The death of the Libertarian Party

Men still do it. Now they are held accountable. That's my point. Laws reinforce social programming. Without the laws and without consequence we'd still be seeing a lot more of it just as we'd be seeing a lot more rape and murder if we did away with laws against those. All laws are dictates on social behavior.

Not all social behavior needs to be under the control of the Govt.
Men still do it. Now they are held accountable. That's my point. Laws reinforce social programming. Without the laws and without consequence we'd still be seeing a lot more of it just as we'd be seeing a lot more rape and murder if we did away with laws against those. All laws are dictates on social behavior.

One has to wonder, is it the laws against such things that keep you from doing them?
That's thing about dipshit Libertarians. Everything is an unjustified use of force except the things they want to use force for.
could you be more specific?

you mean zionism and forever wars? yes. libertarians seem to be neocons now.

is that what you mean?
Men still do it. Now they are held accountable. That's my point. Laws reinforce social programming. Without the laws and without consequence we'd still be seeing a lot more of it just as we'd be seeing a lot more rape and murder if we did away with laws against those. All laws are dictates on social behavior.
so what should happen to Dems for weaponizing government?
could you be more specific?

you mean zionism and forever wars? yes. libertarians seem to be neocons now.

is that what you mean?
No. That's not what I mean. In order for me to explain it to you you'd have to first understand what libertarian philosophy is. Or any philosophy is. You appear to be a moron with a confusing set of jumbled beliefs you've hobbled together from who knows what backwater corner of the internet.
so what should happen to Dems for weaponizing government?
Whatever opposition your frail frame can muster.
So, is that a yes or a no?
I already told you I think without laws against work place harassment, murder or rape that we'd see more of them. You're the one who feigned ignorance like a cowardly fucktard. Feel free to answer your own question at your own slight pace. I make allowances for the weak and feeble.
I already told you I think without laws against work place harassment, murder or rape that we'd see more of them.

Indeed we would.

You're the one who feigned ignorance like a cowardly fucktard.

I asked a simple question, is it those laws that keep you from doing such things.

A question that seemingly scared the living shit out of you to the point you could not even answer it
Indeed we would.

I asked a simple question, is it those laws that keep you from doing such things.

A question that seemingly scared the living shit out of you to the point you could not even answer it

I didn't even realize you were asking me specifically. I misread that. No it isn't any law preventing me from doing any of those things because I don't harass or murder or rape anyone, nor do I desire to, but you already conceded that we would see more of them without the law so this was what? Just a do you still beat your wife sort of question? :dunno:
No. That's not what I mean. In order for me to explain it to you you'd have to first understand what libertarian philosophy is. Or any philosophy is. You appear to be a moron with a confusing set of jumbled beliefs you've hobbled together from who knows what backwater corner of the internet.

Whatever opposition your frail frame can muster.

you asked for this.

assume the position.

brace for impact.
“Libertarians are some of the most independent and thoughtful thinkers in our Country, and I am honored to join them in Washington, DC, later this month,” Trump said in a statement issued Wednesday. “We must all work together to help advance freedom and liberty for every American, and a second Trump Administration will achieve that goal.”

He went on to make the case that, “If Libertarians join me and the Republican Party, where we have many Libertarian views, the election won’t even be close. We cannot have another four years of death, destruction, and incompetence. WE WILL WORK TOGETHER AND WIN!”
All aboard

trump train.jpg
Not sure at this point, was going to be the LP nominee, but that is unlikely.

My vote for POTUS will have no effect whatsoever. In my state I will join the 2.4 million people that do not vote for Biden, knowing our vote is wasted.
So close...and yet so far away.

I just watched Trumps speech at the LP convention. They should've thrown him out on his butt. What a load of libertarian BS. Saying he a libertarian. Saying he's against FISA. That he was pro 2A. Bragging about not starting any wars, without mentioning the fact that he didn't end one either.
I just watched Trumps speech at the LP convention. They should've thrown him out on his butt. What a load of libertarian BS. Saying he a libertarian. Saying he's against FISA. That he was pro 2A. Bragging about not starting any wars, without mentioning the fact that he didn't end one either.
I'm more curious about the audience reception. I can't bring myself to watch it, but I wonder - did they sit there and listen to that shit? I was gratified to hear that someone at the convention yesterday put forward a "motion for Trump to go fuck himself", with many cheering the act. But it wasn't clear if that was a small percentage of the attendees or what.

Did they challenge him at all?
I'm more curious about the audience reception. I can't bring myself to watch it, but I wonder - did they sit there and listen to that shit? I was gratified to hear that someone at the convention yesterday put forward a "motion for Trump to go fuck himself", with many cheering the act. But it wasn't clear if that was a small percentage of the attendees or what.

Did they challenge him at all?
I didn't tune in, but there was much booing on the clips that I have seen.

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