The Democrat Candidate Field......

Dream scenario: 1st debate. They all walk out on stage, then the stage collapses. Hopefully it will be hosted by CNN and they are on the same stage.
Excluding the Trump Cult membership, all independent voters must acknowledge that the democrats are much MORE diverse, and portray a true reflection of our multi-ethnicity and embrace the tolerance for differences among who we are and who has really made America great.

The field has every minority represented....versus what the GOP has ever offered.

It may be way too early to guess who will have to fumigate the oval office in January 2021...BUT, we are certainly previewing the excellent CABINET that will help us eradicate these past years of bigotry, xenophobia, misogyny and corruption.
|No Muzzie candidates. You could try your dingbat Omar in 2024.
That's odd. You say Trump borrowed $1.4 Trillion, but yet he wasn't able to spend $8 billion for Our does that work in your world?

Simple.......Mr. fuckhead...........Even the spineless republicans in Congress would NOT sign off on a moronic whim to build a wall to Trump's ego..........Tax scams, however, GOPers LOVE.......

BTW, how;s that wall coming along paid with Mexican pesos..........LMAO

Paul Ryan, where is he now?

Excluding the Trump Cult membership, all independent voters must acknowledge that the democrats are much MORE diverse, and portray a true reflection of our multi-ethnicity and embrace the tolerance for differences among who we are and who has really made America great.

$1.4T by Trump isn't bad by comparison to Obama's $9T:

Fuckhead.........Obama was facing a RECESSION bordering on a full-fledged DEPRESSION with GWB's 750,000 NEW unemployment claims PER MONTH.......THAT necessitated huge borrowing.

Your idiot-in-chief borrowed ONLY to pay off his rich donors.....

Soon after the tax scam, Trump told his rich friends....."I JUST MADE YOU GUYS A LOT RICHER"...LMAO...............

Do you still think that voters are just as dumb as you are?

You can delude yourself all you want about which party manages the US economy better, but voters will decide for themselves in 2020. We'll see won't we? Think socialism will sell?
Think socialism will sell?

Lying to morons like you certainly "sold" in 2016.........LOL

Just watched Bernie's townhall on FXN. He's better than the FXN moderators. They have no grasp of the issues to combat Bernie's bullshit.
1. Medicare for all is Medicare for some. The health system is only so big. Waits will be long. Taxes will be insanely high.
2. Taxing corporations more will chase them overseas
3. The Green New Deal is moronic and unaffordable
4. Didn't discuss reparations, immigration/wall, Electoral College, infanticide, climate change, etc.

Bernie did very well against a FXN B-team.
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More jobs, fewer unemployed,

Yeah......for ignorant morons, THAT makes sense......

For folks with more than a half brain, the fact that Trump was "born on third base and sycophants think he hit a triple" the story is a bit different........

Did Obama lower the unemployment rate from 10.4% to 4.3% ?????.........................Yes or No? (careful there,are stats)

Did Trump lower the unemployment rate by a "whopping" HALF a percent???................Yes or No?

See, my Trump cultists.....FACTS have a way of kicking you in the teeth.........LMAO
Lol you are quit crazy. If 44 had done nothing the recession would have worked itself out faster then him meddling.
It is extremely easy to go from nothing to very little and looks good on paper. Harder to do when you start from higher up.

You were more then happy to let minorities go without jobs because it left them dependent on handouts.

44 was the most devisive force to ever be in a position of authority.
Funny that a supposed constitutional scholar wrote an EO that even he claimed might not have been constitutional. Guess it is easy to not care what you write if you don't care about the law of the land.
44 was the most devisive force to ever be in a position of authority.

...AND he was half-black.....a condition not tolerable to racist pigs...........It is a bit hard for red-necked posters to hide their "disposition," isn't it.............LOL
Excluding the Trump Cult membership, all independent voters must acknowledge that the democrats are much MORE diverse, and portray a true reflection of our multi-ethnicity and embrace the tolerance for differences among who we are and who has really made America great.

The field has every minority represented....versus what the GOP has ever offered.

It may be way too early to guess who will have to fumigate the oval office in January 2021...BUT, we are certainly previewing the excellent CABINET that will help us eradicate these past years of bigotry, xenophobia, misogyny and corruption.

Why do they even bother?, Hillary will just buy the DNC nomination again
all independent voters must acknowledge that the democrats are much MORE diverse, and portray a true reflection of our multi-ethnicity and embrace the tolerance for differences among who we are and who has really made America great.

Yes. But then again, most of us don't actually care because we're not racists.

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