that...they know over half the nation is on to them but they still smugly continue behind the scenes to hamper Trump's presidency....

LOCK EM UP!!!!!!
I go back to my old standby from Napoleon of don't interfere with an opponent committing an error. beating this dead horse is stupid even by D standards
We the people have to keep the pressure up for justice....if we don't the swamp will roll over and cover their shit up like a cat in a litter box.....write call email whatever you have to do....whomever you need to contact to make sure these seditious offenders are brought to justice....Hillary and the entire Obama deep state of treasonous criminals must go to prison for what they did and are still trying to do......

Just think of that...they know over half the nation is on to them but they still smugly continue behind the scenes to hamper Trump's presidency....

LOCK EM UP!!!!!!

Most of Americans don't realize that America has been in a second Civil War for the last ten years.
I would feel much better if the French Revolution took place and the liberals were marched up to the guillotine and executed for treason against this country. I think that would put an end to so much corruption in the government...
You mean the leftist commies?

I am a liberal. .

Only if you stop to consider that more than 70 Democrat US Congress persons and one US Senator are card carrying members of the Democrat Socialists of America almost fully funded by the Communist Party USA.
We the people have to keep the pressure up for justice....if we don't the swamp will roll over and cover their shit up like a cat in a litter box.....write call email whatever you have to do....whomever you need to contact to make sure these seditious offenders are brought to justice....Hillary and the entire Obama deep state of treasonous criminals must go to prison for what they did and are still trying to do......

Just think of that...they know over half the nation is on to them but they still smugly continue behind the scenes to hamper Trump's presidency....

LOCK EM UP!!!!!!
What you idiots cant seem to understand is there is no deep state. It's a catch phrase dreamed up by trash on Fox News. It's a fucking phrase that has no basis in reality. Repeat after me, & seek help so you can get out of the Trump cult.
We the people have to keep the pressure up for justice....if we don't the swamp will roll over and cover their shit up like a cat in a litter box.....write call email whatever you have to do....whomever you need to contact to make sure these seditious offenders are brought to justice....Hillary and the entire Obama deep state of treasonous criminals must go to prison for what they did and are still trying to do......

Just think of that...they know over half the nation is on to them but they still smugly continue behind the scenes to hamper Trump's presidency....

LOCK EM UP!!!!!!
What you idiots cant seem to understand is there is no deep state. It's a catch phrase dreamed up by trash on Fox News. It's a fucking phrase that has no basis in reality. Repeat after me, & seek help so you can get out of the Trump cult.

And brainwashed people like you go through life wearing blinders and refusing to look at or accept the truth.

So sad.
We the people have to keep the pressure up for justice....if we don't the swamp will roll over and cover their shit up like a cat in a litter box.....write call email whatever you have to do....whomever you need to contact to make sure these seditious offenders are brought to justice....Hillary and the entire Obama deep state of treasonous criminals must go to prison for what they did and are still trying to do......

Just think of that...they know over half the nation is on to them but they still smugly continue behind the scenes to hamper Trump's presidency....

LOCK EM UP!!!!!!
What you idiots cant seem to understand is there is no deep state. It's a catch phrase dreamed up by trash on Fox News. It's a fucking phrase that has no basis in reality. Repeat after me, & seek help so you can get out of the Trump cult.
Willful ignorance is a condition afflicting today's have it really bad....
The Democrats Get a Taste of Their Own Medicine

The Democrats Get a Taste of Their Own Medicine
24 April 2019 ~ By Conrad Black
It is not now clear whether the Democrats’ pathological attachment to the fantasy that they have some chance of destroying the Trump presidency legally is based on continuing hysteria …, or addiction to continued harassment of the president even as the credibility of doing so plummets, or is an attempt to forestall the investigation and exposure of … the Obama administration and the Clinton campaign in producing the fraud of Trump–Russian collusion. … there is no chance of removing this president from office by impeachment. It requires considerable perseverance … in canvassing the American media to elicit this fact, but the special counsel, Robert Mueller, despite his glaring anti-Trump biases and obscenely partisan group of investigators, found the president (and all other Americans) to be blameless… It will not be long before we hear the still familiar words, in reference to President Obama: “What did the president know and when did he know it?”
What is occurring now is an unprecedented and almost unbelievable episode of political theatrics. The failure of elected officials, and of the journalists and commentators upon whom the nation has a right to rely for serious and fair reporting and analysis of important political events, will weigh very heavily upon them. The Democrats will pay for their dishonesty at the polls in 2020. And the national political media will require a very long time to recover the confidence of the American people that they have so energetically squandered.

This investigation needs to be stepped up. The Trump administration must be on full offense. With less than two years -- and no guarantee that Trump will be reelected -- there's not much time to bring the conspirators and plotters to justice.
The actions of Nadler, Cummings et al., is an attempt to forestall the criminal investigation and exposure of the Obama administration and the Clinton campaign.
I am of the opinion that many Americans want to see is Hillary prosecuted for the crimes she has committed and Obama nailed for his weaponizing of the DOJ and the FBI using Operation Crossfire Hurricane. I think a lot of us would also feel better if Comey and Holder served jail time for their part in the crime.

Conrad Black - a billionaire sent to jail for defrauding his shareholders. No wonder the lying piece of scum is defending Trump.

ETA: Sentenced to 6 1/2 years for fraud and obstruction of justice. Defrauded his own shareholders. Trump’s kind of millionaire.
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I dont know why people are still infatuated with "lock her up". They are not going to put the former first lady in an orange jump suit and leg irons.

One thing is for sure, the media is certainly doing its job by keeping people strung along. If people would just really think about it, you'd come to then realization that all of this is just designed to keep people divided.

Hillary nor Obama will ever go to just...wont...happen. These people belong to a political class that are simply untouchable. People like them dont do time.

I'm not trying to be obnoxious here, in simply stating that all of this partisan bickering is the agenda of all media, both left and right. If you think Hillary or Obama will actually ever see the inside of a jail cell, the media has you where they want you.
I dont know why people are still infatuated with "lock her up". They are not going to put the former first lady in an orange jump suit and leg irons.

One thing is for sure, the media is certainly doing its job by keeping people strung along. If people would just really think about it, you'd come to then realization that all of this is just designed to keep people divided.

Hillary nor Obama will ever go to just...wont...happen. These people belong to a political class that are simply untouchable. People like them dont do time.

I'm not trying to be obnoxious here, in simply stating that all of this partisan bickering is the agenda of all media, both left and right. If you think Hillary or Obama will actually ever see the inside of a jail cell, the media has you where they want you.
Maybe so...but to sit back and not talk about their crimes and bring attention to them will ensure their kind of corruption continues....Obama may be the most corrupt president in American history...whether he is ever punished for it legally is not the point...he must be hoisted on his own petard as a no one takes him seriously anymore...and no one repeats his seditious attempt to frame a president....
As a product of the Chicago machine Obama was fairly honest by that standard. Of course that is an extremely low standard.
I dont know why people are still infatuated with "lock her up". They are not going to put the former first lady in an orange jump suit and leg irons.

One thing is for sure, the media is certainly doing its job by keeping people strung along. If people would just really think about it, you'd come to then realization that all of this is just designed to keep people divided.

Hillary nor Obama will ever go to just...wont...happen. These people belong to a political class that are simply untouchable. People like them dont do time.

I'm not trying to be obnoxious here, in simply stating that all of this partisan bickering is the agenda of all media, both left and right. If you think Hillary or Obama will actually ever see the inside of a jail cell, the media has you where they want you.
Maybe so...but to sit back and not talk about their crimes and bring attention to them will ensure their kind of corruption continues....Obama may be the most corrupt president in American history...whether he is ever punished for it legally is not the point...he must be hoisted on his own petard as a no one takes him seriously anymore...and no one repeats his seditious attempt to frame a president....
I know what you are saying, but I think we all can discuss these things till we are blue, but it won't change anything in the corrupt political world. Until we have politicians who REALLY want to route out the corruption, it's all just for naught.
We the people have to keep the pressure up for justice....if we don't the swamp will roll over and cover their shit up like a cat in a litter box.....write call email whatever you have to do....whomever you need to contact to make sure these seditious offenders are brought to justice....Hillary and the entire Obama deep state of treasonous criminals must go to prison for what they did and are still trying to do......

Just think of that...they know over half the nation is on to them but they still smugly continue behind the scenes to hamper Trump's presidency....

LOCK EM UP!!!!!!
What you idiots cant seem to understand is there is no deep state. It's a catch phrase dreamed up by trash on Fox News. It's a fucking phrase that has no basis in reality. Repeat after me, & seek help so you can get out of the Trump cult.

And brainwashed people like you go through life wearing blinders and refusing to look at or accept the truth.

So sad.

Nah...they know the truth and they're completely fine with it,in fact they support it.
Hillary could have dozens of people killed and they'd still support her...oh wait.
I dont know why people are still infatuated with "lock her up". They are not going to put the former first lady in an orange jump suit and leg irons.

One thing is for sure, the media is certainly doing its job by keeping people strung along. If people would just really think about it, you'd come to then realization that all of this is just designed to keep people divided.

Hillary nor Obama will ever go to just...wont...happen. These people belong to a political class that are simply untouchable. People like them dont do time.

I'm not trying to be obnoxious here, in simply stating that all of this partisan bickering is the agenda of all media, both left and right. If you think Hillary or Obama will actually ever see the inside of a jail cell, the media has you where they want you.
Maybe so...but to sit back and not talk about their crimes and bring attention to them will ensure their kind of corruption continues....Obama may be the most corrupt president in American history...whether he is ever punished for it legally is not the point...he must be hoisted on his own petard as a no one takes him seriously anymore...and no one repeats his seditious attempt to frame a president....
I know what you are saying, but I think we all can discuss these things till we are blue, but it won't change anything in the corrupt political world. Until we have politicians who REALLY want to route out the corruption, it's all just for naught.

It depends on how soon fire fighters and the FOP put together class action lawsuits against the D machines for underfunding pensions and Barr brings criminal cases against the state and local culprits to make sure they disgorge rather than go to prison.
We the people have to keep the pressure up for justice....if we don't the swamp will roll over and cover their shit up like a cat in a litter box.....write call email whatever you have to do....whomever you need to contact to make sure these seditious offenders are brought to justice....Hillary and the entire Obama deep state of treasonous criminals must go to prison for what they did and are still trying to do......

Just think of that...they know over half the nation is on to them but they still smugly continue behind the scenes to hamper Trump's presidency....

LOCK EM UP!!!!!!
What you idiots cant seem to understand is there is no deep state. It's a catch phrase dreamed up by trash on Fox News. It's a fucking phrase that has no basis in reality. Repeat after me, & seek help so you can get out of the Trump cult.

The Deep State Is Real
The Deep State Is Real
The Deep State Is Real. The 9/11 attacks triggered the rapid growth of an opaque security and intelligence machine often unaccountable to the civilian legal system. In the 2000s, the critique focused on a “war machine” of military and intelligence officials, defense contractors and neoconservative ideologues who, in some versions,...
Exposing the Real Deep State
Land Destroyer: Exposing the Real Deep State
Mar 13, 2017 · In reality, an unelected deep state controls the United States, its resources, government, and people. However, the term "deep state" has been overused and intentionally abused, particularly since the election of US President Donald Trump in an effort to continue concealing the real deep state and divert public attention away from what is becoming an increasingly obvious continuity of agenda .
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It is not only the Deep State which is really career politicians of both parties, the Government bureaucracy and private sector cronies like the Defense Industry, but also foreign Globalists. The Globalist have many of these as their accomplices, plus the Media, Unions, Tech and other institutions that are complicit in what Obama called "Fundamental Transformation".

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