The Democrats' Civil War

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Cortez will quickly tow the DNC party line when they inform her she won't get reelection support, nor any decent committee posts if she doesn't STFU, and play ball.

The Dems have let is slip that their two agenda items are socialized medicine and repealing the 2nd amendment (soon to be followed by the 1st, no doubt). Neither of these is going to play well in the red states where moderate Dems gained seats.
Do you seriously think those newly minted democrat congress people from pro-gun states like Pa, Wisc, Mich, Colo, Az are going to propose eliminating the second amend, which btw THEY CAN'T DO? WTF do you get this shit? LOL

We are probably looking at single payer within the next 15 years. Unfortunately. But it's not totally on the dems.
The Dems won't try to repeal the 2A as that's not realistic. What they WILL try to do is to continue putting more, and more restrictions on law abiding citizens ability to purchase certain firearms (semi automatics), and/or own, and carry certain firearms (semi automatics). After they outlaw semi automatics they will go after the other ones.
They’re already turning on each other not even going into next year till they get sworn in. Pelosi will get her control. While the crazy eyed girl who can’t do basic math will blab her mouth off. Get the popcorn ready cause the circus is coming soon!

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