The Delta Computer System Failure


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Tried doing a Poll but it wouldn't post more then 2 choices, so Opinions welcome.
1)Just typical Computer SYSTEM being unreliable -can't wait to see a hwy full of driverless cars based on not so full proof Computer Sytems.
2)Was a ruse to prevent an event and had to be kept a secret from the people to prevent panic and further disruptions
3)Was a Liberal Terrorist protest
4)Was an Islamic Terrorist response
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Granny says, "Dat's right...

... just as ya shouldn't text an' drive...

... neither should ya fly...

... an' operate a computer."
Tried doing a Poll but it wouldn't post more then 2 choices, so Opinions welcome.
1)Just typical Computer SYSTEM being unreliable -can't wait to see a hwy full of driverless cars based on not so full proof Computer Sytems.
2)Was a ruse to prevent an event and had to be kept a secret from the people to prevent panic and further disruptions
3)Was a Liberal Terrorist protest
4)Was an Islamic Terrorist response

Either 2 or a hack on the system just for fun
It is easy to shutdown computer programs the technology is availiable... Also if you or anyone was noticing about a month or so ago almost all aircraft carriers were in dock getting rewired from copper wires to fibre optic or so the talk goes because the Russians have the ability to turn off anything using copper for electrical conduit...I don't know how true this is but if it is then everything we have is vulnerable including our computer systems...Maybe they used Delta to test their ability to cope with a cyber attack after all they give stress tests to banks now to see how they will do under financial duress....
Was Hobelim changing the Copper to Brass?
Lol..... I was seriously thinking of posting that there but left it for you here.. I don't need to have Hobelim go on one of his rants and ruin a perfectly good discussion and topic.... Smiling...
Tried doing a Poll but it wouldn't post more then 2 choices, so Opinions welcome.
1)Just typical Computer SYSTEM being unreliable -can't wait to see a hwy full of driverless cars based on not so full proof Computer Sytems.
2)Was a ruse to prevent an event and had to be kept a secret from the people to prevent panic and further disruptions
3)Was a Liberal Terrorist protest
4)Was an Islamic Terrorist response

Either 2 or a hack on the system just for fun

Well 2 or hack might be right, since they still refuse to say what it was.

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