The democrats are actually blaming Donald Trump immigration policy for the amount of illegals entering country. Even nbc wont allow them to get away..


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

In the classic, always blame others for that which you are guilty, the homosexual Pete Butigege (whatever his name is) trying to actually blame PRESIDENT TRUMP for the pathetic biden and pathetic democrats open border policy. Oh, it will work on their regular monkeys who hang on every word of the government.

Not even nbc is letting them get away with it though. At least not this guy.
In the classic, always blame others for that which you are guilty, the homosexual Pete Butigege (whatever his name is) trying to actually blame PRESIDENT TRUMP for the pathetic biden and pathetic democrats open border policy. Oh, it will work on their regular monkeys who hang on every word of the government.

We don't have an open border policy.
We have a border policy with unworkable laws that Trump violated, just kicking the can down the road for a few years.
They weren't. Border crossing INCREASED under Trump compared to Obama.
lies .. even though border crossings were at a near 50 yr low it still wasnt good enough for Trump who wanted 0 illegal crossings !

We don't have an open border policy.
We have a border policy with unworkable laws that Trump violated, just kicking the can down the road for a few years.

We need links to the specific laws that explains what trump violated and how it lead to our border issues.

So please provide the evidence showing our current border problems are Trump's and how the current administration is incapable of solving the problem.

"Because I said so" doesn't mean anything.
lies .. even though border crossings were at a near 50 yr low it still wasnt good enough for Trump who wanted 0 illegal crossings !

I have nearly all of them on ignore except for about 2. I just want to get some idea of what bullshit they're being taught by the globalist media, hollywood and their pathetic useful idiotic professors and moronic so called "civil rights" leaders.

Watch that parable. Basically you're peeing up flagpole arguing with them. Especially that one.
It's always the same with these shameless crooks.

Create a problem, deny it exists, then later blame it on the opposition.

Remember when inflation was "transitory"?

Well before that, it didn't exist.


It exists, and it's no longer "transitory", but it's the result of corporations.

Or something.

It would be hilarious if it wasn't so deleterious to the public discourse.

And our wallets.
lies .. even though border crossings were at a near 50 yr low it still wasnt good enough for Trump who wanted 0 illegal crossings !

Except his policies did exactly the opposite. By threatening to build a wall, people rushed the border.

So illegal crossings increased under Trump, at least until Covid hit and people weren't keen to come into a country wrecked by plague, riots and unemployment.

Once Biden fixed THOSE problem, they started coming back.
lies .. even though border crossings were at a near 50 yr low it still wasnt good enough for Trump who wanted 0 illegal crossings !

Nearly half of the months in question were part of Obama's term according to your article. (Fiscal year 2017).

We can see shortly after a spike in immigration under Trump.

Much higher then Obama.

They're actually trying to say it's Trump's fault. Can you believe what losers they are?

In the classic, always blame others for that which you are guilty, the homosexual Pete Butigege (whatever his name is) trying to actually blame PRESIDENT TRUMP for the pathetic biden and pathetic democrats open border policy. Oh, it will work on their regular monkeys who hang on every word of the government.

Not even nbc is letting them get away with it though. At least not this guy.

Dems are blatant liars with no shame. In related news CNN refused to air an ad that blamed Biden for Laken Riley's death by a Biden rapist/murderer.
We don't have an open border policy.
We have a border policy with unworkable laws that Trump violated, just kicking the can down the road for a few years.

^^^ totally clueless. "I Blame Trump" is the script they're told to read from.

"We don't have an open border policy. Those illegals walking across the border are just a figment of your imagination".
What else in new?

The Democrats have always lied, denied or blamed somebody else for their failures.

Just think of how much of an idiot you would have to be to believe that horseshit.

They let over nine million of the low life welfare queens flood into the country after doing away with Trump polices that sealed the border. Now they find out that Potatohead's approval rate is in the gutter and one of the main reasons is his open border policy. So what do the dishonest assholes do? They blame Trump. It is like something out of a Benny Hill skit.
Except his policies did exactly the opposite. By threatening to build a wall, people rushed the border.

So illegal crossings increased under Trump, at least until Covid hit and people weren't keen to come into a country wrecked by plague, riots and unemployment.

Once Biden fixed THOSE problem, they started coming back.
You dumbass Moon Bat.

Trump sealed the border the best it could be and the day after Potatohead assumed office (after stealing the election) he undid all of Trump policies and nine million of the goddamn low life shitheads flooded in. They were lined up several thousand deep to get in when Potatohead opened the gates.

Really stupid idiots like you that are confused about everything have trouble with comprehending the damage that Potatohead is doing to the country but much of the American people know. Potatoheads's approval rating is in the gutter and one of the main the reasons cited is his open border policy.
Except his policies did exactly the opposite. By threatening to build a wall, people rushed the border.

So illegal crossings increased under Trump, at least until Covid hit and people weren't keen to come into a country wrecked by plague, riots and unemployment.

Once Biden fixed THOSE problem, they started coming back.

Except that's not true. Building the border wall was a reaction to illegals crashing the border.

Illegal's crashing the border accelerated under Biden because he asked the illegals to surge. The enticement of free healthcare, free phones, free money, free housing was a draw.

The suggestion that Biden would big payouts to illegals in connection with family separations was a huge encouragement


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