The democrat party racism, violence and anti-semitism on display across the U.S. Why do people still vote for this party?

It's really hard to imagine how society would react if a real insurrection actually occurred.

True insurrection would involve millions of armed people with a legitimate gripe. Not some small group of political pawns who have been tailored and manicured by the shenanigans of the talking heads in cable news entertainment programming and doing precisely what they were led into doing like it was some sort of exhibitionist game.

Then what. Besides for realz shitting your pants, I mean.
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The high school graduation rate in the U.S. was 88% for the 2018-2019 academic year – holding steady with the previous year's average. State graduation rates ranged from an average of 75% to 94%, according to data reported by 17,618 ranked schools in the 2021 U.S. News Best High Schools rankings.

Now who's joking?

What’s sad is you believe you’ve made a point here.
The better question, why support a party? both major party's work for $$$ & there own reelection.
That's a lie. You know it's a lie and the American people know it's a lie. I agree that overall the left engages in more political violence than the right, but you guys lost the moral high ground on that front on January 6th.

No...we didn't.....the democrat press has lied about Jan. 6, and pelosi and the others intended for their blm and antifa thugs to do what they did, which is why she turned down more help........they knew their thugs were going to create a problem...
So? Can't help it that this is truth.
As the result of discrimination from the GOP. We have had now 30 to 40 years straight of GOP giveaway to the rich and screw job for everyone else especially minorities of course as always. Pass cheap education and training and great infrastructure so this country can start moving again, away from inequality and crappy upward mobility for a change. And text the rich and giant corporations their fair share. The GOP is a lying cheating disgrace. Only the brainwash makes this and you possible.
Oh yeh, that orange man is a bad,bad man. My momma told me.
No president has ever lied or divided the country with bologna and hate in our history like him. Ask the Kurds. He left the Afghan government out of negotiations, promise the Taliban we were all leaving and that they could release the 5,000 terrorists from prison. This is not surprising at all after that.The worst thing that has ever happened to our country is Rupert Murdock and internet crazies lying about everything. You people are pathetic. The pandemic hoax the vaccine hoax the global warming ho ax the inequality hoax etc etc. Everything you know is wrong and hateful. Rupert Murdock is running your party more than Trump who is brainwashed too for all I know. He is certainly ignorant enough to fall for this crap. The Taliban has changed, hopefully enough, so far so good. Grabs you preferred a huge civil war and or America going back in. It's too bad we didn't have reporters covering the Kurds getting bombed all the hell thanks to the clown.
As the result of discrimination from the GOP. We have had now 30 to 40 years straight of GOP giveaway to the rich and screw job for everyone else especially minorities of course as always. Pass cheap education and training and great infrastructure so this country can start moving again, away from inequality and crappy upward mobility for a change. And text the rich and giant corporations their fair share. The GOP is a lying cheating disgrace. Only the brainwash makes this and you possible.
Lies. The only group that has about 80% Welfare is blacks. Read "The Bell Curve". It tells WHY this is so.
Groups of left wing democrats attacked and beat Jewish Americans in various cities across the particular, New York. For the last year, democrat party members have been beating Asian Americans in our cities.....

The violence, racism and anti-semitism of the democrat party is not new.....they have been part of the democrat party since it's founding by slave owners....

Why do people still vote for this violent, racist, anti-semitic political party, in particular, why do Asians, and Jews vote for this the same time, as Blacks in this country suffer generational poverty and crime in cities controlled by the democrat party for decades, in some cases 100 years, why do they still vote for this party....

Jews were attacked in a heavily Jewish business district in New York City on Thursday night following the announcement of a ceasefire in the Middle East between Israel and Palestinian terrorists.

“The fight in New York City occurred around the same time as a pro-Israel demonstration on Thursday in New York City that also attracted pro-Palestinian counter-protesters,” The Times of Israel reported. “It took place in the Diamond District, a midtown Manhattan street with many Jewish-owned businesses.”

Videos posted to social media showed extremists yelling “f***ing Zionist” and other similar profanities while holding a Palestinian flag, according to reports. A group of pro-Palestinian extremists, described by one man as “actual terrorists on the streets of New York City,” mobbed a restaurant and spit on patrons because they were Jewish, according to the same man.

Don't waste your time trying to figure out these slugs. unless you plan on hitting yourself over the head with a 68 ounce claw hammer receptively until gray matter covers the ceiling. I wouldn't even worry about it till they start offering 20 dollars bounty for their left ear.
Lies. The only group that has about 80% Welfare is blacks. Read "The Bell Curve". It tells WHY this is so.
Obviously the percentage is nothing like what you say. And I know or knew one of the two professors who wrote the bell curve, and he was such an academic he didn't take environment of the people into account whatsoever. Blacks are not stupid, they just get the worst education nutrition etc of anyone in the country. Because of discrimination from racists who we have plenty of. At least the Democrats fight racism by trying to help everyone. Tax the rich and invest in America and Americans again for God's sake.

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