The Democrats are finally being honest


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
For years, rational people have known that the Democrat Party has been completely hijacked by radicals (communists, socialists, marxists, nazi's, etc.). While their golden boy - John F. Kennedy - famously stated "ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country", liberals today only ask what their country can hand them and then they demand more.

As the radicalization of the party has continued, they've become more bold about who they are and what they stand for. What follows are some recent comments from people in the Democrat Party. I must say, it's nice to finally be able to have an honest conversation about the direction of America. And I'm curious as to how their minions - who simply can't bring themselves to accept reality - will attempt to spin the facts.
It's amazing that for so long, liberals denied being communists despite the fact that their rhetoric gave them away (conservatives have correctly identified them as communists for over 100 years now). It's so nice to see them finally being honest so that America can have a real debate about this and Americans can vote for what they really want instead of voting for lies and getting something else.

Glenn has been saying for a long time that the masks were going to come of the progressive left, and they would begin to freely discuss their true feelings and intentions. But not even Glenn could have predicted the words uttered by Congressman Joe Garcia (D-FL) during a recent Google Hangout session with supporters.

During a larger discussion about the border, Garcia claimed the safest city in America is El Paso, Texas, and El Paso “happens to be across the border from the most dangerous city in the Americas, which is Juarez [Mexico].”

“Two of the safest cities in America are on the border with Mexico,” he continued. “Of course, the reason is we’ve proved that communism works. If you give everybody a good government job, there is no crime.”

Democratic Congressman: We have proven communism works
Once again, it is amazing that for so long, liberals have denied wanting to brainwash children despite the fact that their rhetoric gave them away (conservatives have correctly identified their obsession with brainwashing children and propaganda for decades now).

Just in case you had forgotten what earned former Obama regulatory czar Cass Sunstein the title of “most dangerous man in America,” Glenn shared the frightening ‘nudge’ topic Sunstein wrote about in his most recent column for Bloomberg View. In an op-ed entitled “Open Brain, Insert Ideology,” Sunstein cites a study of reforms to the Chinese education system that seemingly proves curriculums can be “explicitly designed to transform students’ political views.” Sunstein goes on to question whether such reforms could be effective in the United States.

Cass Sunstein once again proves to be the most dangerous man in America
Isn't it interesting that one man is from Cuba and cites communism, while another points to China. It confirms yet another thing we've said for years - that Democrats hate America and love communism (Cuba, China, etc.).
Isn't it interesting that one man is from Cuba and cites communism, while another points to China. It confirms yet another thing we've said for years - that Democrats hate America and love communism (Cuba, China, etc.).

Relax, Rott, the "Free Market" will work it out.
Dems openly embrace their Inner Mao

The goals of Marxism? Yes. The rhetoric of Marxism? Yes. They just don't like the word. I'm not clear why.

You summed it up nicely Kaz (as you always do). It's funny how they are always so ashamed to admit what they stand for. They want people to be forced into redistributing all wealth, but they are "not" communists! :eusa_shifty:

So far this morning, I have encountered the following on this board:

1. Financial reparations to blacks wouldn't even be good enough. White people should be eradicated.
2. Giving a few southwestern states back to Mexico would be fine.
3. Everyone, including the paper boy, should have a $30,000 annual minimum wage.

They deny they think these things, but some of their allies betray them by being honest.

More honesty would be better. Then we could have an open conversation.

Dems openly embrace their Inner Mao

The goals of Marxism? Yes. The rhetoric of Marxism? Yes. They just don't like the word. I'm not clear why.

Marxism is a Theory, NOT a goal.
The bottom line is that Totalitarianism, disguised as Communism, IS bad.
Communism...Never happened, never will; and pretty much not desired.

Marxism is an ideology. It's defined by the Communist manifesto. The Democratic platform is the Communist manifesto and they justify it with the rhetoric from the manifesto. No idea what it being a "theory" even means. You're just making up your own definition.
Dems openly embrace their Inner Mao

The goals of Marxism? Yes. The rhetoric of Marxism? Yes. They just don't like the word. I'm not clear why.

You summed it up nicely Kaz (as you always do). It's funny how they are always so ashamed to admit what they stand for. They want people to be forced into redistributing all wealth, but they are "not" communists! :eusa_shifty:

Thanks Rottweiler. People can call me anything they want as long as it means I want limited government. I want small government. I do not want no government. I want limited government. I don't get why they object to the word which mostly advocates both their objectives and thinking.

So far this morning, I have encountered the following on this board:

1. Financial reparations to blacks wouldn't even be good enough. White people should be eradicated.
2. Giving a few southwestern states back to Mexico would be fine.
3. Everyone, including the paper boy, should have a $30,000 annual minimum wage.

They deny they think these things, but some of their allies betray them by being honest.

More honesty would be better. Then we could have an open conversation.

That's my entire point. But sadly, these animals know they would be slaughtered in an election if they were honest about who they are and what they stand for.

Why do you think Obama had to lie about everything - from his background, to his beliefs, to even who his friends were?!? Because he's not interested in the democratic election process nor is he interested in representing Americans. He's a typical power-hungry Dumbocrat who feels entitled to "fundamentally change" (direct quote) change America against the will of the people.
The goals of Marxism? Yes. The rhetoric of Marxism? Yes. They just don't like the word. I'm not clear why.

You summed it up nicely Kaz (as you always do). It's funny how they are always so ashamed to admit what they stand for. They want people to be forced into redistributing all wealth, but they are "not" communists! :eusa_shifty:

Thanks Rottweiler. People can call me anything they want as long as it means I want limited government. I want small government. I do not want no government. I want limited government. I don't get why they object to the word which mostly advocates both their objectives and thinking.

I suspect because deep down, they know it's wrong. And that kind of inner turmoil/conflict would also explain all of the anger and hatred from that side of the aisle.

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