The Democrats are soooooooo out of touch!

Clinton is worse than Reagan. See NAFTA, which destroyed American labor. The old FDR Liberals and Isolationist Conservatives protected the American worker. Those days are gone. America needs a 3rd political party which is not controlled by Capital's need for sweatshop labor.

I remember NAFTA... I voted for Ross Perot in '92...
a lot of these problems can be solved if people would just buy only american made products. but i guarantee that people will bitch and moan that its 20% more expensive and go right back to the cheap imports.

It's hard to even FIND American-made products any more...
That's probably going to depend on whether 30 million illegals get amnesty or not. I know you Dems are looking to get that great big voting block, but I don't think it's going to happen.

If there were 30 million illegals here, that would be ten percent of our population, dipshit.

No kidding, dipshit. I know what the numbers are, I posted my reasons for posting that number several pages back. If you want to dispute them, address them and tell me why they're wrong.
agreed. because people will buy the cheap imports, which eventually forced most of the US manufacturers to close up shop because they couldnt compete. but the really funny thing is that, this is in effect a result of the free market system which the GOP touts.....
Stick to the topic or shut your piehole, derp...

"The Democrats are soooooooo out of touch!" is not a "topic". It's a smear. Just like you.

The Republicans want cheap labor for business. The Democrats want total inclusion for all people. Neither party wants to change anything.

But seriously. Study globalization. The point is to replace expensive American labor with cheap Chinese labor or abominably cheap 3rd world labor.

Research the relationship of one America's largest businesses, Walmart, with China. Walmart bypassed America's more expensive labor markets for profits. They care about profits over patriotism. This is what Republican don't understand about the free market: capital doesn't care about American labor. Capital doesn't care about Borders, Language, Culture; rather, it cares about maximizing profit. If it has to sell American labor down river, it will.

The story of the loss of American jobs is the story of capital's thirst for cheap labor. The story of open borders is partly the story of how capital requires open borders in order to get the cheapest labor wherever and however it can find it.

The average Republican voter doesn't get it. When your party was taken over by market fundamentalism, it became an accomplice of open borders and American job loss, both of which are contrary to the fake brand of "patriotism", which is merely a narcotic fed to idiots.

Republican voters are urged to read two great conservative authors.

1. Daniel Bell's "The Cultural Contradiction of Capitalism". This is about the contradiction between the market's desire for open borders and the conservative's desire for cultural homogeneity.

2. Christopher Lasch's "The culture of Narcissism". This is about how the liberal New Deal, through its protection of high wages and American jobs, unwittingly created the conservative heyday of the 50's. How did this happen? Answer: high wages allowed the mother to stay at home and raise the kids. After Reagan crushed high wages in America (which was done as a gift to big business), the mother was forced into the workplace. This meant kids were raised not by the Family, but MTV or worse, gangs.

Republican voters who have never studied these issues in a rigorous academic context don't get it. When Reagan re-designed the party to serve the interests of capital, he did damage to many conservative causes.

The GOP covers up the contradiction Reagan set in motion through the use of patriotic and religious rhetoric, and through the empty rhetoric of freedom. They suppress the contradiction between Capital and Conservatism. Here is the sad part: many posters on this board don't see the ruse. They trust Republican Government deeply. They are the true Useful Idiots of government. Until they wake up and get rid of the current GOP leadership, they will unwittingly be the dupes of those anti-patriotic forces which destroy American jobs in the service if Capital.

I agree with you wholeheartedly! I've said it before, BOTH parties are fucking American workers. Corporatists and Progressives, hand in hand...

and yet he was only talking about how pathetic Republicans how can you agree that BOTH Parties are fucking us when Londoner was only talking about Republicans?....
Clinton is worse than Reagan. See NAFTA, which destroyed American labor. The old FDR Liberals and Isolationist Conservatives protected the American worker. Those days are gone. America needs a 3rd political party which is not controlled by Capital's need for sweatshop labor.

FREEDONIA...Firefly/Chiccolini 2012......only way to go....

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