"The Dark Knight Rises" Is An Instant Conservative Classic


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220

Why Batman's "The Dark Knight Rises" Is An Instant Conservative Classic

By Jerry Bowyer

The third film in the Batman series is a direct polemical assault on the French Revolution and its political heirs, which includes Occupy Wall Street and perhaps Barack Obama. I would say that it is the exact opposite of so many revolutionary-wannabe films from Fight Club to V for Vendetta (which has provided the tell-tale Guy Fawkes masks to the Occupy movement), except that in order to be opposite, they must in some sense be comparable and DKR is far superior to the others artistically, commercially and philosophically.


This film shows no ideological sympathy for the Occupy Movement. Bane, the terrible villain of the film, literally occupies Wall Street, taking control of the trading floor of the stock exchange. Police are hesitant to deal with the problem partly based on class warfare complaints that it’s not their money at risk, but the money of the wealthy Wall Street guys. But a trader explains that it is indeed the cops’ money too: that it’s everybody’s money that is part of the financial system, including cops’ pensions.


How did things get so bad for Gotham? Partly it was a lack of profit. Bruce Wayne had become a recluse in his mansion, shrugging off the responsibility of running his company, and as his inner circle points out, where there are no profits there is no philanthropy. The Wayne Foundation ceased supporting the private religious program for at-risk motherless and fatherless youth who had aged out of the traditional government foster care system. The at-risk children became risky adults and became a feeder system for the army which Bane was gathering in the sewers beneath the city, literally chipping away at the foundations of the old order.


Why Batman's "The Dark Knight Rises" Is An Instant Conservative Classic - Forbes
Any time there is a story about good v. evil it's said to be a conservative classic. If you remember Dennis Prager's satire on Jimmy Carter protesting Lord of the Rings, it's the same thing.
'Dark Knight Rises' Connection To Occupy Wall Street Was 'Luck'

'We couldn't have planned that. It just sort of happened,' writer David S. Goyer says of the parallel between the movie and today's politics.

Jul 28 2012
By Kevin P. Sullivan


Many have pointed out an apparent parallel between the story of "The Dark Knight Rises" and the Occupy Wall Street Movement, but Goyer dismissed any similarities as coincidence. "It was just kind of luck that the themes we were dealing with in this film happened to coincide with the Occupy Wall Street, 99 percent thing," he said. "We couldn't have planned that. It just sort of happened. We try to make them as meaningful. Hopefully, they're sort of like a Greek myth that reflects back on what's happening in today's politics."

'Dark Knight Rises' Connection To Occupy Wall Street Was 'Luck' - Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV.com

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